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Wearable computer implanted (correction)
Message de francois15 posté le 08-11-2005 à 19:41:46 (S | E | F | I)


I have a test to do at home (a personel expression). And I think(s), it's the good moment to increase my English average .

The subject is : Would you accept to have a wearable computer implanted in your body ? ( a wearable computer is a implant )

I thinks there is different thinks who permit to be for or against the wearable computers.
I would like to not have a wearable.
First of all, I think it's not healthy to wear components in the body, it's harmful (like cellphone). Then, if there are problems pn the system, it could bring diseases and you must be operated, so a wearable could be many source of problems.
I would like perhaps to have a wearable but when I'll be old.
First of all, I think it's a good think for old people who drive, since it prevents the others when you are making a fentness so it avoid many accidents. Then, it could be good when you are tired or not very mobile because it could make you a cup of tea .....
However, I think, it's not necessary to have it wear you are young because we can move (we don't need assistance) and normally, we don't havecardiac problems.
So, as for me, a wearable computer is mainly interesting for handiccaped or old people.

Can you correct my expression please ? And if you went, you can bring idea to supplement.

Thank you for your help !

Edité par bridg le 08-11-2005 20:13

Réponse: Wearable computer implanted (correction) de jardin62, postée le 08-11-2005 à 20:36:52 (S | E)

I think there are different possible opinions as far as wearable computers are concerned.
I personally would not like to wear one.
First of all, I would fear for my health : is it safe to wear a component in your body ? Isn't it as harmful as a cellphone ?
Then, if the system has a problem it could be responsible for an infection and you should have to be operated on.
Let me say that a wearable is a source of difficulties and anxiety...

On the other hand, perhaps I'll need one when I am old.
It can be a good device for old people when they drive since it warns the others that you are feeling bad and about to faint. Then, it's easy of course to understand that an accident can be avoided !

Do you know that it could make you a good cup of tea ? How delightful when you are tired ! How useful when you are handicapped !

Nevertheless, I don't think it is necessary to have that sort of thing when you are young and fit !
A young person is supposed to be able to move and shouldn't suffer from heart problems.

So, as for me, a wearable computer should mainly interests old people or handicapped people.

Réponse: Wearable computer implanted (correction) de jim91, postée le 08-11-2005 à 23:08:57 (S | E)
I would say for your homework that you didn't think to the liberty to go where you want.
We are followed step-by-step with our credit cards, our health cards and our mobile phone.
Many files already know all our habits, what we eat, how we are dressed, what our entertainments are, where we go on holidays, where we work and perhaps our political, union and religious membership.
Why we should say with a wearable computer implanted where we're standing all the time?
Let us think we have still a little of liberty!

Réponse: Wearable computer implanted (correction) de to-be-free, postée le 09-11-2005 à 02:43:32 (S | E)
Wearing this doodad what you call wearable computer is merely a gizmo which makes me rather laugh. It’s as if human body needs to be more perfected than it already is. But, it’s a stupidity furthermore. From time to time, here must be strange thing like this one to make us thinking about chicken and egg problems. The modern medicine technology treats diseases and helps people to be in good fit. But that hasn’t to keep us from living naturally and quietly without engines and machines implanted inside ours bodies like robots. Everybody lives for a certain while such as he is and one day will certainly die.
See you

Réponse: Wearable computer implanted (correction) de francois15, postée le 09-11-2005 à 14:23:11 (S | E)
thank you very much for your answer

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