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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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L'automobile de Koromindé (correct°)
Message de yann19 posté le 14-11-2005 à 18:08:19 (S | E | F | I)

hello, j'ai un texte à traduire pour mercredi, c'est du assez haut niveau je trouve et voilà j'ai essayé de le traduire, je sais kil qu'il y a des fautes(jen suis sûr même) et si vous pouvez corriger...s'il vous plaît.

J'aperçus l'automobile de Koromindé, garée au bord de l'avenue, à une dizaine de mètres de la sortie de l'hôpital.Il était au volant, plongé dans la lecture d'un magazine.Il leva la tête et me sourit.
Je l'avais rencontré la nuit précédente dans un restaurant au décor basquo-béarnais, situé près de la porte de Bagatelle, l'un de ces endroits où l'on échoue quand il nous est arrivé quelque chose d'important et où l'on n'irait jamais en temps normal. Ma fille était née à vingt et une heures, je l'avais vue avant qu'on l'emmenât dans la nursery, j'avais embrassé sa mère qui s'endormait. Dehors, j'avais marché au hasard, le long des avenues désertes de Neuilly, sous une pluie d'automne. Minuit. J'étais le dernier dîneur de ce restaurant, où un homme dont je ne distinguais que le dos se tenait accoudé au bar. Le téléphone a sonné et le barman a décroché le combiné. Il s'est tourné vers l'homme:
_C'est pour vous, monsieur Koromindé.
Koromindé... Le nom d'un des amis de jeunesse de mon père, qui venait souvent à la maison lorsque j'étais enfant. Il parlait au téléphone et je reconnaissais la voix grave et très douce, le roulement des r. Il a raccroché, je me suis levé et j'ai marché vers lui.
_Jean koromindé ?

voilà ske ce que jai fait...

I saw koromindé's car, parked at the edge of the avenue, at ten meters of the hospital's exit. He was at the wheel, immersed in the reading of a magazine. He raised his head and smiled to me.
I met him last night in a restaurant with a "basquo-béarnais" decor, situated near the door of "Bagatelle", one of these places where we fail when something important appened to us and and where we will never go in a normal time.
My daughter was born at nine ô clock, I saw her before they took her to the nursery, I kissed her mother who was going to sleep.Outside, I was walking randomly, along the deserts avenues of Neuilly, in a autumn rain. Mignight. I was the last diner of this restaurant, where a man of whom I couldn't see only his back stood leant on the bar with one's elbows. The phone rang and the barman picked up the receiver. He turned towards him :
_Mr Koromindé, it's for you.
Koromindé... the name of one of my fathers youth friend, who used to came at home when I was child. He was talking on the phone and I was reconizing the deep voice and the very (doux) one, the bearing of one r's. He putted down the receiver,I stood up and I walked toward him.
_Jean Koromindé ?
voila jspr ke j'espère que vous pourrez m'aider...

Edité par bridg le 14-11-2005 18:18
Le prochain post de votre part rédigé avec de l'écriture SMS sera retiré des forums.Merci de votre compréhension.

Réponse: L'automobile de Koromindé (correct°) de jardin62, postée le 14-11-2005 à 21:13:23 (S | E)

I saw Koromindé's car parked along the avenue, about ten metres far from the exit of the hospital. He was at the steering wheel, absorbed in the reading of a magazine. He lifted his head and smiled at me.
I had met him the night before in a 'basquo-béarnais' restaurant situated close to Bagatelle way in /out, one of these places where you end up when something important has happened and where you would otherwise never have gone. My daughter had been born at nine o'clock in the evening, I had seen her before she was taken to the nursery, I had given a kiss to her mother who was falling asleep. Once out of the hospital I had walked at random along the deserted streets of Neuilly under an autumn rain.. It was midnight. I was the last one to have his dinner in that restaurant where a man whose back only I could see was standing at the bar leaning on his elbows. The phone rang and the barman picked up the receiver. He turned towards the man :
- It's for you, Mr Koromindé.
Koromindé ... One of my father's youth friends' name. He used to come home when I was a child. He was speaking on the phone and I could recognize his deep very soft voice and the rolling of the 'r's. He put down the receiver, I stood up and walked towards him.
- Jean Koromindé ?
- That's right./FONT>
* J'avoue ne pas être satisfaite de tout ce que je vous propose.
(Je manque de temps pour faire des recherches plus approfondies )

Réponse: L'automobile de Koromindé (correct°) de yann19, postée le 15-11-2005 à 20:59:58 (S | E)
Merci c'est très gentil
J'ai pu améliorer ma traduction grâce à la votre. Moi je suis étudiant en 1ere année LLCE anglais et vous, vous êtes prof ou étudiante ?
Encore merci

Réponse: L'automobile de Koromindé (correct°) de ourimba, postée le 16-11-2005 à 18:17:12 (S | E)
I saw Koromindé's car parked along the avenue, about ten metres far away from the exit of the hospital. He was at the steering wheel, absorbed in the reading of a magazine. He lifted his head and smiled at me.
I had met him the night before in a 'basquo-béarnais' restaurant situated close to Bagatelle way in /out, one of these places where you end up when something important has happened and where you would otherwise never have gone. My daughter had been born at nine o'clock in the evening, I had seen her before she was taken to the nursery, I had given a kiss to her mother who a kiss as she was falling asleep. Once out of the hospital I had walked at random along the deserted streets of Neuilly under an autumn rain.. It was midnight. I was the last one to have his dinner in that restaurant where a man whose back only I could see was standing at the bar leaning on his elbows. The phone rang and the barman picked up the receiver. He turned towards the man :
- It's for you, Mr Koromindé.
Koromindé ... The name of one of my father's youth old friends' name. He used to come to our home when I was a child. He was speaking on the phone and I could recognize his deep very soft voice and the rolling of the his 'r's. He put down the receiver, I stood up and walked towards him.
- Jean Koromindé ?
- That's right.

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