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correction de mon anglais/urgent
Message de parisob posté le 03-11-2005 à 09:49:56 (S | E | F | I)

Je passe cette après-midi sur ce passage en anglais.
J'aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige s'il vous plaît.
J'espère que ce message sera lu très vite
Merci de votre aide.

In our economies, capitalism became less and less patrimonial, to take a character more and more managerial. This change is at the origin of the reflexion on the control and the capacity on the large companies, and the corporate governance. This reflexion initiated by the shareholders of the company, who wanted to make sure that the leaders direct the company conformément has their interests. The problems of the Governorship of company are recent, the first lawful texts are 10 years old.
Initially we will present the economic theories which melt this concept of governorship of company, then in a second part, it is a recall historic important moment. And in a last part one will be interested in the French case. How and why, the debate to gain our companies ?

A simple question opens the debate : who really manage the company ? the corporate governance’s notion has knonw, through time, a great evolution. XXX, the XXX and XXXs’ scandals were the driving force of this corporate governance.
Even the the french companies should take into consideration this new obligation and incorporate the governance’s rules into their organisation. The Modern actionaries have never been more concerned by their companies’ management.

Other people that cercles the firm, like the stakeholders, had gave a new sens to the management problematic in the companies. The notion overtakes the relation managers/investors, and comprise all the concerned parties ( Banks, , providers, employees, public authorities.
Edité par bridg le 03-11-2005 10:03
Ne postez jamais dans l'urgence, vous vous exposez à ne pas pouvoir avoir de réponse dans les délais demandés. Merci également de penser aux formules d'usage.
Retrait du nom des compagnies citées.

Réponse: correction de mon anglais/urgent de babyscot59, postée le 03-11-2005 à 10:17:00 (S | E)
In our economies, capitalism has become less and less patrimonial, to take a more managerial aspect.This change is at the origin of the reflexion on the control and the capacity on the large companies, and the corporate governance. This reflexion initiated by the shareholders of the company, who wanted to make sure that the leaders direct the company in adequation with their interests. The problems of the Governorship of company are recent, the first lawful texts are 10 years old.
Initially we will present the economic theories which melt this concept of governorship of company, then in a second part, it is a recall historic important moment. And in a last part one will be interested in the French case. How and why, the debate to gain our companies ?

A simple question opens the debate : who really manages the company ? the corporate governance’s notion has experienced, through time, a great evolution. XXX, the XXX and XXXs’ scandals were the driving force of this corporate governance.
Even the the french companies should take into consideration this new obligation and incorporate the governance’s rules into their organisation. The Modern actionaries have never been more concerned by their companies’ management.

Other people that cercles the firm, like the shareholders, have given a new sense to the management problematic in the companies. The notion overtakes the relation managers/investors, and comprise all the concerned parties ( Banks, , providers, employees, public authorities.

voili, voilou

Réponse: correction de mon anglais/urgent de ParisOB, postée le 03-11-2005 à 10:41:03 (S | E)
Et 1000 merci, gentil inconnu.
Tu as sauvé ma tête. je peux préparer mon oral sereinement.
for mi for me formidable ce site, very very very véritable (voila mon humeur)
Edité par bridg le 03-11-2005 10:45

Réponse: correction de mon anglais/urgent de ruofei, postée le 04-11-2005 à 04:33:30 (S | E)
Bonjour parisob.

il y a encore quelques petites choses qui demandent correction, je pense.

In our modern economies, capitalism has become less and less patrimonial and has acquired a more managerial aspect.This change is at the origin of the reflexion on the control and the capacity oof the large companies, and the corporate governance . This reflexion initiated/launched by the shareholders of the company (quelle entreprise?), who wanted to make sure that the leaders ran/ would run the company in adequation with their interests. The problems of the Governorship of company are recent, the first lawful texts are only 10 years old.

Initially In a first part, we are going to present/introduce the economic theories which melt deal withthis concept of governorship of company, then in a second part, it is a recall historic important moment . And in a last part, one will be interested in the French case. How and why, the debate to gain our companies ?

A simple question opens the debate : who does really manages the company ? the corporate governance’s notion has experienced, through/ over time, a great evolution. XXX, the XXX and XXXs’ scandals were the driving force of this corporate governance.
Even the the french companies should take into consideration this new obligation into consideration and should also incorporate the governance’s rules into their organisation. The modern ??/present-day actionaries have never been more concerned by their companies’ management.

Other people who cercles the firm, like/such as the shareholders, have given a new sense/meaning to the management problematic management of in the companies. The notion overtakes the relation managers/investors, and compriseS all the concerned parties ( Banks, , providers, employees, public authorities.

... Il y a quelques phrases dont le sens est difficile a cerner.

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