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Message de mimi85 posté le 2004-07-13 22:24:35 (S | E | F | I)
I know this site since few days now and I am surprise to see that members come from so many countries : France, England, Canada, Belgium, etc...
I am sure I have found the site able to give me help for improving my English language...

Nice to meet you...

Réponse: Welcome mimi85! de mariet, postée le 2004-07-14 01:14:11 (S | E)
Let me first welcome you among us even if you have been her for a few days. I'm sure from day to day your first impression will be confirmed. There are members from all over the world, not only Europe and Canada... You've come to THE right place. As you have noticed already this forum is meant for all those who want to improve their English, yours seems already pretty good by the way. On whichever forum you post, there will always be someone ready to give you a hand. Have a look at the messages and you'll see you must feel free to ask questions, explanations, exercises, whatever you need...
As it takes time to get acquainted with the place I have prepared a list of hints for newcomers :

And, as an example of what I've written before, let me suggest a few corrections to your message :
I know this site since few days now and I am surprise
=> I have known this site for a few days now and I am surprised...

It's been nice meeting you, and I'm sure we'll soon meet again.



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