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Message de guigui posté le 08-04-2006 à 18:20:34 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour et merci de votre attention. Voilà, c'est un cours magistral que l'on m'a dispensé récemment et que j'ai donc pris en note seulement je voudrais m'assurer de ne pas apprendre un cours contenant trop de fautes donc, en espérant ne pas abuser eu égard a longueur du texte, je voudrais le soumettre a un contrôle surement plus avisé que le mien.... Merci d'avance.

After three years, from the age of 13 to the age of 15 you prepare the GCSE ( general certificate of secondary education). You must continue English and mathematics but you can choose among the subjects the ones that you want to continue and the ones that you want to stop. You have to choose 5 subjects adding to English and Mathematics.

At 15 you do the GCSE controlled by the national education board which is not run by the government but by universities like oxford or London. This exam is done according to the national curriculum.
The exams start in May, continue through June and you get your results in August.
For example in French you have : Oral, dictation, listening comprehension, essay, translation, literature.
If you get your exam you choose 5 subjects ( generally the ones where you’re the best) to prepare the “A level” from 16 to 18 years old.

So you start what is called the “VI form” divided in the lower VI form ( équivalent première) and the upper VI form (équivalent terminale). Among pupils in upper VI form the headmaster choose a head boy, a head girl, a deputy head boy and a deputy head girl., they are called “prefects”. They represent the school in different events, they also help teachers to keep younger pupil’s nose clean, to keep an eye on younger pupils. They have the power to pick a pupil and to send him to the headmaster. It’s also a prefect who stand in for a teacher when there is no other teacher.

At these level you must start to think about your future, in October or November you have to decide. You have careers advise, people trying to advise you on what courses to follow. You must choose subjects that you want to study and where you want to study, in which university you want to go. In Great Britain it’s a selection. You have to choose 5 universities. You have to complete a form with your characteristics , your marks, the reasons why you want to go at this university, there is also on this form some advises from your teachers about you and your marks.
This forms are sent to a central bureau which sends forms to the universities which examine it and determine if they’re agree or not. Most of universities want to meet you, other refuse, other accept.
Normally in March everything is decided.
You have to keep a first and a second choice.
Then you wait for your results which are in august. You must get the results that the university require. If you don’t have the results for the university chosen you can go in an other or change your direction.

It’s very different as university in France. Places are limited and the result is that tutors and professors are more closer of their students. Each student has got a tutor who follow him all his studies.
There is less hours than in France, about 15 or 20 hours It’s the self-improvement which is research. You can’t do a degree (licence) in a Britain University without going in class.
Universities are smaller and try to create a community. In British universities normally in the first year they found accommodations for students. The other years they help students by establishing a list of safe accommodations. Most of students live with other students in residences or houses for students.

At the university there are students unions. It’s actually a National organisation present in all universities. They organise activities, clubs, films, concerts, theatre…

There is an incredible discipline. You can go out as you can but it’s imperative to be on schedule when you return your work, even a small delay isn’t accepted, you have to fulfil your responsibilities.

Students parties are very washed down
A “pub crawl” is an established road of pubs, you have to drink in everyone. University organised a race with a list of 12 pubs, in each pub there is someone to check if you drink. To increase the difficulty you are “three legged”.
Education is organised in a local level so what happen is that the government only gives advises on how to teach and what to teach. There is a National level to reach but after that it’s the LEAS which organise the education.
The government doesn’t manage finances, it gives the money but after that it’s the LEAS which decide how using this money, it’s their responsibility.
Teachers are not employed by the government but the schools themselves.

The reason why this system continue is because we have kept the idea that school is an individual community. It can be illustrate by the school uniforms which are different between schools. For ethnic minorities with particular religion special clothes are accepted. It is interesting to notice that Muslim girls put their veil of during the school day in order to limit the elements of differentiation.

The way of teaching in the schools is very different. It’s a particular conception of studies, they learnt because they want to, they don’t learnt for particular reasons (job for example). To learnt for pupils it’s a pleasure, their aim his what the self-improvement.
It’s the person which is important, the pupil as such and not only the capacities. Teachers at school develop understanding rather than absorbing knowledge.
It gives the impression that Britain pupils learn less than other Europeans pupils.

There is a problem with this system because it develops academic abilities. If you’re not naturally academic, if you don’t have natural tendencies to learn, you can be leave out with the risk that you give up.
Now they’re trying to change it, to encourage kids to learn.

In school and university there is a high priority in sport. Sport is considered as a good way of developing the person and also it helps to develop school as community.
Success in sport makes the school reputation better. This continue into the university. Some students are accepted to university for their sport level, not for their academic level.

A school has got is orchestra, choral…..lot of activities. Teachers after school organised this activities. It’s not only the students who are involved in the school or university life but also teachers and professors.
It’s really a community.

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