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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


Renseignements ( correction)
Message de esmax666 posté le 14-01-2007 à 14:49:30 (S | E | F | I)

Hello tout le monde!!
Alors voilà je revise mon anglais et j'ai fait 2 redactions
L'une doit être un fax ou dans lequel je demande des renseignements pour faire un voyage linguistique avec l'autre je de demande des renseignments sur le Quebec (par téléphone)mais le problème est que je dois rajouter dans la conversation
"so","unless","although","in case","to"
et je 'ai pas trouvé où les mettre(s) ... (sauf "to")

Voici les textes

X rue principale



Subject : Ask about Information about EF International.

Dear Sir, Madam

I am very interested about your advertisement but I need some information. I would like to go to England on a language course for the autumn week but I don’t know what are the dates of departure. I would like to stay in a family in order to be immerged in the English language, is that possible? Or what are the others possibilities? Moreover I would like to know the price of the lessons and how many lesson have I per week? I never went in this country , are there places of interest to visit? From where come the other students? How old are they? How are caught the meals? Must I have some documents ? What are the activities? Is it necessary to have diplomas?
Yours Faithfully

2eme texte
-Good morning
-Good morning, can I help you ?
- Yes, I would like to hire a room in Edinburgh. Can I have the hotel list please?
- Certainly, there are a Formule1 Hotel and a Ibis Hotel.
- have they a restaurant ?
- yes, they both propose full-board and half-board
- Tank you, what are the places of interest to visit?
- I am afraid, I don’t know….
- I would like to hire(rent) a car, is that possible?
-Of course, there is a rent-a-car who you can hire a lot of beautiful cars
-Is there something interesting to do at night?
- Yes there are a cinema and many night club.
- Is there very expensive?
- The cinema is very cheap but I don’t know the price of the night club
By the way, is the cost life high?
-No it is cheaper than London!
-What is the weather in June
- It is like in France
-Ok that right, thank you very much.
-You are welcome, have a nice day
-Good bye

Merci !
Modifié par bridg le 14-01-2007 14:56
On ne peut corriger que ce que l'on voit mais pas faire à votre place.
forum principal

Réponse: Renseignements ( correction) de zeblues, postée le 14-01-2007 à 19:11:42 (S | E)
"for the autumn week": on ne comprend pas la date. (pour la semaine d'automne? Quel mois?)
What are the dates...Peut-être: When courses begin.
Immerged, non:immersed, plutôt?
Is that possible: pas la peine.
I would also like to know how many lessons I would have per week and how much a course costs.(pas de ?)
As (comme, puisque) I have never been in England, could you send me some details on the places of interest?
Is it possible to know where the other students come from (ou: will be coming from?) and how old they are (ou will be)?
Pour les repas, tu parles sûrement de l'école: Is there any possibility to take our meals at school?
Do I need any documents?

2ème texte:
I would, can I have a list? (so=donc)
there are a Formula 1...(ah bon?)
Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
...and half-board accomodation
Thank you
There is a cinema, unless you prefer to go clubbing (unless: à moins que)
Is it expensive?
Although night clubs are expensive, the cinema...
(although=bien que)
How high is the cost of life?
In case= au cas où
What is the weather like in Spring, in case I would be coming in June (à moins que tu trouves où le caser ailleurs!)
The same as in France
All right / that's all right


Réponse: Renseignements ( correction) de esmax666, postée le 15-01-2007 à 00:48:41 (S | E)
merci pour ton aide, je vois que je fais beaucoups fautes...

to go clubbing=pour aller dancer? (Je n'ai pas trés bien compris )

donc cela me donne pour le 2eme texte

-Good morning
-Good morning, can I help you ?
- Yes, I would like to hire a room in Edinburgh so, can I have the hotel list please?
- Certainly, there are a Formule1 Hotel and a Ibis Hotel.
- Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
- yes, they both propose full-board and half-board accomodation
- Tanck you, what are the places of interest to visit?
- I am afraid, I don’t know….
- I would like to hire(rent) a car, is that possible?
-Of course, there is a rent-a-car who you can hire a lot of beautiful cars
-Is there something interesting to do at night?
- Yes there are a cinema unless you prefer to go clubbing.
- Is it expensive?
- Although night clubs are expensive, the cinema is very cheap
-How high is the cost of life?
-No it is cheaper than London!
-What is the weather like in Spring, in case I would be coming in June
- The same as in France
-Ok that right, thank you very much.
-You are welcome, have a nice day
-Good bye

Et le 2ème
I am very interested about your advertisement but I need some information. I would like to go to England on a language course for the autumn week on 22 November 2007 but When courses begin?. I would like to stay in a family in order to be immerged in the English language. What are the others possibilities? I would also like to know how many lessons I would have per week and how much a course costs. As I have never been in England, could you send me some details on the places of interest? Is it possible to know where the other students come from and how old they are? Is there any possibility to take our meals at school? Must I have some documents ? What are the activities? Do I need any documents?
Yours Faithfully

Sinon j'ai fais encore un autre texte et je voulais également votre avis

I am very interested about your advertisement but I need some information. I would like to go to San Francisco in the USA on February, the 21th ,is that possible? If it isn’t, what are the other days possible? From which airport can I go and does the price include the airport tax? What is the weather on ?February? Can I swim in the sea or is it too cold? Is it a swimming pool at the hotel? As I have never been in the USA, could you send me some details on the places of interest? Or What are the activities?

Merci pour votre aide !

Réponse: Renseignements ( correction) de zeblues, postée le 18-01-2007 à 19:33:47 (S | E)

hire a room: find a room / rent a room
go clubbing, go dancing, go to the disco (aller danser / en boîte, clubbing, c'est aller en boîte)

attention à "thank you"

a rent-a-car where you can hire

there is + singulier (there is a cinema)

On ne peut pas répondre "no" avec "how high": It is cheaper than in London

Oh, well...That's all right (n'oublie pas "'s").

On ne peut pas dire "the autumn week", for a week in November. When do courses start? (ne mets pas de dates car tu les demandes).

Do I need any documents, donc pas besoin de "Must I have any documents?" (I need: j'ai besoin / I must: je dois)

2ème texte:
Pas besoin de "in the USA"
What are the other possible dates? (si ce sont des dates de départ: departure dates)

From which airport will I leave.../ What is the weather like in February? Is there a swimming pool in the hotel? Précise peut-être pour les activités (in the hotel? At the language school?)

Si tu allais vraiment à Frisco (la veine!), la mer est froide en Californie et San Francisco est une ville de grand vent!


Réponse: Renseignements ( correction) de zeblues, postée le 18-01-2007 à 19:35:55 (S | E)
J'ai oublié: on aurait du mettre "I've never been to the USA" et dans le 1er texte: never been to England.



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