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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


please correct me.. Thanks
Message de lili24771 posté le 28-08-2006 à 20:01:46 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody, could you correct my letter please...THANKS A LOT...


How are you? I'm happy to hear from you. I hope that you are not too sad that your honey left!! It is not an easy situation, but for your careers it is really fantastic! I hope that Akshay is correctly installed in apple (NY). And that you, you benefit from your life of single person! But not too nevertheless !

Unfortunately, we will not be able to come with you in October. I cannot pose holidays. But they is really sympathetic to have to propose to us… Moreover, the weather is so bad in France, that that would have made us the largest good to go over there. But, in the same time, knowing how you will be separate a few months, I think that it is super important that you find yourselves of in love! ;-)

Blow, I was disgusted so much that I am informing me to make a road trip in Australia the next year!! But, we must to one must initially define the budget, all that ... I dream to visit this country, really! Of course you would be welcome!

We are on holiday thursday evening, one could almost have visited you to New York, but it is really very expensive...

But of course, we could see on the ski pistes !!

I hope that you will spend superb holidays! Especially say to Akshay, which sends its artistic photographs of over there to us! Lollll


Réponse: please correct me.. Thanks de lili24771, postée le 29-08-2006 à 19:45:24 (S | E)
Je crois que j'ai fait trop de fautes pour que quelqu'un puisse faire quelque chose de ma lettre

Réponse: please correct me.. Thanks de bipbip, postée le 29-08-2006 à 23:46:13 (S | E)
I made a correction for you. But, to be honest, I found it a bit difficult to understand your story
Good luck.

How are you? I'm happy to hear from you. I hope that you are not too sad that your honey left!! It is not an easy situation, but for your careers it is really fantastic! I hope that Akshay is correctly LOCATED in apple (NY). And that
you, you benefit from your life AS A single person! But not too MUCH nevertheless !

Unfortunately, we will not be able to VISIT you in October. I cannot GET holidays. But THAT WAS really NICE to have to propose IT to us… Moreover, the weather is so bad in France, that that would have made us A LOT OF good to go over there. But, in the same time, knowing how you will be SEPARATED FOR a few months, I think that it is MUCH important that you find yourselves of in love! ;-) ?????????????

I was so much disgusted that I MADE THE DECISION TO MAKE a road trip in Australia the next year!! But, we must WE MUST FIRST DEFINE the budget, AND SO ON ... I dream to visit this country, really! Of course you would be welcome!

We are on holiday ON thursday NIGHT, WE could almost have visited you IN New York, but it is really very expensive...

But of course, we could MEET on the ski pistes !!

I hope that you will spend superb holidays! Especially say to Akshay, which sends its artistic photographs of over there to us! Lollll

Réponse: please correct me.. Thanks de lili24771, postée le 30-08-2006 à 08:55:17 (S | E)

Thanks a lot bipbip! It is very nice!!

My penfriend correct me too... Here this corrections :

How are you? I'm happy to hear from you. I hope that you are not too sad that your honey left!! It is not an easy situation, but for your careers it is really fantastic! I hope that A.... is settled in the Big Apple (NY). And that you, you benefit from your life of a single person! But not too much nevertheless !

Unfortunately, we will not be able to come with you in October. I cannot have the time off. But they are really kind to have asked us… Moreover, the weather is so bad in France that it would better for us to go over there! But at the same time, knowing how you will be separate for a few months, I think that it is really important that you find yourselves in love! ;-)

Blow, I was disgusted so much that I am planning to do a road trip in Australia next year!! But we must initially define the budget, all that ... I dream of visiting this country, really! Of course you would be welcome!

We are on holiday Thursday evening, one could almost have visited you in New York, but it is really very expensive... We are a time off for two weeks! ! Coolll!

But of course, we could see you on the ski pistes !!

I hope that you will have a superb holiday! Especially tell A......, who sends his artistic photographs of over there to us!

I hope to catch up with you later!

Merci aussi à ce site fantastique!!!!



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