Message de zit posté le 2004-07-28 12:17:35 (S | E | F | I)
j'aurais voulu connaitre l'origine de OK. J'ai lu quelque part que ca venait de l'allemand. Mais les anglais sont persuades que c'est anglais ou americain.
Ne vous inquietez pas j'ai deja utilise google, c'est juste pour savoir s'il y en a qui sont sur de leurs sources.
Merci d'avance!
j'aurais voulu connaitre l'origine de OK. J'ai lu quelque part que ca venait de l'allemand. Mais les anglais sont persuades que c'est anglais ou americain.
Ne vous inquietez pas j'ai deja utilise google, c'est juste pour savoir s'il y en a qui sont sur de leurs sources.
Merci d'avance!
Réponse: re:origine de OK de nora, postée le 2004-07-28 12:36:57 (S | E)
Les origines de cette onomatopée restent incertaines
voici les explications les plus courantes :
La plus ancienne est attribuée Andrew Jackson, héros de la 2e guerre d'Indépendance puis président des États-Unis , qui aurait fait une faute d'orthographe : Oll Korrect ( OK ) au lieu de All Correct
Une hypothèse battue en brèche semblerait tirée de Zero Killed. La lettre 0 ressemblant au O , il y aurait eu amalgame .
L'origine en serait la guerre de Sécession où, après les combats, l'annonce, heureuse, de l'absence de victime (zero killed) se serait contractée en O. K. puis par extension aurait pris la signification de tout va bien.
De nos jours , le terme a été dévoyé , et on utilise « OK » au lieu de « d'accord » mais, de plus en plus en accole les deux dans un affreux « OK d'accord »
C'est l'une des nombreuses explications que j'ai trouvé sur google, ce n'est pas forcément la bonne explication pour l'éthimologie de "ok". Si j'ai choisi de poster cette explication c'est tout simplement que c'est celle qui revenait le plus souvent.
Réponse: re:origine de OK de zit, postée le 2004-07-28 13:15:22 (S | E)
Moi aussi je suis tombe sur ce lien, mais j'en ai trouve un autre plus complet:
OK is without doubt the best-known and widest-travelled Americanism, used and recognised even by people who hardly know another word of English. Running in parallel with its popularity have been many attempts to explain where it came from—amateur etymologists have been obsessed with OK and theories have bred unchecked for the past 150 years.
Suggestions abound of introductions from another language, including the one you mention. Others include: from the Choctaw-Chickasaw okah meaning “it is indeed”; from a mishearing of the Scots och aye! (or perhaps Ulster Scots Ough aye!), “yes, indeed!”; from West African languages like Mandingo (O ke, “certainly”) or Wolof (waw kay, “yes indeed”); from Finnish oikea, “correct, exact”; from French au quais, “at the quay” (supposedly stencilled on Puerto Rican rum specially selected for export, or a place of assignation for French sailors in the Caribbean); or from French Aux Cayes (a port in Haiti famous for its superior rum). Such accidentally coincidental forms across languages are surprisingly common and all of these are certainly false. Many African-Americans would be delighted to have it proved that OK is actually from an African language brought to America by slaves, but the evidence is against them, as we shall shortly learn.
Some other theories I’ve seen mentioned: it comes from Old Keokuk, the name of a Native American Fox chief; from German Oberst Kommandant, “Colonel in Command”, because some German army officer fought on the colonists’ side in the American Revolution (names such as General Schliessen or Baron von Steuben are mentioned but cannot be linked to real individuals); from the name of a freight agent, Obadiah Kelly, whose initials often appeared on bills of lading; an abbreviation for Open Key, popularised by early telegraphers; or from the initials of Orrin Kendall biscuits supplied to the Union Army during the Civil War. A particularly persistent and long-standing theory says that President Andrew Jackson used to write OK to abbreviate the illiterate “ole korrek” on documents, a grievous calumny on a well-educated man. None of these theories can be supported with documented proof.
I could go on, but it would only strain your patience and fortitude as much as it would mine. The true story was researched by Professor Allen Walker Read in the 1960s. Let me give you the facts as he uncovered them through his assiduous reading of local newspapers.
He records that “beginning in the summer of 1838, there developed in Boston a remarkable vogue of using abbreviations. It might well be called a craze”. He quotes many examples, including RTBS, “Remains To Be Seen”, GTDHD, “Give The Devil His Due”, OFM, “Our First Men” (a satirical description of Boston’s leading citizens), and SP, “Small Potatoes” (for something considered to be of little importance).
Professor Read traced the earliest recorded use of OK to the Boston Morning Post of 23 March 1839, in a report about a “frolicsome group” called the Anti-Bell Ringing Society (the ABRS), which campaigned to get a law banning the ringing of dinner bells rescinded. It seems to have been short for “oll korrect”, a fanciful way of writing “all correct” that was itself part of another popular craze of the time for misspellings as a humorous device and which echoes the story about President Jackson from the previous decade.
What ensured that this one example survived out of many in a hugely popular but short-lived fashion was that it was picked up by the Democrats in New York. They created a body called the Democratic OK Club to support their candidate, Martin Van Buren, who was standing for re-election in the 1840 presidential election against William Henry Harrison. OK here actually stood for “Old Kinderhook”, Van Buren’s nickname, taken from Kinderhook, his birthplace near Albany in New York State. The abbreviation became widely used during the campaign and survived Van Buren’s losing the election.
However, its origins quickly became lost, as anything linked to yesterday’s news usually does. Many earnest investigators have since tried to resolve the issue. Despite the fact that we have known the true story for the past forty years, people still keep coming up with ingenious but mistaken theories.
Réponse: re:origine de OK de babyscot59, postée le 2004-07-28 17:27:02 (S | E)
même moi je savais c'est dire,
Réponse: re:origine de OK de pp, postée le 2004-07-28 20:06:10 (S | E)
Did you try finding on google with "Okay" it still different
Réponse: re:origine de OK de hoppy1, postée le 2004-07-28 21:39:32 (S | E)
hi zit ,i think it's my turn to help ,really i didn't search but our teacher used to tell us the story ,and here's what i remember :o.k =0(zéro),k= killed.there was a war in america between the south and the north ,and when the men came they used to ask is there anyone killed?
and when the others said 0 killed that used to mean that everything is all right .
hope i'm helping !
goodbye .