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Message de duo posté le 2004-06-19 16:32:49 (S | E | F | I)
Do you think that " Chat" is a good method for learning English

Réponse: re de dolivera, postée le 2004-06-19 16:50:49 (S | E)

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-19 17:55:03 (S | E)
I agree too. It's like having a conversation, without the pronunciation and the so-british (or american) accent ...

Réponse: re de caz9, postée le 2004-06-19 21:01:19 (S | E)
I agree that it's a good way of learning English or whatever language you are learning. It makes you think more carefully before you say something and helps you to check your spelling. If you make a mistake then the other person can correct it, and if you are chatting with a native speaker they can help you with the grammar and it's also a good way of picking up and using new words and therefore adding to your vocabulary.

To chrisg - what's the matter with the "so-british accent"? Can't you understand us? You've only go to ask and we will speak more slowly for you!!

Réponse: re de duo, postée le 2004-06-19 21:14:18 (S | E)
je ne suis pas certain que les personnes se corrigent mutuellement par contre effectivement c'est un bon moyen pour s'exprimer à l'ecrit ( faut il ne pas faire trop d'erreur )

Réponse: re de caz9, postée le 2004-06-19 21:18:43 (S | E)
The other person would need to be a native speaker or at an advanced level to be able to correct any mistakes you make. Even so, chatting with someone else whatever the level is a good way to improve your skills and vocabulary.

Réponse: re de dolivera, postée le 2004-06-19 21:22:29 (S | E)
Hi duo justement il est preferable avant toute communication de dire a l'autre sinon aux autres de te corriger au fur et a mesure que vous avancer sinon ce sera un peu bizarre qd meme vu que sur les chats on utilises trop les contractions et trop d'erreurs de frappes. Alors n'essayons pas de jouer les cales si on ne connais pas mieux vaut etre franc et evoluer FRANCHEMENT SINON LENTEMENT MAIS SUREMENT.

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-19 23:04:19 (S | E)
re réponse de caz9 - Voir profil completE | S
Date : 19/06/04, 21H18
The other person would need to be a native speaker or at an advanced level to be able to correct any mistakes you make. Even so, chatting with someone else whatever the level is a good way to improve your skills and vocabulary.

I agree with you but you must think that it isn't fun for the "advanced" person to have to always correct others' mistakes... he/she doesn't improve at all

Réponse: re to caz9 de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-20 00:17:00 (S | E)
"so-british" doesn't mean at all that I don't understand you, actually, that's underlying "everything I can't say in few words, in a positive way ! I can't explain.

Réponse: re to chrisg de caz9, postée le 2004-06-20 11:13:48 (S | E)
ah, so you mean you actually like the British accent!! Have you ever spoken to those people who don't have a British accent but rather have a local accent for instance the Liverpudlians, or the Brums/Black Country, people from Yorkshire or Somerset? It can be quite difficult to understand even for us English people!!

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-20 11:22:58 (S | E)
geeeeeeeeeeeeeesh yeah!!!
I went to LEEDS a year back... I couldn"t understand them if I didnt concentrate! and not to add that I am English....
My step Dad comes from Coventry , at the beginning I had difficulties understanding him too! but he speaks frech aswell so if ever I really don't get his sayings/expressions he explains them to me

Réponse: re to gizm0 de caz9, postée le 2004-06-20 11:30:26 (S | E)
When I went to Liverpool it was like being in a foreign land, their accents were so strong, but I think the worst accent to understand is the Scottish one - I can't remember if it is the Glaswegian accent or the one from Edinburgh which is worse!

So you're English are you gizm0? Perhaps you can PM me and tell me what you're doing in France!

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-20 11:34:59 (S | E)
yeah! scottish is terrible & my students can't understand australian accents either

Réponse: re de katel, postée le 2004-06-20 12:11:30 (S | E)
I share the opinion of those who think forum is a good way to improve English. As far as I'm concerned, I learn vocabulary or expressions.
In addition to, forum is a place to discuss on varioux matters and it's always interesting to know the idea of others people. this forum enable us to combine these interests. So, I use mainly the forum for these both reasons.

Nonetheless, it would be nonsense to consider forum as the only tool to improve our level of English. Thus, it's a very good mean but not the only one.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-20 12:44:20 (S | E)
According to me, the most difficult one is the "indian" one !!! ))) I always have to concentrate a lot, just to understand few words !

Réponse: re de caz9, postée le 2004-06-20 14:26:17 (S | E)
I agree entirely chrisg. We have an Indian friend at church. When he preaches it is extremely difficult to understand him as he doesn't pronounce some letters properly - he uses "w" for "v" - for example he says "willages" instead of "villages" - most confusing!!

Réponse: ATMA katel (20/06/04, 12H11) de mariet, postée le 2004-06-20 16:09:05 (S | E)
I share the opinion of those who think the/this forum is a good way to improve English. As far as I'm concerned, I learn vocabulary or expressions (/phrases).
In addition to that, the forum is a place to discuss on variouS matters and it's always interesting to know the ideas/opinion of other_ people. This forum enableS us to combine these interests. So, I use mainly the forum for both these reasons.

Nonetheless, it would be nonsense to consider theforum as the only tool to improve our level of English. Thus, it's a very good meanS but not the only one.

I quite agree with you! It helps a lot, but one needs to work besides.

Réponse: re de soobee, postée le 2004-06-21 18:38:24 (S | E)
yes i think

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-21 22:09:08 (S | E)
mariet, i'm not quite sure to understand. in this case, forum is not defined and stands for all kind of forum. Why adding "the/that/this" ?????

Réponse: to chrisg de mariet, postée le 2004-06-22 01:43:51 (S | E)
"in this case, forum is not defined and stands for all kindS of (/every kind of) forumS. Why add_ "the/that/this" ?????"

Why ? Because Katel was not talking about forums (or forii as the Romans would have said) in general but about a particular forum : one which is a means to learn English.
Besides, as far as I'm concerned, I definitely think this one is unique....

Réponse: re to Mariet de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-22 07:05:56 (S | E)
like you Mariet.

Réponse: re de duo, postée le 2004-06-22 18:59:21 (S | E)
Je pense sincerement que sur le chat il est difficile de progresser si personne ne te corrige.

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-22 19:11:19 (S | E)
Le principe du chat est d'abord et avant tout d'acquérir des automatismes, en ce sens que la personne avec laquelle tu dialogues ne va pas attendre 3 minutes ta réponse. Je pense que c'est un excellent mode d'apprentissage, pour se lancer ensuite à l'oral;

Réponse: re de duo, postée le 2004-06-22 22:50:28 (S | E)
je suis d'accord avec toi mais comment tu fais pour acquérir des automatismes

Edité par duo le 2004-06-22 22:58:19

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-22 22:56:35 (S | E)
En discutant. Au départ, c'est vrai c'est difficile. mais tu constateras que certains utilisent toujours les mêmes expressions. C'est un peu de cette façon, que j'ai récupéré les automatismes anglais des uns et des autres, aidé, c'est vrai, au départ par un environnement de travail propice à l'apprentissage de l'anglais et de ses idiomatismes.



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