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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.

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Message de ziguiboo posté le 06-01-2006 à 19:53:04 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir Bonsoir ^^
Voilà j'ai eu un sujet de mini-dissertation à faire à la maison, le sujet c'était :
Subject: Do you think that our dreams can reveal some truths about our personality, or may be premonitory?

Voilà ce que j'ai fait, j'aimerais juste savoir si c'est à peu près cohérent ou s'il y a des fautes de grammaire ou d'othographe

We spend hours sleeping: one third of our life. It’s long time but it isn’t lost time. Indeed it’s an intense moment of activity for our brain because we enter another world, an unconscious world: dreams. We will study in what conditions we can say that dreams can reveal some truths about our way of life, our behaviour, our spirit , that is to say our personality, or be premonitory.

Dreams are telltale about us (ourselves). They show our deep wishes and it’s well-known that wishes are reflects of our personality “Tell me your wishes, I’ll tell you who you are”. They correspond to who we are in reality, our REAL “Me”, to what there is inside our mind. Moreover, dreams represent a kind of “second life”: a life where everything is possible, where there are no obstacles, no brakes (for example shyness is a real world’s trouble but it’s inexistent in Dreams World, dream makes it disappear). Otherwise, nightmares are the symbol of our fears, our negative feelings. In these different conditions, we prove that dreams are a sort of mirror which show the reflect of our real personality.
Dreams can also betoken what will happen because they’re reflects of our desires. And, sometimes, we make these desires become true, that’s why we can say that dreams are realized, consequently they’re called premonitory. Besides our dreams often deal with common events, as when you’re at school for students, at work for adults or simply in the street, during a meeting or a discussion. All these things increase the probability for these events to really happen, but the dream rests premonitory. However there’re premonitory dreams whiches (auxquel?) we can’t give any explications. Some people have dreams with accuracy and the dreamt events really happen, it belongs to life’s mysteries. In spite of that, we can put a tinge to this sixth sense of analysis and we’re not obliged to make considerations on it.

Everything we see, everything we do is registered in an extraordinary machine, and it’s neither an index nor a computer but just our BRAIN. And when we have a dream, it’s a sort of medley of what we saw and did in the previous day, everything which was registered in our brain. The dream is a mixing which associate different places, persons, and actions, it often has no sense. Furthermore, if you think about something in particular before sleeping, it will be very probable that your dream will dealt with this idea. So, we can say that dreams are also made with pieces and haven’t necessary sense and signification.

The Dreams World has a main role; it’s before all a means to escape from reality. It’s an opportunity to have another freedom. Indeed, all prisoners have a dream about freedom; it’s their only chance to be outside: they have chains, they’re in cell but they can escape thanks to dreaming. It’s also a means to resolve problems. Indeed, this “unreal world” offers possibilities to think about a lot of things but unconsciously. So we can see that dreams are another means to escape, to think without being premonitory or telltale about personality.

Dreams are powerful, they can reveal some truths about our personality and can also be premonitory but we mustn’t forget that they’re also the World of Imagination. The most important is to stop dreaming our life but living our dreams.

Merci ;)

Réponse: Dreams de jardin62, postée le 06-01-2006 à 20:57:18 (S | E)

Il nous est demandé et c'est normal, de ne pas corriger les travaux de rédaction : relisez les recommandations du Webmaster à ce sujet.
J'ai lu ( assez rapidement ) ce que vous avez écrit et ma foi...j'ai trouvé l'ensemble cohérent et de bonne qualité. Votre professeur fera son travail de correction dans le détail.
Bonne continuation !

Modifié par bridg le 06-01-2006 21:19
Hello jardin lisez ceci, les mesures ont changé à la demande de quelques membres:
Lien Internet

Je pense qu'il vont donc venir corriger ce texte.

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