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Appartement/ Correction
Message de laudi posté le 27-09-2006 à 17:10:14 (S | E | F | I)

Pouvez-vous me corriger s'il vous plaît. Merci de votre aide.

Sharing an appartment or not!

I have never had such an experiance but if you want that it works very well, you have to think about advantages and disadvantages.
I think, the sharing domestic tasks, the groupe life and of course the economical side for the positive points.
As for negative points, there are the noise makes by several people into the same flat and the untidiness too.
You can have some needs or desires but you may distrub your roomates and the same for the other ones!!
In my opinions and for all these raesons, if you choose to share an appartment, you have to do it with some people that you know very very well.

Modifié par bridg le 27-09-2006 17:18
Formules d'usage/Titre
Modifié par laudi le 27-09-2006 17:22
Modifié par laudi le 27-09-2006 17:26
Modifié par bridg le 27-09-2006 17:28
Merci de ne pas changer notre travail.

Réponse: Appartement/ Correction de jean31, postée le 27-09-2006 à 18:30:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir laudi,

Corrections en majuscules et ce qui est entre <...> est à supprimer.

Sharing an appartment or not!

I have never had such an experiEnce but if you want it TO work(s) (proposition infinitive après un verbe exprimant le désir, la volonté, l'ordre etc.) very well, you have to think about advantages and disadvantages.
I think THAT (mal placé) sharing THE domestic tasks, the group (orth.) life and of course the economical side STANDS for(= représente, car il faut bien un verbe) the positive points.
As for THE negative points, there are the noise MADE (le participe passé, comme en français) by several people in (la préposition statique et non dynamique) the same flat and theIR untidiness too.
You can have some needs or desires but you may distURb (orth.) your roomMates (orth.) and ! VICE VERSA ou bien THE OTHER WAY ROUND.(si j'ai bien interprêté)
In my opinion(s) (toujours au singulier) and for all these rEAsons,(orth.) if you choose to share an appartment, you have to do it with some people that/whom/ you know very very well.

I hope it helps.

Modifié par jean31 le 27-09-2006 18:31
Modifié par bridg le 27-09-2006 18:34
Retrait du bug/ Attention Jean, de ne pas utiliser les balises pour corriger mais les parenthèses.

Merci bridg. D'où je déduis que les "balises", ce sont les <> inversés. J'aurai appris ça aujourd'hui !
Modifié par jean31 le 27-09-2006 18:37

Modifié par jean31 le 27-09-2006 18:38

Réponse: Appartement/ Correction de canadiankaty, postée le 27-09-2006 à 23:03:12 (S | E)
Hello there, this is Katy... I can try to help you...

Sharing an appartment or not! - Better would be... "To share or not to share an apartment" (only one p in apartment)

I myself have never shared an apartment, but I think that if you want it to work out well, you have to think about the advantages and disadvantages.
I think that sharing the chores, socializing with your room-mate, and saving money on rent are all positives.
As for the negative points, some room-mates can be noisy and messy.
You may have some needs or desires, but you may disturb your roomates and vice versa!!
(What do you mean by "needs and desires"?? Sounds sexual in this context.)

For all of these reasons, it is my opinion that if you choose to share an apartment, you have to do it with people that you know very well.

There you go... I hope I didn't change it around too much for you... I think it still means the same... from Katy from Canada



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