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Pronoms possessifs
Message de moudounou posté le 09-10-2005 à 18:32:26 (S | E | F | I)

Salut tout le monde,
remplacez ce qui convient par des pronoms possessifs:
( petit rappel: pronoms possessifs = mine, yours, hers,...)

1. I think your suit is nicer than his suit.
2. Really, darling, don't you think this wedding is not as exciting as our wedding?
3. My friend Joan has met my mother-in-law, but I haven't met her mother-in-law.
4. Look, here is my nephew, where is your nephew ?
5. Really, your cousin is smarter than my cousin.
6. I like your house very much, but I prefer their house.
7. There is a little house in the street, and we pretend it is our house.
8. My parents and your parents are friends too.
9. Bob's hat is red and my hat is black.
10. The greyhound gnaws its bone. It is its bone, not its poodle's.

Correction dans une semaine à peu près.
Good luck! Moudounou.

Réponse: Pronoms possessifs de grabuge, postée le 09-10-2005 à 18:41:14 (S | E)
Hello Moudounou

1. I think your suit is nicer than his.
2. Really, darling, don't you think this wedding is not as exciting as ours ?
3. My friend Joan has met my mother-in-law, but I haven't met her's.
4. Look, here is my nephew, where is your ?
5. Really, your cousin is smarter than mine.
6. I like your house very much, but I prefer theirs.
7. There is a little house in the street, and we pretend it is ours.
8. My parents and yours are friends too.
9. Bob's hat is red and mine is black.
10. The greyhound gnaws its bone. It is its,not its poodle's.

Au hasard...

Réponse: Pronoms possessifs de post-scriptum, postée le 09-10-2005 à 20:57:58 (S | E)
Bonsoir Moudounou,

1. I think yours is nicer than his.
2. Really, darling, don't you think this wedding is not as exciting as ours?
3. My friend Joan has met my mother-in-law, but I haven't met hers.
4. Look, here is my nephew, where is yours?
5. Really, your cousin is smarter than mine.
6. I like yours very much, but I prefer theirs.
7. There is a little house in the street, and we pretend it is ours.
8. My parents and yours are friends too.
9. Bob's hat is red and mine is black.
10. The greyhound gnaws its bone. It is its, not its poodle's.

Merci, et à une autre fois.

Réponse: Pronoms possessifs de chris57, postée le 09-10-2005 à 23:33:08 (S | E)
Hello moudounou,

Je continue dans ma lancée du soir

1. I think your suit is nicer than his.
2. Really, darling, don't you think this wedding is not as exciting as ours?
3. My friend Joan has met my mother-in-law, but I haven't met hers.
4. Look, here is my nephew, where is yours ?
5. Really, your cousin is smarter than mine.
6. I like your house very much, but I prefer theirs.
7. There is a little house in the street, and we pretend it is ours.
8. My parents and yours are friends too.
9. Bob's hat is red and mine is black.
10. The greyhound gnaws its bone. It is its , not its poodle's.


See you soon

Réponse: Pronoms possessifs de lisa93, postée le 10-10-2005 à 10:49:21 (S | E)
1. I think your suit is nicer than his.
2. Really, darling, don't you think this wedding is not as exciting as ours ?
3. My friend Joan has met my mother-in-law, but I haven't met hers.
4. Look, here is my nephew, where is yours ?
5. Really, your cousin is smarter than mine.
6. I like your house very much, but I prefer theirs.
7. There is a little house in the street, and we pretend it is ours.
8. My parents and yours are friends too.
9. Bob's hat is red and mine is black.
10. The greyhound gnaws its bone. It is its, not its poodle's.

Have a nice day.


Réponse: Pronoms possessifs de moudounou, postée le 17-10-2005 à 17:21:52 (S | E)
Hello tout le monde , voici la correction comme promis:

1. I think your suit is nicer than his.
2. Really, darling, don't you think this wedding is not as exciting as ours ?
3. My friend Joan has met my mother-in-law, but I haven't met hers.
4. Look, here is my nephew, where is yours ?
5. Really, your cousin is smarter than mine.
6. I like your house very much, but I prefer theirs.
7. There is a little house in the street, and we pretend it is ours.
8. My parents and yours are friends too.
9. Bob's hat is red and mine is black.
10. The greyhound gnaws its bone. It is its own, not its poodle's.

Vous vous en êtes tous bien sortit, sauf à la dernière question. Quand il s'agit du possesseur neutre (its), on emploie its own.
Voilà, à la prochaine. Moudounou.

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