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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


Open exercise evaluation
Message de pepepol posté le 13-11-2006 à 15:28:27 (S | E | F | I)

Somebody can anybody help me whit with that? Is it all right? PLEASE/THANK YOU !!!!

For me the country is better than the city. When I was young I lived in the country and I can say you all are advantages.
First, your style of live in the country is healthy. You have got better air, no polluted, an it is cold and pure. In the city the air is worse than in the country and in general it isn´t a good air.
Second, live in the city is more expensive than live in the country. When you need something you must go to the shops to buy it and pay for it, but in the country you have a lot of things for free. And you can have your own cows,hens,ducks, eggs, milk, honey,plants, peppers, tomatoes, onions, lettuces,lemons, oranges, and all kind of fruits and vegetables.
And in general, the live in the country is very relaxing, because you are not in a hurry up, and you have a lot of time to spend with neighbours and friends in cold evenings next to the fireplace, or under the trees in spring
Modifié par bridg le 13-11-2006 15:29
Dernier rappel!!

Réponse: Open exercise evaluation de jean31, postée le 13-11-2006 à 16:44:35 (S | E)
Hello again

=> Dire qqch à qqn = To tell somebody something.
=> ... there are advantages.
=> ... life style...
=> ... not polluted ...
=> ... living in the city ...than living ...
=> ... and all kinds of ...
=> ...(0) life in the country... (0 = article zéro)
=> ... not in a hurry...(c'est un nom) (You tell someone "Hurry up!")

Réponse: Open exercise evaluation de bestdad, postée le 14-11-2006 à 04:14:37 (S | E)
For me the country is better than the city. When I was young I lived used to live in the country and I can tellsay you all about theall are advantages.
First, your style of live lifestyle in the country is healthy. You have got better air, no polluted, an it is cold and purebecause the air is fresh and much less polluted than in the big cities.In the city the air is worse than in the country and in general it isn´t a good air.
Second, livelife in the city is more expensive than livelife in the country. In the city, when you need something you must go to the shops to buy it and pay for it, but However,in the country you havecan get a lot of things for free. Andsince you can have your own cows,hens,ducks, eggs, milk, honey,plants, peppers, tomatoes, onions, lettuces,lemons, oranges, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables.
AndAlso in general, the live life in the country is very relaxing, because since you are not always in a hurry up, and you have which leaves a lot of time to spend with neighbours and friends inon cold evenings next to the fireplace, or under the trees in spring

Modifié par bridg le 14-11-2006 11:52
Pour réspecter l'éthique de ce site, merci de ne jamais faire de corrections que le membre demandeur n'a plus qu'à copier sans réfléchir. Ce n'est en rien formateur et nous ne le souhaitons pas.De plus c'est décourageant pour les membres qui se donnent la peine de faire travailler l'étudiant, car cette technique est moins aisée mais favorise les membres qui veulent vraiment apprendre une langue sans se leurrer ni leurrer les autres. Cordialement.



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