Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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May ou could ?
Message de tortue posté le 01-02-2006 à 17:00:45 (S | E | F | I)
Quelle est la nuance entre "may" et "could" ? Je connais leur valeur respective mais il semble que ce soit plus compliqué que cela.
Par exemple, pourquoi dit-on : The man may be the writer of the will. He could be the owner of the windmill or a member of this family.
Message de tortue posté le 01-02-2006 à 17:00:45 (S | E | F | I)
Quelle est la nuance entre "may" et "could" ? Je connais leur valeur respective mais il semble que ce soit plus compliqué que cela.
Par exemple, pourquoi dit-on : The man may be the writer of the will. He could be the owner of the windmill or a member of this family.
Réponse: May ou could ? de traviskidd, postée le 01-02-2006 à 17:21:38 (S | E)
"Can" et "could" porte sur une possibilité.
"May" et "might" porte sur une probabilité.
Une petite différence, certes, mais une différence néanmoins.
Réponse: May ou could ? de svignaud, postée le 09-02-2006 à 15:08:04 (S | E)
Par exemple, il est plus poli de dire : "May I have a cup of tea ?" que "Can I have a cup of tea ?"
Réponse: May ou could ? de traviskidd, postée le 09-02-2006 à 15:33:13 (S | E)
"May" est plus poli que "could" qui est plus poli que "can".
Réponse: May ou could ? de willy, postée le 09-02-2006 à 16:48:37 (S | E)
Hello !
Il est intéressant de pouvoir répondre :
- May I have it ? Yes, you may/you may indeed.
- Can I have it ? Yes, you can/you can indeed.
- Could I have it ? Yes, you can/you can indeed.
- Might I have it ? Yes, you may/you may indeed.
"might" est plus hésitant que "could" qui est plus hésitant que "can".
Réponse: May ou could ? de mp27, postée le 09-02-2006 à 19:01:43 (S | E)
Hi tortue!
Je n'ai pas repris le "May, Could, Can" de politesse, utilisés en tête de questions, mais je vais reprendre tes exemples:
--- "The man may be the writer of the will". What does it imply?
He may... he may not be the writer of the will... I don't really know for sure.
Perhaps he is the writer of the will... it is probable, but there is nothing certain about that, as there is no proof...
On the other hand, there isn't anything to prove that he is not the writer of the will.
--- "He could be the owner of the windmill or a member of this family".
Here, I am not entirely sure he is the owner, but, .. wait minute! According to this.... and this... and that.... there is a possibility that he is the owner of the windmill, so, I have come to the conclusion that, yes, he "could" be the owner of the windmill... ---> He could possibly be the owner of the windmill or a member of this family.
Est-ce que ces paraphrases t'ont aidé à saisir les nuances?