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Redaction: Lying
Message de pooshy posté le 21-02-2006 à 15:43:50 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour, j'ai une rédaction à faire sur ce thème:

Do you think that telling the truth is always possible ? Is lying sometimes beneficial ?

Voici ce que j'ai produit, j'aimerais avoir votre avis, et la correction des éventuelles fautes.

Merci !

Literally truth is 'the knowledge or the expression of a knowledge corresponding to reality, to facts such as they took place'. In general, people appreciate ones who tell the truth : sincere people . Nevertheless, « is it always possible ? » What is to be understood by « possible » ? I am going to transform the question in : « is it always beneficial to always tell the truth ? ». We will study several cases to approach the question.

There are no reasons not to say the truth in the majority of cases in the life. When someone in the street ask you a direction, you will reply truly, except if you are a mythomaniac of course. Lying in this sort of case could only hurt the person involved and wouldn't bring any benefit.
In the same way, if someone who has stolen is questioned by the police, he has really interest to co-opere and tell the truth. It's not very easy, of course, it needs much moral fibre. Anyway, the truth would be discovered early or late.
Be sincere is good for the moral conscience: lying in a non-appropriate case make generally guilty.
Now, let's the case of a teacher who is noting the copies of his pupils : He could lie by giving all his pupils good notes : The pupils would certainly be all very happy, but is it very moral ? It seems no : no moral and useless. It would be a very bad way to help them.

Is lying sometimes beneficial ? A french novelist, Michel Leiris, said : « Il faut mentir s'il n'y a que du mal à attendre de l'aveu d'une vérité. » It means that lying is beneficial only whenever you risk to hurt the person whom you speak. It's quite true. If someone ask you how you find his(her) clothes, and you find them ugly, it's not necessary to say it : this person wouldn't probably not change his(her) clothes for you...
There are other ways to lie: Isn't lying to say to a child the Christmas Father brings him toys each year ? You lie to him because it's good for him, that enables him to dream.
Is lying to oneself is sometimes beneficial ? I think that not. It means that you don't want to face the reality : It's a bad way to do, because by denying the reality, you will not be able to change it.

To finish, I would say it's a very complex theme. It approachs both philosophy and psychology. It's very hard to say when you have to lie and when you have not. I would resume by saying that in general people think highly of ones who tell the truth, but sometimes you must listen to your heart to not hurt people.

Edité par bridg le 25-02-2006 13:15

Réponse: Redaction: Lying de traviskidd, postée le 21-02-2006 à 16:09:50 (S | E)
It's a very good essay. There are a few little mistakes that I may correct later if someone else hasn't already done so, but for the moment I just want to comment that I once heard on TV the definition of "tact": if what you are going to say has at least two of the following three properties -- true, kind, necessary -- then you should say it. Otherwise, you probably shouldn't.

Réponse: Redaction: Lying de mp27, postée le 21-02-2006 à 18:15:05 (S | E)
Hello pooshy! Réponse aux 2 points demandés.

1) Avis:
Tu t'exprimes avec clarté. De plus (without lying...), ta rédaction fait ressortir un réel effort de plan, facile à suivre pour le lecteur. Bon travail!

2) Quelques petites fautes relevées au passage. Tu pourras facilement comprendre et corriger:

-- ceux qui/celles qui: tu as oublié le "the" devant ones. --> Ici, le mot "personnes" (people) est remplacé par "ones" et tu conserves le "the", donc, the people who... devient and "the ones who"....

-- someone ask: faute d'inattention, bien sûr, mais... tu as fait 2 fois la même faute, alors, va vite corriger... on n'a rien vu!

-- il a vraiment intérêt à: il serait plus habile de traduire par-> it is really "in his interest" to...

-- coopérer: orthographe en anglais--> to cooperate

-- tôt ou tard: l'expression correspondante anglaise est: "sooner or later".

-- Etre sincère est bon...: N'oublie pas le "to" de l'infinitif --> "To" be sincere is good....... Possible aussi: "Being" sincere (le fait d'être sincère) is good....

-- to speak "to" (somebody) - donc, n'oublie pas le "to" dans ta phrase. Au fait, tu peux te débarrasser de ton "whom" en disant: to hurt the person you speak to.

-- Comme on dit : It is, it isn't, il n'y a aucune raison d'omettre ce "it" dans la forme interrogative. En tel cas, tu le places après : "isn't"--> Isn't it lying to a child....?

-- le Père Noël: omettre le "the" en anglais, donc, Father Christmas.

-- is lying to oneself is beneficial: le second "is" est en trop.

-- hard to say when you have to lie and when you have not: Attention, il s'agit du verbe: "to have to", donc -->.....and when you don't have "to".
...hard to say when it's all right to lie and when it isn't.
...hard to say when you must lie and when you musn't.

Peut-être pas complet, mais tu as au moins l'essentiel.
All the very best!

Réponse: Redaction: Lying de traviskidd, postée le 22-02-2006 à 00:40:14 (S | E)
Resalut, je reviens à mon tour pour ajouter une chose ou deux...

- "People appreciate those who tell the truth."
- "in the majority of cases in the life".
- "someone in(/on) the street asks you for directions" ("directions" est toujours au pluriel dans ce sens)
- "you will reply truthfully"
- "lying unnecessarily can [make you feel guilty]/[cause feelings of guilt]"
- "let's consider(/take) the case of a teacher"
- "It seems not" (contraire au "It seems so")
- "risk hurting"
- "by denying the reality"
- "it's a very complex theme issue" (mot de vocabulaire )
- "It approaches involves both philosophy and psychology."
- "I would resume summarize"
- "people think highly of those who tell the truth"
- "you must listen to your heart so as not to hurt people". (pour ne pas = so as not, ne me demande pourqoui!)

... ou quatorze. Mais enfin bravo, comme j'ai dit, très bien fait.

Réponse: Redaction: Lying de pooshy, postée le 22-02-2006 à 12:15:54 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous deux
Bonne continuation.

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