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vacation in country
Message de redberry posté le 09-03-2006 à 10:19:23 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjourj'ai essayé d'écrire un petit texte en anglais. Pourriez vous vérifier si la grammaire, le sens général de mon text est correct. merci beaucoup

The next summer, I will be vacation in my uncle farm. I'm very enjoy, because I love country, live in the live rhythms, hear the birds twitted...
I should wake up early for help my uncle. I would like to learn to cow the cow, perhaps my uncle is going to show me.
In the farm there are a lot of animals : hens, cocks, chicks, ducks and gooses in poultry yard.
The farmer has a big barn where sleep the horses and the cows with them calves. In attic there is a lot of hays.
My aunt take care of pigs. My uncle has two bigs tractors.
I'm looking forward to being on vacation !

Edité par emy64 le 09-03-2006 18:55

Réponse: vacation in country de bnn, postée le 09-03-2006 à 11:26:26 (S | E)
Hi! This is only a suggested version. See if it helps:

My Country Vacation

Next summer, I'll be on vacation at my uncle's farm. I'm looking forward to it because I really love the country, (live in the live rhythms), and hear the birds sing.

He has two big tractors and lots of animals such as hens, roosters, chicks, ducks and geese. The horses, along with the cows and calves, sleep in a big barn where there's lots of hay stored in the loft.

I'll wake up early and, while my aunt tends to the pigs, I'll help my uncle with his chores. Perhaps he'll teach me how to milk the cows. In any case, I'm really looking forward to my summer vacation!

I don't understand this part:

(live in the live rhythms)

Réponse: vacation in country de sun74, postée le 09-03-2006 à 17:01:12 (S | E)
Hello .

I would say :
I am going to spend my vacation at my uncle`s farm next summer.
I am looking forward to being there because I really love country , to hear the birds singing , breathe the land and above all don`t hear all those cars which we get in the city .
In the farm there are a lot of animals : hens, cocks, chicks, ducks and gooses in poultry yard.
I have to wake up early to help my uncle . Indeed I would like to learn how to milk the cow , my uncle might show me it.
So I am looking forward to seeing him and working ,enjoying there .

I don`t know if my text is right ,
if someone could mark it , it would be good for me
anyway you can take some idea

Réponse: vacation in country de redberry, postée le 09-03-2006 à 18:07:25 (S | E)
thanks for your help bnn et sun74

Réponse: vacation in country de sun74, postée le 10-03-2006 à 15:46:03 (S | E)

you can take some different sentences which you mix them and you will get your texte

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