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Arrivée à Hong Kong (correction)
Message de diabless_06 posté le 24-10-2005 à 22:11:29 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai besoin que vous m'aidiez à corriger ma rédaction ... J'ai fait court pour limiter le nombre de fautes car je sais je suis en terminale et j'ai un niveau en anglais très bas .. Mais bon l'anglais en Scientifique on en a pas spécialement besoin .. Merci de votre patience je vous mets mon ébauche en (anglais -français ) et ma rédaction en anglais.. Merci beaucoup

sujet :

Once arrived in Hong Kong, the narrator tells Rose about the incident and his personal feelings.Rose reacts and doesn't agree with his indifferent attitude. Write out the dialogue.

ébauche :
Once arrived in Hong Kong…

- Pourquoi est-tu en retard mon chéri ? dit Rose
- But there was a problem on the plane. A serious problem. A man – this middle-aged executive sitting across the aisle from me suddenly became short of breath. The men needed a hospital and so our flight diverted to Copenhagen. A cause de ce vieux on n’a perdu quatre heures de notre temps. Il a fallut attendre dans l’avion ; on ne pouvait pas en sortir. I hated that sick man ; j’avais faim et envie de te voir. Il aurait même pu mourir ce vieux de toute façon moi je n’est rien fait pour empêcher cela… Il n’a plus énormément à vivre s’il faut il serait descendu de l’avion il se serait fait écraser par une voiture. Ca aurait été peut-être plus radical. J’aurais pas perdu mon temps moi…

Indignée, Rose lui coupa la parole…
- Mais tu es répugnant un homme sans cœur !
- Je ne le connais pas ce vieux ! répondit le narrateur
- Tu te rends compte que tu as été indifférent à un homme qui était à côté de toi en train de mourir. Avec toutes ces années, la vie ne t’a donc rien appris ! Il faut toujours aider les personnes en détresse… Tes idées m’indiffèrent, je ne comprends pas comment un homme peut réagir de cette façon. Maintenant, ce n’est pas seulement quatre heures que tu as perdu mais peut-être bien la femme de ta vie. Oui, je te quitte, je ne pourrais pas supporter que le père de mes futurs enfants puisse réagir de cette manière et les éduquer comme tel.
- Mais ma puce, je peux changer c’est sous le coup de la colère que j’ai réagi comme cela... rétorqua le narrateur
- Les gens ne changent pas c’est ce que l’on fait ou ce que l’on dit qui nous montre leur vrai personnalité … Adieu !

Rédaction anglais :

Once arrived in Hong Kong…
- Why are you late my darling? known as Rose
- But there was a problèm on the plane. A serious problem. A man – this middle-aged executive sitting across the aisle from me suddenly became short of breath. The men needed a hospital and so our flight diverted to Copenhagen. Because of this old man one has losed four hours of my time. It was necessary to wait on the plane; one could not leave. I hated that sick man ; I’m hungry and to see you. He could even have died this old man in any event me I anything is not made to prevent that… He does not have enormously to live if it is necessary he would be descended from the plane he would have been made crush by a car. This would have been perhaps more radical. I would not have lost my time me...

Made indignant, Rose cut the word to him...
- But you are feeling reluctant a man without heart!
- I do not know this old man! answered the narrator
- You realize that you were indifferent to a man across the aisle from you. With all these years, the life thus anything learned you! It is always necessary to help the people in distress... Your ideas indiffèrent me, I do not understand how a man can react in this way. Now, they are not only four hours that you lost but perhaps well the woman of your life. . Yes, I leave you, I could not support that the father of my future children can react in this manner and to educate them like such.
- But my baby love, I can change it is under the blow of anger that I reacted like that... answered the narrator.
- People do not change it is only one makes or what one says who shows us their true personality... Good-bye!
Edité par bridg le 24-10-2005 22:14

Réponse: Arrivée à Hong Kong (correction) de aimen7, postée le 25-10-2005 à 09:53:06 (S | E)
Hello diabless,
Once arrived in Hong Kong…
- Why are you late my darling? asked Rose.
- There was a problem on the plane. A serious problem. A man – that old executive sitting in the aisle near me went suddenly short of breath. He had to be taken to hospital so our flight headed for Copenhagen. Because of this old man we have lost four hours. We were forced to wait on the plane; we could not leave. I hated that sick man ; I was hungry and wanted to see you. He could even have died that old man, anyway I wouldn't have done anything to prevent that… He hasn't got much time to live after all. He could have got out of the plane and be run over. This would have been perhaps more radical. I would not have lost my time...

Full of indignation, Rose cut him short...
- But you are so disgusting and heartless!
- I do not know this old man! answered the narrator.
- You realize that you were indifferent to a dying man sitting next to you! After all these years, life hasn't taught you anything! It is a duty to help people in distress... Your ideas don't matter me, I do not understand how a man can react this way. Now, you haven't lost only four hours time but maybe more than that, I mean the woman of your life. . Yes, I leave you alone, I can't stand the idea that the father of my children-to-be act so selfishly and give them such an education.
- But my baby love, I can change, it was under the blow of anger that I reacted that way... answered the narrator.
- People do not change. Their true personality is seen through their words and actions...Good-bye!

Réponse: Arrivée à Hong Kong (correction) de diabless_06, postée le 25-10-2005 à 09:55:23 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide ... c'est très gentil à vous...

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