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Message de marie37400 posté le 2004-06-27 13:21:34 (S | E | F | I)
Hello everybody,

I've done Chris exercise about conjunctions and it was a failure. I have tried to find the subtle differences between though, although, albeit, while, whilst and whereas looking into my many files, grammar books and of course, on Anglais facile and other ones, but unsuccessfully !!!!!!
I'd be really pleased if somebody could tell me more about it.
Many thanks in advance,


Réponse: re de agatha30, postée le 2004-06-27 13:29:21 (S | E)
salut moi c agatha 30 .
c'est vrai que c'est difficil . moi je sais que through veut dire ... je te donne un exemple : the tigre jumps through the fire (à travers )
while : alors

c'est tout ce que je sais ne me demande pas la différence entre although et les autres car je ne sais même pas ce que cele veut dire . bref siono envoie lui 1 message il pourra te donner la solution a+

Réponse: ce sont tous des synonymes de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-27 13:34:46 (S | E)
agatha... relis ce que marie37400 demande.. elle ne demande pas THROUGH a travers... mais THOUGH qui est completement different..
Ceci dit, marie, double clique sur les mots que tu ne comprend pas et apparaitra une fenetre avec la définition du mot.

though, = though [ðəʊ]
conjunction [subordinating]
1 [sometimes preceded by even] despite the fact that
example: though he tries hard, he always fails
example: poor though she is, her life is happy
2 as though as if
example: he looked as though he'd seen a ghost
3 nevertheless; however
example: he can't dance: he sings well, though
[ETYMOLOGY: Old English theah; related to Old Frisian thach, Old Saxon, Old High German thoh Old Norse tho]

although, = although [ɔːl'ðəʊ]
conjunction [subordinating] despite the fact that; even though
example: although she was ill, she worked hard

albeit, albeit [ɔːl'biːıt]
conjunction even though
[ETYMOLOGY: C14 al be it, that is, although it be (that)]

while, ou whilst
while [waıl]

1 [subordinating] at the same time that
example: please light the fire while I'm cooking

2 [subordinating] all the time that
example: I stay inside while it's raining

3 [subordinating] in spite of the fact that
example: while I agree about his brilliance I still think he's rude

4 [coordinating] whereas; and in contrast
example: flats are expensive, while houses are cheap

5 [subordinating; used with a gerund] during the activity of
example: while walking I often whistle
preposition(al), conjunction
6 (Scot. and northern English) (dialect)
another word for: until
example: you'll have to wait while Monday for these sheets
example: you'll never make any progress while you listen to me
7 [usually used in adverbial phrases] a period or interval of time
example: once in a long while

8 trouble or time (esp. in the phrase worth one's while)
example: it's hardly worth your while to begin work today

9 the while at that time
example: he was working the while
See also: whiles
[ETYMOLOGY: Old English hwil; related to Old High German hwila (German Weile), Gothic hveila, Latin quies peace, tranquilus tranquil]
It was formerly considered incorrect to use while to mean in spite of the fact that or whereas, but these uses have now become acceptable

and whereas
whereas [wɛər'æz]
1 [coordinating] but on the other hand
example: I like to go swimming whereas Sheila likes to sail
sentence connector
2 (in formal documents to begin sentences) it being the case that; since

sinon et bien mucis toi d'un dictionnaire plus performant

Réponse: re de agatha30, postée le 2004-06-27 13:41:20 (S | E)
Ouais c'est vrai c'était though et non pas through bref pour while je crois que c'est 1 truc du genre :
I was writing a letter while severina was dancing
J e crois que c'est ça mais je ne sais pas si on dit : I was writing a letter while severina come .. par exemple c'est la règle du past simple et past continious
I WAS WRITING a letter WHEN someone kKNOCKED at the door
On peut utiliser when , while , suddenly ................

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-27 14:05:01 (S | E)
Merci gizmette, tu m'enlèves une épine du pied.

Réponse: re de marie37400, postée le 2004-06-27 14:17:10 (S | E)
Merci aux efforts d'Agatha, and as for Chloë, a big thank you ! What I had found interesting in this Chris exercise were the subtleties, what I was unable to do !!!!!
I'm ashamed because I've got The Robert and Collins super senior. I can assure you that your answer will be in my grammar file once and for all and I'll go back straight away to this exercise !!!!!!!!!!

As for the translations by double-click, I'm really sorry because I've got a Mac and it doesn't work with it ! By the way, maybe our webmaster could do something about it????????

Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-27 14:26:34 (S | E)
agatha , en effet while = pendant que/tandis que

marie concerning the double clicking, pm the webmaster, I'm sure he'll be able to do something about it

Réponse: re de agatha30, postée le 2004-06-27 21:44:58 (S | E)
merci de m'avoir rassurée gizm0

@+ Agatha30



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