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tableau Monet/ Correction
Message de dupaysfafa posté le 12-11-2005 à 23:14:38 (S | E | F | I)

tout d'abord je peux vous dire que je trouve votre site vraiment génial.
Aujourd'hui j'ai fait une description d'un tableau de Monet en anglais et j'aimerai s'il vous plait que quelqu'un me le corrige ou me l'arrange.
CE serait vraiment très sympa.
The painter of this picture is Claude Monet. He was born in 1840 and died in 1926.
The title of this picture is “Terrace of sainte adresse” he was painted in 1867. The picture is now at New York to the metropolitan museum. The picture is a landscape of the last century.

In the foreground there is a scene with the light, the colours, the flowers, with the nature … It is joyfull!
In the middle ground, and in the background there is the sea and the sky with the pollution … It is a sad ant dark place.
I don’t like very much this painting because I like modern painting and this one is ancient
Merci !

Edité par emy64 le 12-11-2005 23:30

Réponse: tableau Monet/ Correction de alexgowes, postée le 13-11-2005 à 03:21:09 (S | E)
The painter of this picture is Claude Monet. He was born in 1840 and died in 1926.
The title of this picture is “Terrace of Sainte Adresse” he and it was painted in 1867. The picture is now at in New York to at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The picture is a landscape of the last century.

In the foreground there is a scene with the light, the colours, the flowers, with and the nature … It is joyful!
In the middle ground, and in the background there is are the sea and the sky with the pollution … It is a sad and dark place.
I don’t like very much this painting very much because I like modern painting and this one is ancient.

(In my opinion, there is a little smoke in the background. "Pollution" seems too strong to describe it) Lien Internet

Réponse: Tableau de monet de dupaysfafa, postée le 13-11-2005 à 09:43:31 (S | E)

Bonjour à tous et bon dimanche
je suis la soeur de charline nous sommes jumelles et moi aussi j'ai la même dissertation qu'elle
Quelqu’un pourrait-il me corriger ma synthèse sur une peinture de Claude monet c’est pour demain.

This picture was painted in 1867 by Claude Monet (1840-1926) then it was posted (or shown) in the metropolitan museum in New york . The title is “Terrace Sainte Adresse”
It represents a maritime landscape fo ancient time.
It shows a terrace im summer in Normandy
In forground we saw a beautiful terrace very flowery.
In background we observe many sorts of boats . To the right there are the small boats and to the left the big boats who taking out a thick smoke and in the middle of the picture we can see a black sailboat.
The colours of this painting are varied . In the foreground we observe a sunlight with colours rather clearty.
In the background the colours are rather darker especially to the right.
I don’t like this picture because it is of a ancient time and I hate the change of colours between the foreground and the background.
I prefer when a painting is united with these colours.

Merci encore et à bientôt.
Edité par bridg le 13-11-2005 09:45
Merci de ne pas écrire en majuscules sur les forums./retrait.

Réponse: tableau Monet/ Correction de jean31, postée le 13-11-2005 à 11:14:22 (S | E)

Les corrections sont en majuscules.

... Metropolitan Museum (majuscules aux noms propres)...
...Sainte-Adresse (trait d'union) ...
... maritime landscape OF ancient time.
... in Summer (majuscule aux noms des saisons)...
In THE foreground, we CAN SEE a beautiful, very flowery terrace (les adjectifs AVANT le nom)...
In THE background, we CAN NOTICE ... (pour éviter une répétition)
... there are(0) small boats and to the left(0) big boats WHICH SPIT OUT a thick smoke ...
In the foreground, we can observe a sunlight with rather clear colours (l'adjectif AVANT, bis !)
... of AN ancient time.

Bonne chance.

Réponse: tableau Monet/ Correction de jean31, postée le 13-11-2005 à 11:31:48 (S | E)
PS : Les peintures de Monet sont au Metropolitan Museum of Art ou Met, comme l'appellent les newyorkais.

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