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Get and have got
Message de felin posté le 15-10-2005 à 19:41:03 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Mercredi soir 19/10/05

Get and have got

Match a first part (1-10) with a second part (A-J) to make correct sentences.

1 Why do I always get
2 I'm still in shock - I got
3 Is there anywhere I can get
4 My son's just popped out to get
5 In the sales, I got
6 He's in bed because he got
7 They finally got
8 How on earth are you going to get
9 Apart from a degree, he's got
10 Mr. Jones is still handsome though now he's got

A a good haircut?
B me some groceries.
C socks for Christmas?
D a shiny bald head.
E a cold off one of the kids at school.
F to the camp tired and hungry.
G a Diploma in Business Studies.
H such a surprise when I opened the door this morning.
I that piano down the stairs?
J a great CD player for less than £200

Good luck.

Réponse: Get and have got de carol, postée le 15-10-2005 à 20:47:32 (S | E)
1 Why do I always get socks for Christmas?
2 I'm still in shock - I got such a surprise when I opened the door this morning.
3 Is there anywhere I can get a good haircut?
4 My son's just popped out to get me some groceries.
5 In the sales, I got a great CD player for less than £200
6 He's in bed because he got a cold off one of the kids at school.
7 They finally got to the camp tired and hungry.
8 How on earth are you going to get that piano down the stairs?
9 Apart from a degree, he's got a Diploma in Business Studies.
10 Mr. Jones is still handsome though now he's got a shiny bald head.
I hope I didn't make too many mistakes
Edité par carol le 15-10-2005 20:47

Réponse: Get and have got de post-scriptum, postée le 16-10-2005 à 16:03:12 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde,

Bon, je vois que notre adorable Felin a mélangé les pièces de son puzzle...

1C Why do I always get socks for Christmas?
2H I'm still in shock - I got such a surprise when I opened the door this morning.
3A Is there anywhere I can get a good haircut?
4B My son's just popped out to get me some groceries.
5J In the sales, I got a great CD player for less than £200.
6E He's in bed because he got a cold off one of the kids at school.
7F They finally got to the camp tired and hungry.
8I How on earth are you going to get that piano down the stairs?
9G Apart from a degree, he's got a Diploma in Business Studies.
10D Mr. Jones is still handsome though now he's got a shiny bald head.

Merci felin, et à bientôt.

Réponse: Get and have got de cat3, postée le 16-10-2005 à 16:47:27 (S | E)
bonjour Felin

1 why do I always get socks for Christmas
2 I'm still in shock,I got such a surprise when I oppened the door this morning
3 Is there anywhere I can get a good haircut
4 My son's just popped out to get me some groceries
5 In the sales,I got a great CD player for less than £200
6 He's in bed because he got a cold off one of the kids at school
7 They finally got to the camp tired and hungry
8 How on earth are you going to get that piano down the stairs
9A part from a degree,he's got a Diploma in Business Studies
10 Mr Jones is still handsome though now he's got a shiny bald head

,Felin et bonne fin de soirée

Edité par cat3 le 16-10-2005 16:49

Réponse: Get and have got de isa71, postée le 16-10-2005 à 21:53:10 (S | E)

1 Why do I always get socks for Christmas?
2 I'm still in shock - I got such a surprise when I opened the door this morning.
3 Is there anywhere I can get a good haircut?
4 My son's just popped out to get me some groceries.
5 In the sales, I got a great CD player for less than £200.
6 He's in bed because he got a cold off one of the kids at school.
7 They finally got to the camp tired and hungry.
8 How on earth are you going to get that piano down the stairs?
9 Apart from a degree, he's got a Diploma in Business Studies.
10 Mr. Jones is still handsome though now he's got a shiny bald head.


Réponse: Get and have got de oldman, postée le 17-10-2005 à 14:54:37 (S | E)
Hello felin,

1. Why do I always get socks for Christmas?
2. I'm still in shock - I got such a surprise when I opened the door this morning.
3. Is there anywhere I can get a good haircut?
4. My son's just popped out to get me some groceries.
5. In the sales, I got a great CD player for less than £200.
6. He's in bed because he got a cold off one of the kids at school.
7. They finally got to the camp tired and hungry.
8. How on earth are you going to get that piano down the stairs?
9. Apart from a degree, he's got a Diploma in Business Studies.
10. Mr. Jones is still handsome though now he's got a shiny bald head.

Best wishes.

Réponse: Get and have got de felin, postée le 21-10-2005 à 19:51:59 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Excusez moi je ne vous ai pas donne la correction car j'avais completement oublie I'm so sorry about that.

Voici la correction:

1 Why do I always get C socks for Christmas?2 I'm still in shock - I got H such a surprise when I opened the door this morning.
3 Is there anywhere I can get A a good haircut?4 My son's just popped out to get B me some groceries.
5 In the sales, I got J a great CD player for less than £200.
6 He's in bed because he got E a cold off one of the kids at school.
7 They finally got F to the camp tired and hungry.
8 How on earth are you going to get I that piano down the stairs?
9 Apart from a degree, he's got G a Diploma in Business Studies.
10 Mr. Jones is still handsome though now he's got D a shiny bald head.

pour votre participation.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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