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Lettre à corriger
Message de laptiote7 posté le 30-10-2006 à 16:20:49 (S | E | F | I)

st-ce que vous pourriez m'aider à corriger ems mes fautes de grammaire(s), vocabulaire(s).merci d'avance.

First of all, I send this email to you to have your news. I couldn’t write to you before because of my computer encountered problems. In case you don’t remember last week I saw mom. To begin with, I was London when mom called me whereas mom was in the USA. Mom was much disorientated, she wonders if the British have cars, modern toilets and edible food, it’s a certain Mrs Lovell which said to her that during the Second World War the Great Britain encountered these problems. Mom met her in church because she lives in the USA too. Mom and Mrs Lovell don’t realize that one changed time that’s why what they say about the country doesn’t correspond to the present situation. Concerning mom, she was very anxious. Indeed we went in a restaurant then we made shopping. She was obstinate and proves it when she insists on buying bananas! Mom had been lost that changed much for her time. In brief my day with Mom was very interesting, it’s a pity which you couldn’t come.
I wait your answer.

la réponse de sa soeur :
Tanks you for your mail, I am apologize; I will have agreed to spend this day with you.
Mom is very surprising! How long mom didn’t return in the Great Britain? It is true much of things changed since the Second World War, mom must be lost. Moreover I will invite it to know what it thought of all that.
I kiss you. I hope to see you quickly.
Modifié par bridg le 30-10-2006 16:25
Juste une signalisation des fautes s'il vous plaît, pas une correction complète. Merci

Réponse: Lettre à corriger de sottephie, postée le 31-10-2006 à 11:36:20 (S | E)
Bonjour Laptiote!

Je peux t'aider à corriger quelques erreurs, mais il faudra que tu attendes l'intervention d'autres personnes pour avoir un texte vraiment correct, OK?

First of all, I send this email to (c'est: to send somebody something, donc ...) you to have your news. I couldn’t write to you before because of my computer encountered problems.

In case you don’t (j'écrirais "wouldn't"...) remember, last week (compl. de temps à déplacer en fin de phrase) I saw Mom (pour ma part, j'y mettrais une majuscule...). To begin with, I was (il manque une préposition) London when mom called me whereas mom was in the USA (pour éviter de répéter "Mom", modifie ta phrase et dis "J'étais à Londres quand Maman m'a appelée des/depuis les USA").

Peut-être pourrais-tu préciser ici que c'est elle qui a fait le voyage jusqu'à Londres (si j'ai bien compris?)

Mom was much disorientated. She wonders (tu commences à l'imparfait, donc ici aussi, mets-en un...) if the British have cars, modern toilets and edible food (. ou, mieux, ! puisque les questions que Mom se pose sont, pour le moins, étonnantes )! it's A certain Mrs Lovell which said to her that during the Second World War,the Great Britain (had?) encountered those problems. Mom met her in a church because (she also lives in the USA) too. Mom and Mrs Lovell don’t realize that one changed time (modifie cette dernière partie de phrase...). That’s why what they say about the country doesn’t correspond to the present situation. Concerning mom, she was very anxious. Indeed (Evite de commencer par "indeed" (="en effet"); il n'y a pas de rapport entre l'anxiété de Mom et le fait d'aller au resto ou de faire du shopping, n'est ce pas? ...) we went in a to the restaurant, then we made shopping (faire du shopping = to go shopping, donc...) . She was obstinate and proves (le temps n'est pas correct...) it when she insists (temps!) on buying ... bananas !

Mom had been (temps) lost; that changed much for her time (modifie ta phrase). In brief my day with Mom was very interesting (je n'utiliserais pas le terme interesting ; vous n'avez pas assisté à une conférence, vous n'êtes pas allées au théâtre...? Le terme pleasant conviendrait bien, non?); it’s a pity which that you couldn’t come.
I wait (to wait s'utilise avec la préposition for...) your answer.

la réponse de sa soeur :
Tanks youThanks for your mail; I am apologize (I am sorry / I apologize); I will (temps incorrect) have agreed (j'aurais apprécié serait peut-être plus adapté que j'aurais été d'accord) to spend this day with you.
Mom is very surprising! How long mom didn’t return (tu poses une question, il y a donc inversion du sujet/verbe) in the Great Britain? It is true: much (many) of things changed since the Second World War, mom must be lost (à modifier).

Moreover (= en outre -> inutile ici) I will invite it(l'on parle de Mom, donc...) to know what it (idem) thought of all that.
I kiss you. I hope to see you quickly.

Voilà déjà de quoi commencer tes corrections! Bon travail!

Réponse: Lettre à corriger de laptiote7, postée le 31-10-2006 à 14:38:26 (S | E)
je vous remercie beaucoup voila de quoi corriger une bonne partie de mon devoir merci encore



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