Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
mon texte est il compréhensible ?
Message de carolyne0674 posté le 28-10-2005 à 20:39:06 (S | E | F | I)
Je dois faire un compte rendu d'un texte et je voulais savoir s'il était compréhensible ! Je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais donc j'ai vraiment du mal ! Je ne vous demande pas de me le corriger (il y aurait sûrement trop à dire) mais je veux juste savoir s'il est à peu près correct !
Merci d'avance
This article, which is an extract from the web site Reuters was published in 2001. It was written by Ian Geoghehan. It deals with an European Union Summit in Sweden.
First, I will explain the goal of this Summit and in a second part, I will describ the decisions that have been taken.
During this summit, the leader's EU raised the question of economy. The EU economy must cope with the economy from US.
They'll try to boost global economy for to fight against US productivity. The economy must to be more competitive. That's why EU economy must succeed in winning a bigger market share.
The leaders putted the emphasis on the importance of the peace efforts in the world. So, thez decided to send Swedish Prime Minister to struggle against war.
The security is an another important aspect of this summit. Nowadays, the infectious diseases appear. The leaders want to protect the countries against this scourges.
To sum up, we can say that european Summit is important for the future. Europe wants to win a new markets and to be more competitive
Message de carolyne0674 posté le 28-10-2005 à 20:39:06 (S | E | F | I)
Je dois faire un compte rendu d'un texte et je voulais savoir s'il était compréhensible ! Je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais donc j'ai vraiment du mal ! Je ne vous demande pas de me le corriger (il y aurait sûrement trop à dire) mais je veux juste savoir s'il est à peu près correct !
Merci d'avance
This article, which is an extract from the web site Reuters was published in 2001. It was written by Ian Geoghehan. It deals with an European Union Summit in Sweden.
First, I will explain the goal of this Summit and in a second part, I will describ the decisions that have been taken.
During this summit, the leader's EU raised the question of economy. The EU economy must cope with the economy from US.
They'll try to boost global economy for to fight against US productivity. The economy must to be more competitive. That's why EU economy must succeed in winning a bigger market share.
The leaders putted the emphasis on the importance of the peace efforts in the world. So, thez decided to send Swedish Prime Minister to struggle against war.
The security is an another important aspect of this summit. Nowadays, the infectious diseases appear. The leaders want to protect the countries against this scourges.
To sum up, we can say that european Summit is important for the future. Europe wants to win a new markets and to be more competitive
Réponse: mon texte est il compréhensible ? de jean31, postée le 28-10-2005 à 21:13:40 (S | E)
J'ai commencé à te lire attentivement en me disant, tiens voici quelqu'un qui maîtrise l'anglais. Et puis, patatras !
Malgré ta demande, je n'ai pas pu résister au plaisir de te signaler quelques fautes... (en majuscules)
A European ...
... describE ...
... the EU leaders ... (un nom composé, pas de cas possessif)
... from THE US.
... global economy TO fight ...
... must (0) be more competitive.(base verbale après un modal)
The leaders PUT ... (c'est un prétérit irrégulier !)
... on the importance of (0) peace efforts ...
So they decided to send THE Swedish Prime Minister ... (il est forcément défini !)
(0) Security is another ...
... (0) infectious diseases ...
... against thESE scourges.
... A European Summit ...
... to win (0) new markets and (0) be ...
NB : Attention, en particulier, à l'emploi abusif de l'article "The".
Bonne chance.
Réponse: mon texte est il compréhensible ? de to-be-free, postée le 29-10-2005 à 17:56:58 (S | E)
So, thez decided to send ... --> So, they decided to send...
Attention aux fautes de frappe . Bonne continuation.