Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Correction texte descriptif
Message de aurel_gates posté le 12-09-2006 à 20:33:04 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour voilà je dois décrire une photos pour vendredi...le professeur ramassera certainement!!!pouvez vous me corriger et m'indiquer mes erreurs!! Merci d'avance::
New York is the city that never sleeps because there are always shops, restaurants or shows(outside or inside) who are opening...
This photo is a interesting example because in the foregroud there isa man who are walking on a string and he is walking on a string and he is playing violin : he is a tight-rope !
In the background, in the distance, there are many people who are seeing him. Mans are taking photo : Most of people are with their bikes.
I think this photo was taken in a park because in the background there are trees.. May be it's central park !!
Encore merci et à bientôt !!
Modifié par bridg le 12-09-2006 20:45
Message de aurel_gates posté le 12-09-2006 à 20:33:04 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour voilà je dois décrire une photos pour vendredi...le professeur ramassera certainement!!!pouvez vous me corriger et m'indiquer mes erreurs!! Merci d'avance::
New York is the city that never sleeps because there are always shops, restaurants or shows(outside or inside) who are opening...
This photo is a interesting example because in the foregroud there isa man who are walking on a string and he is walking on a string and he is playing violin : he is a tight-rope !
In the background, in the distance, there are many people who are seeing him. Mans are taking photo : Most of people are with their bikes.
I think this photo was taken in a park because in the background there are trees.. May be it's central park !!
Encore merci et à bientôt !!
Modifié par bridg le 12-09-2006 20:45
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de bipbip, postée le 12-09-2006 à 20:51:41 (S | E)
New York is the city that never sleeps because there are always shops, restaurants, outside and inside shows at any hour of day and night.
This photo is an interesting example because, in the foreground, you can see a man walking on a string while playing the violin : he is a tight-rope !
In the background, in the distance, there are many people looking at him. Some men are making photos : most people are riding bikes.
I think this photo was taken in a park because ,in the background, there are trees.. Maybe it is Central Park !!
Bonne continuation! Bipbip
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de aurel_gates, postée le 12-09-2006 à 20:57:30 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de réponse!!! mais peux tu me dire es ce que si j'avais laissé "who are opening..." c'était grammaticalement juste ??
Merci !
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de jean31, postée le 12-09-2006 à 22:01:51 (S | E)
Bonsoir aurel_gates,
New York is the city that never sleeps because there are always shops, restaurants, or shows (inside or outside) which stay open.
This photo is an interesting example because in the foreground we can see a man who is walking on a rope while playing the violin.
In the background, in the distance, there are many people who are watching him. Some are taking photos. Most (0) people are with their bikes.
I think this photo was taken in a park because there are trees in the background. Maybe it's Central Park.
Un peu de couleur pour te signaler les fautes et (0) pour signaler une suppression.
Good luck.

PS : Pour répondre à ta seconde question, "who are opening..." est doublement faux grammaticalement. 1 "who" est faux car son antécédent est une suite de choses inanimées. 2 "opening" est faux car les magasins, restaurants etc ne "s'ouvrent" pas d'eux-mêmes ! Ils sont ouverts => le verbe d'état = "be" + l'adjectif = "open".
Voili, voilou !
Modifié par jean31 le 12-09-2006 22:07

Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de aurel_gates, postée le 12-09-2006 à 22:28:17 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!!Certaine deuxieme correction m'aide d'autant plus car je comprends mes erreurs...!!Merci sinon savez vous ou je peux trouver un cours expliquant les verbes en ing ? merci Beaucoup et à demain!
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de mp27, postée le 12-09-2006 à 22:56:22 (S | E)
Hello aurel gates,
Deux petites notes:
--un funambule, ce n'est pas a “tight-rope”, mais “a tightrope walker”
--...people are with their bikes. S'ils sont en vélo, tu pourrais mettre “on” their bikes / riding their bikes.
Pour répondre à ta question: sur le site, tu trouveras explications, exemples et exercices. Tape ing sur la barre jaune en haut à droite et clique sur "Rechercher".
Bonne continuation!
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de aurel_gates, postée le 13-09-2006 à 08:03:36 (S | E)
Merci à tous j'
Modifié par aimen7 le 13-09-2006 09:37
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de jean31, postée le 13-09-2006 à 10:59:21 (S | E)
You're very welcome, aurel_gates !

Réponse: Correction texte de aurel_gates, postée le 20-09-2006 à 19:08:15 (S | E)

J'ai encore et toujours des résumés ou du moins des descriptions à faire sur des images, pouvez vous me corriger celle-ci ?

In the third picture, I can see different house which are around a place. They are made of wood and they are white and green. I think it’s the down town of a little village because the place where the photo was taken is smaller than a place of big city like New York. Of more, in the distance, there are three flags, so, one of them is the American’s Flag. May be the house which are just in front of flags is the town hall. On the right, there is a person who is entering on a house. It’s possible this house is a little chapel. In the background, some people are speaking next to parasols. I imagine there is a coffee. The weather is so sunny and hot because some people are in tee-shirt. The place is very proper, the grass is very green… May be, the place is in a forest because there are trees around it. It’s an attended place during the night because there are standard lamps.
To finish, this picture correspond to the letter of the family, because I think it’s the principal place of Stony Brook…
Merci encore !!
Modifié par bridg le 20-09-2006 19:12
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de jean31, postée le 20-09-2006 à 22:05:34 (S | E)
Deuxième édition donc, en espérant que ce sera la bonne cette fois...

Les balisages de couleur doivent t'aider à rectifier tes erreurs.
In the third picture, I can see different house(pluriel) which are around a place.("a place" est un faux ami et signifie "un endroit". Une place se dit ... Indice : c'est un mot que l'on utilise aussi en français)They are made of wood and they are white and green. I think it’s the down town of a little village because the place(idem) where the photo was taken is smaller than a place(idem) of a big city like New York. Of more,(ne se dit pas, mais le mot recherché commence par more...) in the distance, there are three flags, so, one of them is the American<’s> Flag.(cas possessif inutile et incorrect) May be the house which are(sujet singulier, donc...) just in front of the flags is the town hall. On the right, there is a person who is entering <on>(to enter est un verbe transitif direct) a house. It’s possible/Perhaps/ this house is a little chapel. In the background, some people are speaking next to parasols. I imagine there is a coffee bar. The weather is so sunny and hot because some people are wearing <in> tee-shirtS. The place(idem) is very proper,("proper" est impropre ! propre se dit... ) the grass is very green… May be, the place(?) is in a forest because there are trees around it. It’s a <attended> busy/frequented/ place during the night because there are <standard> street lamps.(standard lamps, c'est dans la maison)
To finish, this picture correspond(sujet singulier, donc...) to the letter of the family, because I think it’s the principal place(?) of Stony Brook…
Conseil : procure-toi ou fais toi offrir un BON dictionnaire bilingue qui t'évitera un certain nombre de bévues. Harrap's ou Robert & Collins sont excellents.
Réponse: Correction texte descriptif de aurel_gates, postée le 20-09-2006 à 22:22:30 (S | E)
Merci!!une fois de plus!!alors voilà ce que je propose :
house : houses
place : square
Of more : moreover
American<’s> Flag : American Flag
the house which are : the house which is
is entering on : is entering the house
proper : clean
It’s a
standart lamp : street lamp
this picture correspond : this picture corresponds
Merci encore en en espérant que ma correction sois juste !!
Bonne nuit !!
There's a good boy and an excellent job!

You deserve an A mark.