Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Letter of motivation
Message de italienne777 posté le 07-10-2006 à 18:17:13 (S | E | F | I)
J'avais un exercice à faire :
You want to be a doctor and would to be involded in a humanitarian projet. Write a letter of motivation
Pouvez-vous corriger mes erreurssvp s'il vous plaît?
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is.... ans with this letter I would like to apply for this job proposed.
I am getting the competitise examination of medecine last year. During my study, I learnt an enormous amount of thing about the difficulty of this job.
In spite of this difficulty my aim is to become a doctor. I want to help people who need and do my best to decrease sick people. I have found that most of people have become victim of diseases. Personally, I am a person with a high perseverance level, someone who is motivated, enthusiast, ambitious and really get involded in the things that I like being a doctor is my dream sonce I was a little girl.
Moreaver, I would like to be involded in a humanitarian projet to welcome people who need speak, understand why are they sick? To be tuned
Merdi d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 07-10-2006 18:36
Message de italienne777 posté le 07-10-2006 à 18:17:13 (S | E | F | I)
J'avais un exercice à faire :
You want to be a doctor and would to be involded in a humanitarian projet. Write a letter of motivation
Pouvez-vous corriger mes erreurs
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is.... ans with this letter I would like to apply for this job proposed.
I am getting the competitise examination of medecine last year. During my study, I learnt an enormous amount of thing about the difficulty of this job.
In spite of this difficulty my aim is to become a doctor. I want to help people who need and do my best to decrease sick people. I have found that most of people have become victim of diseases. Personally, I am a person with a high perseverance level, someone who is motivated, enthusiast, ambitious and really get involded in the things that I like being a doctor is my dream sonce I was a little girl.
Moreaver, I would like to be involded in a humanitarian projet to welcome people who need speak, understand why are they sick? To be tuned
Merdi d'avance
Modifié par bridg le 07-10-2006 18:36
Réponse: Letter of motivation de bipbip, postée le 07-10-2006 à 22:26:38 (S | E)
Voici une correction que je te propose! Bonne continuation. Bipbip

Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is....
In spite of
Modifié par bridg le 07-10-2006 22:32
Il serait gentil par respect pour l'éthique du site de ne pas donner les réponses toutes faites aux membres mais de les aider à réfléchir sur leurs fautes et à trouver eux-même la bonne réponse.
Ce n'est pas constructif pour un apprentissage de la langue.
Merci de respecter cette règle.