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About job (correction)
Message de chokella posté le 25-04-2006 à 15:51:40 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai un exercice à faire et cela concerne une expression écrite ( ma deuxième depuis le début de l'année^^)
Donc d'abord le sujet: "Would you personally be ready to give up " a good safe job for an uncertainty"? Give your reasons."

Voici ma réponse:

I would not give up a good safe job for an uncertainty, because is to take a too great risk.
Indeed, unstable employment does not attract me, because they offer much less possibility than a stable employment, in particular because the wage is much weaker, from where a financial standing rather difficult to manage.
Moreover, I prefer to feel in a certain safety, with a sure employment, I do not want to be taken with deprived. It is true that I do not like to take of risk, I prefer that my financial standing is stable, even if work can turn thereafter to a certain practice.
It is true that an unstable employment is much abroad, from where a framework of life and more pleasant work. But if this work is abroad, it is necessary to move, and me I would not be a priest to make such a decision. It is also necessary to be liked over there, because it is another life, another work thus other colleagues, another owner, it is really necessary to leave its life and to start some another, which I could not do.
But it is as true, as employment could like to me, and that I would give myself entirely to succeed, and then that this unstable work ends up being stable.
However, I find that the risk is too significant, with such a low wages, but also the risk to be with unemployment if one does not make career abroad. Indeed, the working conditions can be harder than if there are employment stable.
Consequently, I would not leave employment stable for unstable, it is a too significant decision and which implies too much consequence, I could not assume.

Alors je suppose que j'ai écrit des monstruosités pas possibles.
Je voudrais donc savoir si ma rédaction est correcte dans l'ensemble parce que j'ai surtout fait beaucoup de mot à mot, je crois (avec l'aide d'un bon dico).
Je ne vous demande pas de faire ma rédaction ! Je veux la faire moi même, mais je vous demande pour cela un peu d'aide.
Merci beaucoup.

Modifié par bridg le 25-04-2006 16:27

Modifié par willy le 25-04-2006 16:28

Réponse: Expression écrite de babyscot59, postée le 25-04-2006 à 16:18:01 (S | E)
bonjour je vous livre ici le texte corrigé

I would not give up a good safe job for an uncertainty, because it means taking a too great risk.
Indeed, unstable employment does not attract me, because they offer much less possibilitIES than a stable job especially because the wage is much weaker implying difficulties to keep a god standard of living.
Moreover, I prefer to feel in a certain safety, with a safe job, I do not want to be taken with deprived. It is true that I do not like to take of risk, I prefer that my standard of living is stable, even if work can turn thereafter to a certain practice.
It is true that an unstable job is better paid abroad, implying a different lifestyle and a more pleasant work. But if this work is abroad, it is necessary to move, and I would not be a priest to make such a decision. It is also necessary to be liked over there, because it is another life, another work thus other colleagues, another owner, it is really necessary to leave its life and to start some another, which I could not do.
But it is true as well that if I enjoy that job and that if I give myself entirely to succeed, and then that this unstable work will turn into stability.
However, I find that the risk is too significant, with such a low wages, but also the risk to be with unemployment if one does not make a career abroad. Indeed, the working conditions can be harder than if there are stable jobs.
Consequently, I would not leave a stable job for an unstable one , it is a too significant decision and which implies too much consequence, I could not assume.

Modifié par babyscot59 le 25-04-2006 16:20

Réponse: Expression écrite de chokella, postée le 25-04-2006 à 16:22:30 (S | E)
Merci de m'avoir répondu, mais je ne vous en demandais pas tant !
En tout cas, merci beaucoup !

Modifié par willy le 25-04-2006 16:25

Réponse: Expression écrite de babyscot59, postée le 25-04-2006 à 16:25:55 (S | E)
Pas de souci nous sommes tous là pour ça

Modifié par willy le 25-04-2006 16:26



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