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Message de minneapolis_cafe posté le 2004-06-20 01:12:24 (S | E | F | I)
Hi there!
When I was overseas (Minnesota), I used to go to some places where people could chat in French for a while. It was free and that was called "table française". It was a kind of informal join-together that took place in a French bakery, for instance, or in the cafeteria of a university. Most of the people who got there were fond of the French language and culture.
For some reason, I can't find the equivalent in France (at least, not in the town I live) : a place where people could have a drink and improve their English at the same time! Nice, isn't it?
Hopefully, there must be something similar in France...
Please let me know if you're familiar with it.

Edité par minneapolis_cafe le 20-06-2004 01:06

Réponse: re de dolivera, postée le 2004-06-20 12:51:48 (S | E)
Another great way to improve your english and I sincerely think that someone will give you an adress. May be you can try the american cultural centre or the ambassy.

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-06-20 15:42:29 (S | E)
As there is no ambassy in Chartres as far as I know, you could try the "Pages jaunes".
On the net, just type "Pages jaunes" and fill in either "café" or "associations culturelles" and, of course, the name of the town. You'll get addresses where you'll probably be able to get the information you want.
It's a very good idea indeed. Keep us informed, will you ? Others might be interested too...

Réponse: re de minneapolis_cafe, postée le 2004-07-02 14:37:40 (S | E)
Hi again!
I haven't found anything really interesting so far.
Anyway, I'll keep you posted in case there's something new.

Réponse: re to minnea de virginia, postée le 2004-07-02 15:36:13 (S | E)
When I was in Paris, I made exchanges with English-speaking people. We spoke half an hour in English and then half an hour in French. They were students in my university. Maybe you will find the same thing in a university of language in your town. They or you wrote a message on a board.
There were also some Irish pubs where I met really nice English-speaking people. Every two weeks I met them and we spent the whole evening talking in English. Indeed when they are in a pub... English-speaking people usually talk in English! But in some pubs no one talks in English!

I hope this testimony will help you!

See you!



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