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Message de ginette posté le 2004-05-31 17:10:31 (S | E | F | I)
J,aimerais avoir quelques questions que vous poseriez à un artiste peintre paignant des visages, des personnages ( mais débutant ) et me les traduire SVP une idée de la réponse que vous vous attendez à recevoir. ex: sa première exposition, ses outils de travails, ses cours, pour connaîtres ses professeurs, déjà fait d`autres tableaux? , des réactions à la supposée peinture . Merci

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-05-31 18:11:12 (S | E)
voila quelques unes qui m'ont traversé l'esprit... si j'en trouve d'autres je les mettrais
Phrase en Français et puis traduites en Anglais...

Comment arrive-t-on à bien reproduire les détails d’un tableau ?
How can we manage to reproduce the details in a painting?
Pourquoi êtes-vous devenu Peintre ?
Why did you become a painter?
Qu’est-ce qui vous a attiré vers la peinture ?
What attracted you to painting
Comment avez-vous appris à peindre ?
How did you learn how to paint?
Depuis quel âge êtes-vous peintre ?
What age were you when you became a painter?
Quelles sortes de peintures utilisez-vous ?
Wht kind/type of paint do you use?
Combien de temps mettez-vous pour peindre un tableau ?
How long do you take to realise a painting?
Qui est votre peintre préféré ?
Who is your favorite painter?

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-05-31 19:05:06 (S | E)
en parlant en connaissance de cause :

1°) Quelles techniques utilisez vous ?
2°) Quelles techniques aimeriez-vous maîtriser ?
3°) Quels sont les courants dont vous vous sentez le plus proche ?
4°) Et quel artiste en particulier ?
5°) Que peignez-vous ?
6°) Que souhaiteriez vous faire ressortir de vos toiles ?
7°) Comment souhaiteriez-vous vendre vos oeuvres ?
8°) Pourquoi les personnages (et en particulier les visages) vous fascinent-ils tant ?
9°) Qu'y a-t-il de plus difficile à retranscrire dans un visage ?
10°) Modèles ou photos ?

En voila déjà de quoi faire ...

Réponse: re wow de ginette, postée le 2004-05-31 20:52:17 (S | E)
great ! Lâchez pas les gars (Comment dire ?) et ça se traduit comment crisg ? Je demande de l,aide . Vous avez de bonnes idées . Je vais essayer aussi de traduire tout ça mais ça ne me parait pas simple. Merci gizmo .. ensuite, comment répondre à tout ca .. oui, pour apprendre à connaître les termes exacts dans une conversation sur ce sujet .
Merci à l'avance .

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-05-31 21:12:07 (S | E)
few words :
exposition ==> exhibition
techniques ==> techniques
courant artistique ==> arstistic trend/movement
visages ==> faces
retranscrire ==> retranscribe
se traduire par ==> to find expression in / render /convey
models and/or photograph
paints, painting, charcoal ( == fusain )...etc ...

Réponse: re bonjour de ginette, postée le 2004-06-01 04:31:06 (S | E)
C 'est pour bientôt.
J`arrive avec une traduction et je vais me servir de tout ce que vous m'avez envoyé .
À + Ginette

Réponse: refirst one gizmo de ginette, postée le 2004-06-02 05:02:39 (S | E)
How can I manage to reproduce the details in the painting ?
-- I don`t have much experiences on it. I like to play with shadows. It makes a warmer pictures with more émotions. With help of shadows, the details will emerge from the light.

Why did you become a painter?
-- At first , because I always loved drawing and with the time I went to exhibitions and loved that.

What attracted you to painting?
-- It is very simple , when I am at these exibitions I saw paintings which are representing faces. These paintings of faces was marvellous !

How did you learn how to paint?
--when I come back home I call up my friend to know the name of a paint teacher who had a particularity to make faces. Since this moment , I`m taking a cours from her .

What age where you when you became a painter?
--Oh my god ! You are too much curious ! I was not young ; I started painting five years ago .

What kind of paint do you use ?
--When I am young I used charcoal and later the water colors.
Sure, it was easier; but now since I start painting courses I have learned oil paints. I love that !

How long do you take to realise a painting ?
-- It depends of the model ; if he/she is patient or not. Sometime I prefer having photograph. It is better for me . According to me , I am not a true ARTIST. It makes me time anough. Do you really want to know ? nooooooo !

