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Message de pascaline posté le 16-10-2005 à 20:24:20 (S | E | F | I)


Mettre la préposition manquante dans chaque phrase.

1 - I've known him ------ twelve years now.
a) - for
b) - since
c) - in

2 - I must be home ------11.30 at the latest.
a) - on
b) - by
c) - after

3 - We're really looking forward ------ seeing you next weekend.
a) - for
b) - at
c) - to

4 - What are you doing ------ three and four this afternoon?
a) - during
b) - between
c) - before

5 - I haven't seen John ------ he got married.
a) - until
b) - since
c) - before

6 - What time do you usually get up ------the mornings?
a) - on
b) - at
c) - in


Edité par pascaline le 16-10-2005 20:25

Réponse: Prépositions de grabuge, postée le 16-10-2005 à 20:34:22 (S | E)
Hello Pascaline

1 - I've known him since twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward for seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John until he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

Ah la la, ces prépositions, pas facile !!!

Réponse: Prépositions de post-scriptum, postée le 16-10-2005 à 21:48:47 (S | E)
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous,

1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
2 - I must be home at 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward for seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

Merci, et à bientôt.

Réponse: Prépositions de felin, postée le 16-10-2005 à 22:12:04 (S | E)
Bonsoir Pascaline

1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?


Réponse: Prépositions de aimen7, postée le 17-10-2005 à 08:17:13 (S | E)
Hello pascaline,
1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
a) - for
b) - since
c) - in

2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
a) - on
b) - by
c) - after

3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
a) - for
b) - at
c) - to

4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
a) - during
b) - between
c) - before

5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
a) - until
b) - since
c) - before

6 - What time do you usually get in the mornings?
a) - on
b) - at
c) - in
Thank you!

Edité par aimen7 le 17-10-2005 08:17

Réponse: Prépositions de oldman, postée le 17-10-2005 à 10:28:49 (S | E)
Hello Pascaline,

1- I've known him for twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

Best wishes.

Réponse: Prépositions de cat3, postée le 17-10-2005 à 11:22:18 (S | E)
Bonjour Pascaline

-I've know him for twelve years
I must be home by 11h30 at the latest now
-We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend
-what are you doing between three and four this afternoon
I haven't seen John since he got married
-What time do you usually get up in the morning

Réponse: Prépositions de lyne, postée le 17-10-2005 à 12:13:33 (S | E)
Bonjour pascaline et merci.

1 - I've known him since twelve years now.
2 - I must be home after 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

Réponse: Prépositions de idem, postée le 17-10-2005 à 15:10:11 (S | E)
bonjour Pascaline et tout le monde

1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon ?

5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

Merci pour cet exercice
Have a nice day

Réponse: Prépositions de hammouk, postée le 17-10-2005 à 15:34:22 (S | E)
Mettre la préposition manquante dans chaque phrase.

1 - I've known him since twelve years now.

2 - I must be home on 11.30 at the latest.

3 - We're really looking forward for seeing you next weekend.

4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?

5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.

6 - What time do you usually get up on the mornings?

Réponse: Prépositions de carol, postée le 17-10-2005 à 18:23:39 (S | E)
Hello Pascaline

1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the morning?

Here you are!

Edité par carol le 17-10-2005 18:25

Edité par carol le 17-10-2005 18:26

Réponse: Prépositions de isa71, postée le 17-10-2005 à 21:21:26 (S | E)

1 - I've known him since twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?


Réponse: Prépositions de pascaline, postée le 18-10-2005 à 07:02:52 (S | E)

Voici la correction:

1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
3 - We're really looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
6 - What time do you usually get up in the mornings?

Une explication pour la première phrase.

FOR si le complément de temps est une durée.

I've been writing to you for three months.
Je t'écris depuis trois mois

SINCE si le complément de temps est une date ou une préposition (c'est à dire un groupe sujet + verbe).

I've been writing to you since January
Je t'écris depuis Janvier
I've been writing to you since you left
Je t'écris depuis que tu es parti.

Merci pour votre participation.


Réponse: Prépositions de arbre, postée le 18-10-2005 à 12:16:06 (S | E)
Mettre la préposition manquante dans chaque phrase.

1 - I've known him for twelve years now.
a) - for
b) - since
c) - in

2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
a) - on
b) - by
c) - after

3 - We're really looking forward for seeing you next weekend.
a) - for
b) - at
c) - to

4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
a) - during
b) - between
c) - before

5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
a) - until
b) - since
c) - before

6 - What time do you usually get up up the mornings?
a) - on
b) - at
c) - in


Réponse: Prépositions de pascaline, postée le 18-10-2005 à 14:00:26 (S | E)
Hello arbre,

J'ai déjà donné la correction.
Tu as juste la phrase 3 à revoir. To look forward to



Réponse: Prépositions de zouaoui, postée le 18-10-2005 à 18:04:45 (S | E)
Mettre la préposition manquante dans chaque phrase.

1 - I've known him since twelve years now.
a) - for
b) - since
c) - in

2 - I must be home by 11.30 at the latest.
a) - on
b) - by
c) - after

3 - We're really looking forward for seeing you next weekend.
a) - for
b) - at
c) - to

4 - What are you doing between three and four this afternoon?
a) - during
b) - between
c) - before

5 - I haven't seen John since he got married.
a) - until
b) - since
c) - before

6 - What time do you usually get up at the mornings?
a) - on
b) - at
c) - in

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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