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Message de ivanild posté le 2004-12-06 14:05:42 (S | E | F | I)
I am writing this letter, in hopes that you forgive me. I knowthat I'm not perfect person. There are many things I repent. Particularly, the murder of your son. I never meant to do those things to you. I'm very sorry that I hurt you. it's something I must live with everyday. The ground which i killed your son is : There was three months, I was with my girlfriend to a party.There was your son and his friend. But in the evenig, I had a drink and when I returned, my girlfriend had disappeared. i looked for her during a long time but i didn't fand her.In the down, I fand her. She was in the garden, undressed and battered. She lay on the floor totally stuned. She told me that she was violated by your son and his friend.
I was in weath. She had not put up with this, she sucided two months laters.
I bought a gun and I took revenge. I killed them. Now I fell totally lost. And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed. I 'd give anything to clear this horrible death. All I fell is hate.Will you forgive me? for all those things I've done. Now you know THE GROUND!

Ps: Her name is Mandy.

Si quelqu'un me le corrige ce serai vraiment gentil. Car c'est remplis de fautes en tout genres.

Réponse: re:correction SVP de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-06 15:43:54 (S | E)
Bonjour! Voilà une petite correction déjà:

I am writing this letter, in the hopes that you will forgive me. I know that I'm not a perfect person. There are many things I repent of many things. Particularly, the murder of your son. I never meant to do those things to you. I'm very sorry that I hurt you. It's something I must live with everyday. The (ground which?) reason why I killed your son is : There was three months ago, I was with my girlfriend to at a party.There was your son and his friend. But in the evenig, I had a drink and when I returned? looked back, my girlfriend had disappeared. I looked for her during for a long time but I didn't find her.In the down?, I found her. She was in the garden, undressed and battered beat up. She lay down the floor totally stunned. She told me that she has been raped by your son and his friend.
I was in weath?. She didn't pull herself together, she committed sucide two months laters.
I bought a gun and I took revenge on your son and his friend. I killed them. Now I feel totally lost. And I'm completely mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed. I 'd give anything to clear? this horrible death. All I feel is hate.Will you forgive me? for all those things I've done. Now you know THE GROUND! ?

Il reste encore quelques mots que je n'ai pas compris (par rapport à leur sens et à leur emploi dans ce texte, ils sont en italique et suivis d'un ? .
C'est pour avoir leur traduction française.
A bientôt!

Edité par cocoon le 2004-12-06 18:12:22

Réponse: re:correction SVP de ivanild, postée le 2004-12-06 17:44:49 (S | E)
c'est trés gentil d'avoir repondu!
Pour les mots que tu n'as pas compris j'ai trouvé un autre sens
Sinon tu le trouve comment ce texte?
le sujet étant : vous êtes Andy Williams et vous avez tué deux ados alors vour écrivez une lettre de regrets aux parents.

Edité par marie37400 le 06-12-2004 20:19

Réponse: re:correction SVP de cocoon, postée le 2004-12-06 17:53:48 (S | E)
Je la trouve bien, puisque la raison du meurtre est expliquée, il y a aussi les excuses faites aux parents et l'explication de l'état dans lequel se trouve maintenant le tueur. Parfait!

Réponse: re:correction SVP de serena, postée le 2004-12-06 18:31:37 (S | E)
All I feel is hate hatred towards myself. ( Je suppose que tu parles de la haine comme sentiment. Mais tu ne précises pas envers qui. )

Ton texte est très crédible.



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