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Message de clymy posté le 2004-11-11 14:10:09 (S | E | F | I)
bonjour pouvez vous m' indiquer les erreurs merci

_ the couple's personal relationship seems good. Even if they are not agree about Molly's story at the beginning of the text, they don't quarreling, they understand themselves. Then, Calvin is satisfied with the choice of his wife about the children. Indeed, they are married but they don't want children immediatly. Jenna is concentrated by her Manhattan low practice. So, the relationship was satisfying to both husband and wife.

Réponse: re:aide pour correction de salsify, postée le 2004-11-11 14:30:15 (S | E)
J'ai trouvé quelques fautes, mais il y en a peut-être encore. Mais pour un début :
"the couple's personal relationship seems good. Even if they don't agree with Molly's story at the beginning of the text, they don't quarrel, they understand themselves. Then, Calvin is satisfied with the choice of his wife about the children. Indeed, they are married but they don't want children immediatly. Jenna concentrates on her Manhattan law practice. So, the relationship was satisfying to both husband and wife."

En Anglais, être d'accord avec quelqu'un ou quelque chose se dit to agree with somebody ou something.
Se concentrer sur quelque chose = to concentrate on something

Bon courage pour la suite

Edité par salsify le 2004-11-11 14:30:57

Réponse: re:aide pour correction de clymy, postée le 2004-11-11 14:49:35 (S | E)
merci beaucoup c'est mieux comme ca!

Réponse: re:aide pour correction de kwame, postée le 2004-11-11 16:21:05 (S | E)
Il y a une erreur à rectifier. Tu confonds pronoms réflichis et réciproques.
Ils se comprennent, c'est réciproque et non pas réfléchi
--> they understand each other

Quel sens donnes-tu à satisfaisant?
satisfying = qui fait plaisir
satisfactory = acceptable

Réponse: re:aide pour correction de clymy, postée le 2004-11-11 17:03:44 (S | E)
je voudrai dire que calvin est satisfait du choix de son epouse

Réponse: re:aide pour correction de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-11 17:33:13 (S | E)
Hello Clymy
Je reprends les corrections de salsify avec juste quelques petites propositions différentes :
"the couple's PRIVATE relationship LOOKS good. Even if they don't agree with Molly's story at the beginning of the text, they don' tquarrel, they understand EACH OTHER (OR ONE ANOTHER). SO, Calvin is satisfied with the choice of his wife about the children. Indeed, they are married but they don't want children NOW. Jenna concentrates on her Manhattanlaw practice. So, the relationship IS GRATIFYING to both husband and wife."

Mais attendons nos profs !!!



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