Message de nadia posté le 2004-06-03 22:46:52 (S | E | F | I)
je viens de recevoir ce message d'une sociéte" de design implantée au Canada.
Je comprends le début du message
"ses félicitations sur mon travail, sur le temps consacré à son terre-neuve et à la perte de son terre-neuve Buffy frappé par une maladie. Il projette de créer un book représentant le terre-neuve en action auprès des enfants et des gens
je crois qu'il me demande des photos de terre-neuve assistant les personnes en difficulté, plutôt que des photos de portraits
la suite du texte est un peu confuse pour moi, pourriez-vous m'aider merci
Dear Friends, First, let me congratulate you on the wonderful job you are doing by caring for the most beautiful creatures that happened to assume a dog shape. I was privileged to be involved in a Newf’s life. We had fun together for eight and a half years, and believe me, as much as I took care of tending to all his needs, I believe that I was on the receiving end most of the time. He always made sure that I was taken care of, and although he couldn’t speak, he definitely did talk a lot. Buffy was his name (short for Buffalo) and he died last December. Cushing’s disease combined with hepatitis sped his trip to the Rainbow Bridge. He is missed terribly, but his legacy lives on. I work as a graphic designer associated with Deep Blue Design Co.. My team and I have decided to design a book celebrating Newfs and their great contributions to people’s lives. We are presently gathering material to be used in the book. We would be very grateful for any stories and pictures of the dogs involved in them. We are looking for action pictures rather than portraits (although good smirks are quite welcome) stories of unusual nature children stories (we are thinking also about publishing a book designed for children, “Newf and a child adventures.”) countryside pictures and again, action pictures Newfs always bring so much joy to their human companions, let us all celebrate together. The stories will be professionally edited, and the book designed with great care. We would appreciate the actual photographs, but e-mailed material (high resolution) is definitely acceptable as well. Not all of the submitted stories and pictures will be published. We will contact you if your material is chosen for publication to discuss the details. Please include a S.A.S.E. if you want your photos returned. Looking forward to hearing from you, Tibor Choleva
je viens de recevoir ce message d'une sociéte" de design implantée au Canada.
Je comprends le début du message
"ses félicitations sur mon travail, sur le temps consacré à son terre-neuve et à la perte de son terre-neuve Buffy frappé par une maladie. Il projette de créer un book représentant le terre-neuve en action auprès des enfants et des gens
je crois qu'il me demande des photos de terre-neuve assistant les personnes en difficulté, plutôt que des photos de portraits
la suite du texte est un peu confuse pour moi, pourriez-vous m'aider merci
Dear Friends, First, let me congratulate you on the wonderful job you are doing by caring for the most beautiful creatures that happened to assume a dog shape. I was privileged to be involved in a Newf’s life. We had fun together for eight and a half years, and believe me, as much as I took care of tending to all his needs, I believe that I was on the receiving end most of the time. He always made sure that I was taken care of, and although he couldn’t speak, he definitely did talk a lot. Buffy was his name (short for Buffalo) and he died last December. Cushing’s disease combined with hepatitis sped his trip to the Rainbow Bridge. He is missed terribly, but his legacy lives on. I work as a graphic designer associated with Deep Blue Design Co.. My team and I have decided to design a book celebrating Newfs and their great contributions to people’s lives. We are presently gathering material to be used in the book. We would be very grateful for any stories and pictures of the dogs involved in them. We are looking for action pictures rather than portraits (although good smirks are quite welcome) stories of unusual nature children stories (we are thinking also about publishing a book designed for children, “Newf and a child adventures.”) countryside pictures and again, action pictures Newfs always bring so much joy to their human companions, let us all celebrate together. The stories will be professionally edited, and the book designed with great care. We would appreciate the actual photographs, but e-mailed material (high resolution) is definitely acceptable as well. Not all of the submitted stories and pictures will be published. We will contact you if your material is chosen for publication to discuss the details. Please include a S.A.S.E. if you want your photos returned. Looking forward to hearing from you, Tibor Choleva
Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-03 22:57:46 (S | E)
...any stories and pictures of the dogs involved in them...
...action pictures rather than portraits ...
...stories of unusual nature children stories ...countryside pictures ...
Pas forcément des photos de chiens aidant les personnes en difficulté, mais des histoires insolites où les chiens sont au feu de l'action ... chien policier ? Pompier ? Photos insolites (pouvant mettre en scene des enfants ...) ?
Réponse: re de nadia, postée le 2004-06-03 23:04:41 (S | E)
merci chrisg
concernant le feu de l'action je ne vois que le terre-neuve intervenant à l'eau pour aider ou sauver un nageur en difficulté.
Réponse: re de michele013, postée le 2004-06-04 00:21:22 (S | E)
Il te demande des photos de chien Terre-Neuve en action plutot que des portraits de chiens. Mais de bonnes photos droles sont bienvenues. Des histoires insolites, des histoires incluant des enfants, il pense a faire un livre pour les enfants, des photos en campagne, il veut celebrer le Terre-Neuve et toute les joies qu'ils apportent. Les photos seront retournees si vous incluee une enveloppe pre- adressee. Vous serez avertit si vos photos sont choisies. Il prefere les vraies photos mais des email haute -resolution sont bonnes aussi, en gros vous aviez compris le message.
Réponse: to michele013 de nadia, postée le 2004-06-06 23:35:04 (S | E)
thank you michele013 for your help.