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Message de felin posté le 01-10-2005 à 14:15:16 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Mercredi soir.

1 Verb: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, hold, set in, dress, turn

1. You're not properly............for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather.............until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather.....warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is.......for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather ..................

2 Adjectives: Complete these sentences with the above adjectives: hot, cold, dry, wet, glorious, unpredictable .

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly................
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in........ weather.
4. over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously.......... weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Good luck.

Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de magmatic_rock, postée le 01-10-2005 à 17:23:14 (S | E)
Coucou Félin,

1 Verb: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, hold, set in, dress, turn

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changingfor the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather setting in.

2 Adjectives: Complete these sentences with the above adjectives: hot, cold, dry, wet, glorious, unpredictable .

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such boiling hot weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly cold.
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Thanks a lot, I above all appreciate the vocabulary which I didn't necessarily know yet!

Edité par magmatic_rock le 01-10-2005 19:03

Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de aimen7, postée le 01-10-2005 à 18:39:39 (S | E)
Bonjour felin,
Contente de te retrouver ainsi que tes exercices très intéressants. Merci.

1 Verb: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, hold, set in, dress, turn

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather sets in.

2 Adjectives: Complete these sentences with the above adjectives: hot, cold, dry, wet, glorious, unpredictable .

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such boiling hot weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly cold.
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de grabuge, postée le 01-10-2005 à 19:55:52 (S | E)
Hello Felin

Je vais essayer...

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather sets in.

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly. cold
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet. weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de idem, postée le 03-10-2005 à 12:26:25 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin et tout le monde
Contente de te retrouver et as-tu passé de bonnes vacances

1 Verb: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, hold, set in, dress, turn

1. You're not properly.dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather.holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather.turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is.changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather .sets in.

2 Adjectives: Complete these sentences with the above adjectives: hot, cold, dry, wet, glorious, unpredictable .

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly.cold.
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery
4. over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously.unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Merci beaucoup pour l'exercice et le vocabulaire
Have a nice day

Edité par idem le 03-10-2005 15:10

Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de post-scriptum, postée le 03-10-2005 à 14:49:43 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather sets in.

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such boiling hot weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly cold.
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictible weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Avis de tempête dans un cerveau. Moiteur indescriptible sur le front. Chaleur dans le regard. J'ai beaucoup aimé cet exercice. Merci Felin. A bientôt.

Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de isa71, postée le 03-10-2005 à 22:34:11 (S | E)

Verb: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, hold, set in, dress, turn

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather

2 Adjectives: Complete these sentences with the above adjectives: hot, cold, dry, wet, glorious, unpredictable .

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such boiling hot weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly cold
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!


Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de fik, postée le 04-10-2005 à 13:50:56 (S | E)
Hi felin

1 Verb: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the above verbs: change, hold, set in, dress, turn

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather.holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather set in

2 Adjectives: Complete these sentences with the above adjectives: hot, cold, dry, wet, glorious, unpredictable .

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such boiling hot weather in Britain, but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly cold
3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of .glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

Merci felin et à bientôt


Réponse: Verb&Adjectives+weather de felin, postée le 05-10-2005 à 22:22:13 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction

1. You're not properly dressed for this sort of weather. Put a coat on!
2. If the fine weather holds until the weekend, we'll go camping.
3. After a cool bright day, the weather turned warm and thundery last night.
4. There’s a chill in the air. It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.
5. We'll need to paint the outside of the house before the cold weather sets in.

1. It's 35°C today. We don't usually have such boiling hot weather in Britain,
but the summers have become warmer in recent years.
2. Bring plenty of warm clothes with you. In January the weather is bitterly cold3. Be careful. The path down to the beach can be quite slippery in wet weather.
4. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year has led to a shortage of water.
5. My parents had two weeks of glorious weather, but it rained all the time here.
6. Scotland is a beautiful country, but it has notoriously unpredictable weather. It can be pouring with rain one minute and brilliant sunshine the next!

pour votre participation
Hi Post scriptum

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