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Message de ISMAMERA posté le 2004-06-02 17:47:17 (S | E | F | I)
English is the language of technology . how about the fate or the future of the other languages ? Do you think that some of them will die ? Do you think that we must teach English in all the countries of the world? Many thanks .

Réponse: re de annaick, postée le 2004-06-02 18:57:52 (S | E)
hello! I think that english is the most used language in business but it's not the only language! If you go for example in Tokyo, you can speak english with businessmen, but if you want to speak and to be listened by people who are not concerned by your business ( beacause business isn't the only thing in the world!), you must know japanese languange!

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-02 19:46:12 (S | E)
... and lots of languages have already disappeared and the very first principle of (quite) all languages is evolution.

Réponse: rereponse àannaick d'ismamera de ISMAMERA, postée le 2004-06-02 22:27:49 (S | E)
I agree with you .I was a little worried about the being of our native languages .so, according to you , English will stay the lg of business but for many people is'nt it the most important I speak about business so...?thank you . Bye .

Réponse: rereponse à chrisg d'Ismamera de ISMAMERA, postée le 2004-06-02 22:32:37 (S | E)
According to you if there is no evolution a language can die but what do you mean by evolution ? In which field ? thank you .

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-02 22:40:06 (S | E)
vocabulary! every year the dictionnary adds new expressions & words

Réponse: rereponse à gizmo d'ismamera de ISMAMERA, postée le 2004-06-02 23:12:49 (S | E)
yes , but is it in all the languages ? there are new vocabulary items in the french dictionnary but often in english . Is it by the amount of new vocabulary or the number of people who speak this language , a language can evoluate ? thank you.

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-02 23:31:35 (S | E)
it depends but I'm sure it's the same for all the languages!
Of course the ones that are spoken alot are obviously in target to evolue faster

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-02 23:34:07 (S | E)
in quite all languages. A language that doesn't evolve, is on its way to die. Think about Latin, old Greek, and remember that you would have lots of difficulties to understand today french books written 10 centuries ago.

Réponse: rereponse à gizmo de ISMAMERA, postée le 2004-06-02 23:41:38 (S | E)
your answer and those of annaick and chrisg will help me for my composition .The article I read in a magazine was not so clear and objective . many thank .

Réponse: repone à chrisg de ISMAMERA, postée le 2004-06-02 23:48:46 (S | E)
you brighten my brain and gave me more ideas I'm sure that we can learn alot from others . thank you

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-03 08:40:05 (S | E)
my pleasure

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-03 09:37:21 (S | E)
... and you're welcome !!!

Réponse: re de marty, postée le 2004-06-03 15:56:01 (S | E)
The English language, is the first in the word, so the can not disappear, it is a first language of communication,
because English help to converse with an anybody

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-03 16:00:28 (S | E)
never say never ... Roman people were thinking the same ...



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