Who is your favorite painter ?
--I forgot the name of the painter who has given me the taste to begin the first time . Anywhere I will go to exhibition I will recognize him without to see his name.

I hope that it`s not too bad ! But, I prefer to know .
Thanks, Ginette

Réponse: ginette de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-02 08:45:21 (S | E)
How can I manage to reproduce the details in the painting ?
-- I don`t have much experience (SINGULIER) on it. I like to play with shadows. It makes a pictures warmer (INVERSION)with more émotions. With help of shadows, the details will emerge from the light.

Why did you become a painter?
-- At first , because I HAVE always loved drawing and with the time I went to exhibitions and loved that.

What attracted you to painting?
-- It is very simple , when I WAS at these exibitions I saw paintings which REPRESENTED faces. ThOse paintings of faces WERE marvellous !

How did you learn how to paint?
--when I RETURNED back home I callED up my friend to know the name of a paintING teacher who had a particularity to PAINT faces. Since thAT moment , I`m taking coursES WITH her .

What age where you when you became a painter?
--Oh my god ! You are too (MUCH NEST PAS NECESSAIRE) curious ! I was not young ; I started painting five years ago .

What kind of paint do you use ?
--When I WAS young I used charcoal and later the water colors.
Sure, it was easier; but now since I HAVE startED painting courses I have learnT oil paints. I love that !

How long do you take to realise a painting ?
-- It depends of the model ; if he/she is patient or not. SometimeS I prefer having A photograph. It is better for me . According to me , I am not a true ARTIST. It makes me time anough ( anough ???? It annoys me (perhaps?)) . Do you really want to know ? nooooooo !

Who is your favorite painter ?
--I forgot the name of the painter who GAVE me the taste to begin the first time . I will go to exhibition I will recognize him Anywhere (INVERSION) without SEEING his name.


Réponse: I did mistakes : de ginette, postée le 2004-06-02 09:08:52 (S | E)
*How did you learn how to paint? for this question I change the time ; I hope that it will be better, --when I come back home , I callED up my friend............

since this moment , is it better (since this instant........)

*what kind of paint do you use ?
--I think that it would be preferable to write: but since I startED painting courses..........better?

*Who is your favorite painter?
--I said at the end : Anywhere I will go to exhibitionS I will recognize him without to see his name.(without the seeing of his name) better ?

merci de me corriger à nouveau .

Réponse: re de chouchane, postée le 2004-06-02 09:18:54 (S | E)
je vais traduire les propositions de chrisg :
1°) Quelles techniques utilisez vous ?
2°) Quelles techniques aimeriez-vous maîtriser ?
3°) Quels sont les courants dont vous vous sentez le plus proche ?
4°) Et quel artiste en particulier ?
5°) Que peignez-vous ?
6°) Que souhaiteriez vous faire ressortir de vos toiles ?
7°) Comment souhaiteriez-vous vendre vos oeuvres ?
8°) Pourquoi les personnages (et en particulier les visages) vous fascinent-ils tant ?
9°) Qu'y a-t-il de plus difficile à retranscrire dans un visage ?
10°) Modèles ou photos ?

1°) Which techniques use?
2°) Which techniques would you like to control? is
3°) Which the currents of which you smell yourselves nearest?
4°) And which artist in particular?
5°) Which do you comb?
6°) Which would wish to emphasize your fabrics?
7°) Comment would you wish to sell your works?
8°) Pourquoi do the characters (and in particular faces) fascinate you so much?
9°) That is there of more difficult to retranscribe in a face?
10°) Model or photographs?

Ben voila j'éspère que ça t'édera aller bye

Réponse: remerci gizmo de ginette, postée le 2004-06-02 09:53:07 (S | E)
J`avais pas remarqué que tu avais fait la correction....j,ai cru avoir le temps de changer certaine phrases .Tu es définitivement plus rapide que moi . Merci encore, j'oublie mes dernières corrections et je retiens les tiennes .
Malgré toute mes fautes ...
j,ai bien aimé... essayer.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-02 10:05:55 (S | E)
My translations :

1°) Quelles techniques utilisez vous ?
What are the techniques you are keen on using ?

2°) Quelles techniques aimeriez-vous maîtriser ?
Which techniques would you like to have commands of ?

3°) Quels sont les courants dont vous vous sentez le plus proche ?
Which artistic trends do you feel the most close to ?

