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Prime Minister Sir Gowap (correction)
Message de haya posté le 22-05-2006 à 21:13:34 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir, un exercice assez long ( de par le texte) je m’en excuse, mais il suffit de corriger mes éventuelles erreurs, merci par avance.

Read the following text.Do the Right / Wrong exercise. Justify your answers by quoting the text.

“Advice to Youth

An enterprising young Irish journalist from Dublin was Oscar Badger, who made a name for himself covering the CanadianParliament in the great days of Prime Minister Sir Gowap . An admirer of Gowap, Oscar Badger was always careful to quote him correctly. He knew that the Prime Minister took pain in preparing his speeches in advance and what he had to say was usually worthwhile. One evening at a banquet, where the wine flowed freely, Gowap was at the bottom of a long list of speakers. While waiting for his turn, the Prime Minister had plenty to drink. So much so, in fact, that when he got up to speak his talk did not make much sense. Oscar badger being a true Irish gentleman, would not criticize any man in his cups. The morning after the banquet, Oscar Badger went to see the Prime Minister and told him that he had missed most of his speech and asked if he would repeat some parts of it. Instead the agreeable Gowap gave forth for an hour or more the splendid speech which he had prepared in advance and which, because of the wine, he had forgotten to deliver. Journalist Oscar Badger was deeply grateful to the Prime Minister and excused his appreciation. However, the Prime Minister gruffly shut off Oscar Badger’s words of thanks with “look young man, Canada is not Ireland. If you are going to get anywhere in this country as a journalist, never cover any assignment when you are drunk."

”Irish Humour, the book of all seasons, p. 286. John McCarthy, Continum, NY 1993.Copyright _ 1968, 1993 by John McCarthy, reprinted by permission of publisher." The names of the text are imaginative.

1.Gowap was a Scottish Prime Minister. Wrong
“Prime Minister Sir Gowap was a CanadianParliament”

2. Gowap’s speeches were interesting to listen to. Right
“Prime Minister took pain in preparing his speeches in advance and what he had to say was usually worthwhile”

3. When the Prime Minister made his speech he was so drunk that he spoke nonsense. Right
“the Prime Minister had plenty to drink. So much so, in fact, that when he got up to speak his talk did not make much sense.”

4. The following week Oscar Badger visited Gowap. Wrong
“The morning after the banquet Oscar Badger went to see the Prime Minister”

5. Oscar Badger blamed the Prime Minister for drinking. Right
“Oscar Badger went to see the Prime Minister and told him that he had missed most of his speech…”

6. Gowap handed the journalist a copy of his speech. Wrong
“…and asked if he would repeat some parts of it.”

7. At the banquet Gowap had said things that had nothing to do with his speech. Wrong “the splendid speech which he had prepared in advance and which, because of the wine, he had forgotten to deliver”

8. Yet, Oscar Badger knew him so well that he pretendedhe had understood everything. Wrong “Journalist Oscar Badger was deeply grateful to the Prime Minister and excused his appreciation”

9. Gowap implied that unlike Ireland, Canada will not enable you to become successful if you drink alcohol. Right
“Canada is not Ireland. If you are going to get anywhere in this country as a journalist, never cover any assignment when you are drunk.””

10. Gowap’s tone was paternalistic. Wrong
“the Prime Minister gruffly shut off Oscar Badger’s words of thanks with “look young man”

Est-ce bon ?

Réponse: Prime Minister Sir Gowap (correction) de jean31, postée le 23-05-2006 à 19:00:34 (S | E)
Bonjour haya,

Mes propositions sont signalées en majuscules, as usual...

1.Gowap was a Scottish Prime Minister. Wrong
“Prime Minister Sir Gowap was a CanadianParliament”
==> Sir Gowap was a Canadian PRIME MINISTER.

2. Gowap’s speeches were interesting to listen to. Right
“Prime Minister took pain in preparing his speeches in advance and what he had to say was usually worthwhile”
==> OK

3. When the Prime Minister made his speech he was so drunk that he spoke nonsense. Right
“the Prime Minister had plenty to drink. So much so, in fact, that when he got up to speak his talk did not make much sense.”
==> OK

4. The following week Oscar Badger visited Gowap. Wrong
“The morning after the banquet Oscar Badger went to see the Prime Minister”
==> OK

5. Oscar Badger blamed the Prime Minister for drinking. Right
“Oscar Badger went to see the Prime Minister and told him that he had missed most of his speech…”
==> WRONG. "Oscar badger being a true Irish gentleman, would not criticize any man in his cups."

6. Gowap handed the journalist a copy of his speech. Wrong
“…and asked if he would repeat some parts of it.”
==> "Instead the agreeable Gowap gave forth for an hour or more the splendid speech which he had prepared in advance."

7. At the banquet Gowap had said things that had nothing to do with his speech. Wrong “the splendid speech which he had prepared in advance and which, because of the wine, he had forgotten to deliver”
==> RIGHT. "While waiting for his turn, the Prime Minister had plenty to drink. So much so, in fact, that when he got up to speak his talk did not make much sense."

8. Yet, Oscar Badger knew him so well that he pretendedhe had understood everything. Wrong “Journalist Oscar Badger was deeply grateful to the Prime Minister and excused his appreciation”
==> WRONG. "Oscar Badger went to see the Prime Minister and told him that he had missed most of his speech and asked if he would repeat some parts of it."

9. Gowap implied that unlike Ireland, Canada will not enable you to become successful if you drink alcohol. Right
“Canada is not Ireland. If you are going to get anywhere in this country as a journalist, never cover any assignment when you are drunk.””
==> OK

10. Gowap’s tone was paternalistic. Wrong
“the Prime Minister gruffly shut off Oscar Badger’s words of thanks with “look young man”
==> OK

Voilà. J'espère n'avoir pas fait d'erreur d'interprétation.

Réponse: Prime Minister Sir Gowap (correction) de haya, postée le 24-05-2006 à 16:16:00 (S | E)
Bonjour ,

Merci pour la correction !

Réponse: Prime Minister Sir Gowap (correction) de jean31, postée le 24-05-2006 à 16:17:58 (S | E)
You're , haya !



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