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In the test room/ correction!!
Message de lizie posté le 11-10-2006 à 15:30:29 (S | E | F | I)

j'aurais voulu savoir si vous auriez pû m'aider à voir mes fautes et m'en faire part!!
merci d'avance!!

Well, here we are again seated in the cosy test room in for one our jolly little afternoons with our teachers. My! it certainly is pleasant to settle back into this warm test room with a whole quiet afternoon in front of us, no business to think of, no problems of heart to think of, just to lie in one of our comfortable day-dreams. How pleasant it is in this test room, anyway, with the sunshine streming in through the window upon us and illuminating every corner of the neat and immaculate cosy test room wich we be. For immaculate neatness and cleanliness, i repeat give me a little up-to-date test room every time. Talk of your cosy librairies or your dens, they won't compare with this little nook. Hee we are with everything we need around us, all within easy arms-length reach. Here on this desk are our pleasant fountain-pen, felt-tip, ball-point and glue, some so small and cute and others so big and strong that we feel a real confidence in them. They'd never let go of anything! Here is our dainty little felt-tip with our little fall-paint on the right of the desk, our up-to-date fountain-pen on the left of the desk everything!
Modifié par bridg le 11-10-2006 15:38

Réponse: In the test room/ correction!! de brioche, postée le 11-10-2006 à 17:21:49 (S | E)

Well, here we are again seated in the cosy test room in ( inutile je pense) for one our jolly little afternoons with our teachers. My!( pourquoi My ?) it certainly is pleasant( je pense qu'ilf aut inverser le verbe et l'adverbe...à confirmer ^^) to settle back into this warm test room with a whole quiet afternoon in front of us, no business to think of, no problems of heart to think( c'est du mot à mot, je te conseille de dire cela autrement.) of, just to lie in one of our comfortable day-dreams ( je ne connais aps ce mot, qu'est ce que ça veut dire? c'est un type de chaise ? j'en profite pour m'instruire ). How pleasant it is in this test room, anyway, with the sunshine streming ( ruisseler = To stream) in through the window upon us and illuminating every corner of the neat and immaculate cosy test room wich we be. For immaculate neatness and cleanliness, I repeat give me a little up-to-date test room every time. Talk of your cosy librairies or your dens, they won't compare with this little nook. Here we are with everything we need around us, all within easy arms-length reach. Here on this desk are our pleasant fountain-pen, felt-tip, ball-point and glue, some so small and cute and others so big and strong that we feel a real confidence in them. They'd never let go of anything! Here is our dainty little felt-tip with our little fall-paint on the right of the desk, our up-to-date fountain-pen on the left of the desk, everything!

Je trouve que tu as une très bonne expression, et il a à mon goût très peu de faute! Bon travail!! ;) Mais je suis loin d'être infaillible... il faudrait aussi l'avis de quelqu'un d'autre ^^ voilouuu, ton texte est très riche, j'en ai profité pour apprendre du vocabulaire ;)



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