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Message de mweiss posté le 2004-11-02 16:13:42 (S | E | F | I)

Pourriez vous m'aider à trouver mes fautes d'orthographes et de langue.
le sujet est : Doit on dire la verité dans toutes les circonstances?

on devait juste faire le plan l'introduction et la conclusion

In today’s world truthis an important value for everybody. First it allows somebody to knows himself, in addition to this is basis of all confidence between two people. Nevertheless the truth isn’t really present in our society.
When does truth can be to tell and lie is it inevitable in some circumstances?

1) Truth in the society

First thing first we can say that we serach everywherre and all the time of this and that.

- Indeed we search truth for undestand.
- Next we search it for know us.
- Finally truth is omnipresent and basic in our society.

2) The usefullness of the lie

Few people would deny that we often lie but there are different form of lie.

- First and foremost lie avoid sorrow.
- Next lie can protect a person.
- Lastly we can say that lie as so important as truth.

To sum up, I believe that lie is not a bad in some circumstances. Lie for help a man or a woman is a good thing. Obviously there are very strict limits and we mustn’tabuse of this.


Réponse: re:aide pour la correction de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-02 21:51:04 (S | E)
Hello, voici quelques remarques,

In today’s world truth is an important value for everybody. First it allows somebody to knows (to know => pas de S) himself, in addition to this it is the basis of all confidence between two people. Nevertheless the truth isn’t really present in our society.
When does truth can be to tell and lie is it inevitable in some circumstances? je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire il doit manquer des mots, peux-tu me donner la phrase en français ?
1) Truth in the society

First thing first of all we can say that we search everywhere and all the time of this and that (je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire par "of this and that", dis moi en français)
- Indeed we search truth for in order to undestand.
- Next Then we search it for in order to know us.
- Finally truth is omnipresent and basic in our society.

2) The usefullness of the lie (on parle du mensonge en général donc je ne mettrais pas "the")

Few people would deny that we often lie but there are different forms (pluriel) of lie.

- First and foremost lie avoids sorrow.
- Next Then, lie can protect a person.
- Lastly Finally we can say that lie is as important as truth.

To sum up, I believe that lie is not a bad thing in certain circumstances. Lying in order to Lie for help a man or a woman is a good thing. Obviously there are very strict limits and we mustn’t abuse of this.

En espérant avoir aidé un peu,

Réponse: re:aide pour la correction de mweiss, postée le 2004-11-02 22:04:02 (S | E)
pour la question je voulais dire : quand la verité peut elle etre raconté et le mensong est il inevitable dans certain cas?

this of that sa voulais dire : pour ceci et cela.

et merci pour le reste sa m a bcp aider

Réponse: re:aide pour la correction de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-02 22:51:15 (S | E)
quand la verité peut elle être racontée et le mensonge est il inevitable dans certains cas?
=> When can truth be told, and is lie inevitable in certain circumstances ?
Pour ceci ou cela : mieux vaut dire "for one thing or another"
See you

Réponse: re:aide pour la correction de elbisee, postée le 2004-11-02 23:16:26 (S | E)
Salut, mweiss.

J'ajoute quelques corrections à celles de kayrol.

In today’s world truth is an important value for everybody. First it allows somebody a person to know himself, in addition to this it is the basis of for confidence between two people. Nevertheless the truth isn’t really present in our society. (Mais plus tard tu dis que c'est omniprésent...?)
When does truth can be to tell can we tell the truth (ou bien, when can the truth be told) and lie is it is lying inevitable in some circumstances?

1) The truth in the society

First of all we can say that we serach everywherre search everywhere and all the time of for this and that. (Un peu plus de précision serait préférable, à mon avis)

- Indeed we search for the truth in order to understand.
- Next we search for it in order to know us ourselves.
- Finally truth is omnipresent and basic in our society.

2) The usefullness (un seul 'l') of the lie lying

Few people would deny that we often lie but there are different forms of lie lying.

- First and foremost lie lying avoids sorrow. (ou, we lie to avoid sorrow) (ou veux-tu dire to avoid trouble?)
- Next lie lying can protect a person.
- Lastly we can say that lie lying is as important as truth. (Veux-tu dire aussi essentiel (as important, en anglais) ou aussi répandu (as widespread)?)

To sum up, I believe that lie lying is not a bad thing in some circumstances. Lie for Lying to help a man or a woman is a good thing. Obviously there are very strict limits and we mustn’t abuse of this.

Bon courage!

Réponse: re:aide pour la correction de mweiss, postée le 2004-11-03 19:18:26 (S | E)
je vous remercie tous



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