Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Correction superlatif/comparatif
Message de aurel_gates posté le 17-09-2006 à 15:36:57 (S | E | F | I)
Je dois faire un texte sur New York en comparant different éléments cette ville : je suis donc ammener à utiliser le superlatif et le comparatif. J'ai le texte qui suit ! Pouvez vous me le corriger, et l'améliorer grammaticalement ?
There are different borough in New York. Brooklyn, where Jews from Eastern europe, is the biggest borough of New York with 2.3000.000 of population contrary to Staten Island which is the smallest borough with only 444 000 of population. The others boroughs are Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens...
The Chrysler Building is older than the Empire State Building because it completed in 1930 and the second one in 1971. The C.B is less high than the E.S.B because the second building is 1 250 feet and the first one is 1 046 feet.
The museum of Modern Art is less expensive than the Guggenhiem Museum. The admission for the first is $20 and for the second one $12.
The Statue of Liberty is the building the most famous of New York. It stay open during a longer time during the summer than during the rest of the year. It's completed in 1886, it's older than the E.S.B and smaller than C.B.
Voili, voilou !!
Merci d'avance !!
Message de aurel_gates posté le 17-09-2006 à 15:36:57 (S | E | F | I)
Je dois faire un texte sur New York en comparant different éléments cette ville : je suis donc ammener à utiliser le superlatif et le comparatif. J'ai le texte qui suit ! Pouvez vous me le corriger, et l'améliorer grammaticalement ?
There are different borough in New York. Brooklyn, where Jews from Eastern europe, is the biggest borough of New York with 2.3000.000 of population contrary to Staten Island which is the smallest borough with only 444 000 of population. The others boroughs are Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens...
The Chrysler Building is older than the Empire State Building because it completed in 1930 and the second one in 1971. The C.B is less high than the E.S.B because the second building is 1 250 feet and the first one is 1 046 feet.
The museum of Modern Art is less expensive than the Guggenhiem Museum. The admission for the first is $20 and for the second one $12.
The Statue of Liberty is the building the most famous of New York. It stay open during a longer time during the summer than during the rest of the year. It's completed in 1886, it's older than the E.S.B and smaller than C.B.
Voili, voilou !!
Merci d'avance !!
Réponse: Correction superlatif/comparatif de jean31, postée le 17-09-2006 à 16:17:35 (S | E)
Bonjour aurel_gates,
C'est ton jour de chance. Pour le même prix, tu bénéficies d'une double correction, à savoir sur le français et l'anglais...
Je dois faire un texte sur New York en comparant différents éléments de cette ville : je suis donc amené à utiliser le superlatif et le comparatif. J'ai le texte qui suit ! Pouvez-vous me le corriger, et l'améliorer grammaticalement ?
There are different boroughS in New York. Brooklyn, where Jews from Eastern Europe LIVE, is the biggest borough IN New York with 2.3000.000 INHABITANTS contrary to Staten Island which is the smallest ONE with only 444 000 INHABITANTS. The other(0 = adjectif invariable) boroughs are Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens...
The Chrysler Building is older than the Empire State Building because it WAS completed in 1930 and the second one in 1971. The C.B is LOWER than the E.S.B because the second building is 1 250 feet and the first one is 1 046 feet.
The museum of Modern Art is less expensive than the GuggenheEIm Museum. The admission for the first is $20 and for the second one $12.
The Statue of Liberty is the most famous BUILDING (adjectif avant le nom, à copier 100 fois !) IN New York. It stayS (3e pers. sing !) open during a longer time IN the Summer than during the rest of the year. It WAS completed in 1886, it's older than the E.S.B and smaller than C.B.
* Attention ! Tu commets des fautes monstrueuses, indignes d'un futur bilingue.
Take care !
Réponse: Correction superlatif/comparatif de aurel_gates, postée le 17-09-2006 à 16:31:39 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup encore une fois !! Pour ce qui est des fautes je ferai plus attention car la majorité sont dûes à de l'inattention sauf certaines comme LOWER !
Modifié par bobine le 17-09-2006 16:43
Réponse: Correction superlatif/comparatif de aurel_gates, postée le 17-09-2006 à 17:06:21 (S | E)
Encore une dernière question mais je n'ai pas compris ce-ci dans la correction (je ne connait pas ce temps ni son utilisation): it WAS completed
Merci d'avance
Réponse: Correction superlatif/comparatif de jean31, postée le 17-09-2006 à 17:31:47 (S | E)
Encore une dernière question mais je n'ai pas compris ce-ci dans la correction (je ne connait pas ce temps ni son utilisation): it WAS completed
C'est une tournure passive au prétérit : auxiliaire was + participe passé du verbe To complete.
Le bâtiment a été terminé ...
See you.
Réponse: Correction superlatif/comparatif de aurel_gates, postée le 17-09-2006 à 17:41:16 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup!!Bonne soirée !!