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Message de zazafraise posté le 2004-10-17 14:13:20 (S | E | F | I)
bonjour tout le monde j'aimerais simplement savoir s'il y a des fautes dans mon texte et si oui lesquelles bien sûr!

subject : Rosie has finally arrived in Safila(africa). She relates her first day in her diary.
Tuesday, October 26th
First day

20h35 p.m.
Dear diary, today is an important day : my first, in Safila. What change of scene! People are so friendly! But the poverty is very present (more than I imagined). It's very incredible to see those persons to be dying of hunger, they don't have any water available to them, to drink or to have a wash. So the babies suffer from bad nutrition, there are lots of such an extent that I wonder how I can help them ; How a woman could help a thousand people to have a better life? It's too much. I have never imagined that it will be so hard. Even I'm determined, I'm in doubt and I'm angry, angry against rich people who don't care about this world and about its difficulties but I keep courage.
Now it's late so I go to bed and I hope tomorrow will be a better day for them than the previous. Above all, I hope give them a little joy of living.
Good night

Edité par webmaster le 17-10-2004 16:19

Réponse: re:correction de texte de speedjo905, postée le 2004-10-17 14:28:35 (S | E)
bonjour zazafraise,

je ne sais pas s'il ya des fautes mais je trouve que ta lettre est très touchante et si j'ai bien compris, à l'exception que j'y suis jamais allé dans ce pays, je suis comme toi très déçu de voir qu'on ne fait rien pour aider tout ce monde qui souffre juste à côté de nous.

Je trouve que ta lettre est très belle.

Réponse: re:correction de texte de lucile83, postée le 2004-10-17 14:33:45 (S | E)
subject : Rosie has finally arrived in Safila(africa). She relates her first day in her diary.
Tuesday, October 26th
First day

20h35 p.m. (je dirais plutôt : 8.35 p.m.)
Dear diary, today is an important day : my first, in Safila. What change of scene! People are so friendly! But the poverty is very present (more than I imagined). It's very incredible to see those persons STARVING TO DEATH, they don't have any available WATER, to drink or to wash. THEN the babies suffer from bad nutrition, there are lots of such an extent that I wonder how I can help them ; How a woman could help a thousand people to have a better life? It's too much. I have never imagined that it will be so hard. Even I'm determined, I'm in doubt and I'm angry, angry against rich people who don't care about this world and about its difficulties but I keep courage.
Now it's late so I go to bed and I hope tomorrow will be a better day for them than the previous ONE. Above all, I hope I CAN HELP them TO ENJOY THEIR LIFE BETTER.
Good night

Hope to be helpful, bye

Réponse: re:correction de texte de zazafraise, postée le 2004-10-17 15:01:53 (S | E)
je vous remercie pour votre aide



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