Message de flo-flo posté le 2004-05-31 09:07:21 (S | E | F | I)
J'aimerais savoir s'il existe une différence entre le mot trouble et problem,si dans certain cas il faut utiliser l'un plutôt que l'autre.
Si l'un veut dire de gros problemes et l'autre des problemes moins important?
Merci pour les réponses que vous m'apporterez.
Have a nice day.
Edité par bridg le 10-10-2004 20:35
J'aimerais savoir s'il existe une différence entre le mot trouble et problem,si dans certain cas il faut utiliser l'un plutôt que l'autre.
Si l'un veut dire de gros problemes et l'autre des problemes moins important?
Merci pour les réponses que vous m'apporterez.
Have a nice day.
Edité par bridg le 10-10-2004 20:35
Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-05-31 09:24:44 (S | E)
trouble c'est plutot des soucis/ennuis
he is into trouble now (il est dans le pétrin, il a des ennuis maintenant)
et problem c'est comme en francais c'est un probleme
Would it be a problem if I told him? es ce que cela serait un probleme si je le lui disait?
1 a any thing, matter, person, etc., that is difficult to deal with, solve, or overcome
b (as modifier)
example: a problem child
2 a puzzle, question, etc., set for solution
3 (Maths) a statement requiring a solution usually by means of one or more operations or geometric constructions
4 [modifier] designating a literary work that deals with difficult moral questions
example: a problem play
[ETYMOLOGY: 14th Century: from Late Latin problema, from Greek: something put forward; related to proballein to throw forwards, from pro-2 + ballein to throw]
1 a state or condition of mental distress or anxiety
2 a state or condition of disorder or unrest
example: industrial trouble
3 a condition of disease, pain, or malfunctioning
example: she has liver trouble
4 a cause of distress, disturbance, or pain; problem
example: what is the trouble?
5 effort or exertion taken to do something
example: he took a lot of trouble over this design
6 liability to suffer punishment or misfortune (esp. in the phrase be in trouble)
example: he's in trouble with the police
7 a personal quality that is regarded as a weakness, handicap, or cause of annoyance
example: his trouble is that he's too soft
8 [plural] a political unrest or public disturbances
b the Troubles political violence in Ireland during the 1920s or in Northern Ireland since the late 1960s
9 the condition of an unmarried girl who becomes pregnant (esp. in the phrase in trouble)
10 [transitive] to cause trouble to; upset, pain, or worry
11 [intr; usually with a negative and foll by about] to put oneself to inconvenience; be concerned
example: don't trouble about me
12 [intr; usually with a negative] to take pains; exert oneself
example: please don't trouble to write everything down
13 [transitive] to cause inconvenience or discomfort to
example: does this noise trouble you?
14 [tr; usually passive] to agitate or make rough
example: the seas were troubled
15 [transitive] (Caribbean) to interfere with
example: he wouldn't like anyone to trouble his new bicycle
[ETYMOLOGY: 13th Century: from Old French troubler, from Vulgar Latin turbulare (unattested), from Late Latin turbidare, from turbidus confused, from turba commotion]
'troubled adjective
'troubler noun
Réponse: Problem de rosminet, postée le 2004-05-31 09:30:05 (S | E)
I noun
1 (difficulty) problème m;
*to have problems avoir des problèmes or des ennuis (with avec) (ex : to have a drink/weight problem = avoir un problème d'alcoolisme/de poids)
* to cause or present a problem = poser un problème
2 general, mathematics (of logic) problème
Réponse: re de flo-flo, postée le 2004-05-31 10:09:10 (S | E)
Ah merci pour vos explications à toutes les deux,c'est très complet,je pense que c'est plus clair dans ma tête.
Réponse: re:PROBLEM/TROUBLE de alice-2004, postée le 2004-10-10 20:24:09 (S | E)
j'ai oublié de lire d'abord le sujet désolée !!
Edité par bridg le 10-10-2004 20:29