4°) Et quel artiste en particulier ?
... and any particularly painter ?

5°) Que peignez-vous ?
What do you paint ?

6°) Que souhaiteriez vous faire ressortir de vos toiles ?
What would you like to make stand out your paintings ?

7°) Comment souhaiteriez-vous vendre vos oeuvres ?
How would you like to sell your works ?

8°) Pourquoi les personnages (et en particulier les visages) vous fascinent-ils tant ?
Why do you come under the spell of characters and especially faces ?

9°) Qu'y a-t-il de plus difficile à retranscrire dans un visage ?
What's the most difficult thing to convey in a face ?

10°) Modèles ou photos ?
Do you paint from a model or a photo ?

ans some more :
How do you get this effect?
Why don't they tell me exactly what I should do first?
What medium should I use?
What brush do you think I should use?
Will it benefit you to use a monochrome underpainting ?

and finally advice you these sites :

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-02 10:06:59 (S | E)
je ne voyais pas enfait où tu t'étais corrigée je me suis dit.. mince alors les fautes sont réapparus alors je me suis demandée si je m'étais pas plantée en ecrivant le post
tout va bien alors

Réponse: to gizmo de ginette, postée le 2004-06-02 16:51:27 (S | E)
Daccord , daccord ! J'ai correction était aussi mauvaise après qu`avant ... mais je dois dire que tu l`as dit très subtilement . Ça vaut la peine que je réessaie ou c'est peine perdue ? hihiihihi Rien à faire; Je vais réessayer . En passant , que veut dire " nikel "? J`ai pas trouvé.
À la prochaine :-)

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-02 16:57:52 (S | E)
nickel with a "c", commonly used in French to say : "that's very good !" or "great" .... )))) "c'est nickel !"

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-02 17:12:58 (S | E)
indeed sorry.. I tend to use it too often & I always abreviate it... as chris explained (thanx honey) it means super, great, fantastic etc..

Réponse: re to chrisg de ginette, postée le 2004-06-03 19:33:52 (S | E)
Thanks chrisg for theses sites you have sent to me . I will look at it more and I will try to answer about the questions you have already sent. I haven`t had much time for reading but the first one seems to be really perfect. I am going to the go (j'y vais de ce pas ) on this site . is it ok ?
You can correct my mistakes. I am never sure if I used the correct time .

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-03 20:34:04 (S | E)
It ok. Let's start !

Réponse: re to Chrisg de ginette, postée le 2004-06-05 19:46:33 (S | E)
What are the techniques you are been on using ? I am been using a monochrome technique and an other with lot lights and shadows. In this moment , I have two paintings begun.

Which techniques would you like to have commands of ? The one I would prefer to master is oil paint.

Which artistic trends do you feel the most close to ? I have tendency into all realist paintings.( give me an other Idea of answer you will give to this question ok ?).

What do you paint ?
I paint faces paintings. As far back as I can remember I always love to draw faces and now I like to paint faces.

What would you like to make stand out your paintings ?
I would like to make stand out a warm regard each detail around eyes is the most important when you are doing faces.

How would you like to sell your works ?
I would like to sell my work by painting exhibitions. I made my first one last year . It was a beginning and I loved that .

Why do you come under the spell of characters and especially faces ?
Perhaps, there is a little part of me who likes the human side and, when I see the real expression in the eyes I know that I will have a success with this painting.

I will continue later .
Thank you

Réponse: re to ginette de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-05 20:23:58 (S | E)
1°) TO KEEN on (not be BEEN on)
1°)...and, on the other side, plenty of colours and light effects (although you can make very beautiful light effects with a monochrome technique)
1°) 2 paintings have not yet been finished.

2°) I would have commands of the oil one.

3°) I feel artistically pretty closed to impressionism trend ... manet, Monet, renoir ...

4°) I paint faces ... AS FAR AS I can remember, I have always loved to draw faces ...

5°) ... when you are representing faces

Réponse: re à chrisg de ginette, postée le 2004-06-08 16:23:29 (S | E)
merci ..j`ai pris en note ...juste une question ;les autres étaient corrects? tu vois comme on peut douter de soi :-)

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-08 22:37:16 (S | E)
1°) TO BE KEEN ON ... erreur de ma part ... faute... faute ... Mariet va encore me frapper ...pitié ....



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