Message de i2301 posté le 2004-12-26 19:18:34 (S | E | F | I)
Je souhaite connaître l'équivalent exact des expressions suivantes : "enfants battus" et "enfants maltraités"
- battered children ?
- abused children ?
- molested children ?
autre ?
Edité par bridg le 30-12-2004 23:26
changement de titre pour plus de facilité à retrouver le sujet ultérieurement
Je souhaite connaître l'équivalent exact des expressions suivantes : "enfants battus" et "enfants maltraités"
- battered children ?
- abused children ?
- molested children ?
autre ?
Edité par bridg le 30-12-2004 23:26
changement de titre pour plus de facilité à retrouver le sujet ultérieurement
Réponse: re:Traduction de willy, postée le 2004-12-26 20:13:22 (S | E)
- Battered women
- ill-treated children
On parle de "child abuse" au niveau sexuel.
Réponse: re:Traduction de presley, postée le 2004-12-27 03:44:08 (S | E)
molested est seulement sexuel, et battered n'est pas utilisé beacoup maintenant, mais abused est est correct.
Edité par bridg le 27-12-2004 07:40
Réponse: re:Traduction de i2301, postée le 2004-12-30 23:12:14 (S | E)
Merci à Presey et à Willy. Mais vos réponses ne seraient pas un peu contradictoires concernant "abuse" ?
Réponse: re:enfant battu traduc de presley, postée le 2004-12-30 23:56:20 (S | E)
je ne sais si c'est une différence geographique, mais l'anglais americain est ma langue maternelle et je ne pense pas que abuse soit toujours sexuel. abuse peut être verbal, sexuel, psychologique ou physique. je pense le premier à physique en écoutant "child abuse." willy, est-ce que le mot est différent où vous parlez anglais?
Réponse: re:enfant battu traduc de bridg, postée le 2004-12-30 23:59:23 (S | E)
En Français => un enfant abusé = toujours une connotation de sévices sexuels.
Réponse: re:enfant battu traduc de willy, postée le 2004-12-31 10:49:04 (S | E)
Well, "child abuse" means physical, sexual or emotional ill-treatment or neglect of a child by adults . So, the expression can be used to describe different forms of ill-treatment.
A child abuser = un auteur de mauvais traitements et/ou de sévices sexuels sur enfant(s).
Child battering doesn't imply the child has been sexually assaulted.
Réponse: re:enfant battu traduc de clarinette, postée le 2005-01-01 14:42:53 (S | E)
Voici une definition officielle :How is Child Abuse and Neglect Defined in Federal Law?
Act or failure to act which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or
An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.
Each State is responsible for providing its own definitions of child abuse and neglect 1. Most States recognize four major types of maltreatment: neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse.
Neglect is failure to provide for a child's basic needs. Neglect may be physical , Medical , Educational , Emotional.
These situations do not always mean a child is neglected. Sometimes cultural values, the standards of care in the community, and poverty may be contributing factors, indicating the family is in need of information or assistance.
Physical Abuse is physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting, burning, or otherwise harming a child. Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the caretaker intended to hurt the child.
Sexual Abuse includes activities such as fondling a child's genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.
Emotional Abuse is a pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development or sense of self-worth. This may include constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance.
Réponse: re:enfant battu traduc de clarinette, postée le 2005-01-01 15:01:05 (S | E)
Battered child syndrome refers to children who have undergone physical abuse that has left them with both physical and psychological trauma
Réponse: re:enfant battu traduc de clarinette, postée le 2005-01-01 15:13:47 (S | E)
a de finition of a molested person :"molested person," it's anyone under the age of 16 who is convinced that they should give (they are talked into it) or is forced to give sexual pleasure to another who is approximately 3 or more years older than they are. The more important the predator is in the mind of the victim, the greater damage it does. Obviously, a person that is important, say to a little girl, could be an older brother, a cousin, a father, an uncle, a grandfather, or a close friend of the family. Sometimes it could be a schoolteacher or someone in the medical field (a nurse or doctor), a police officer, a judge, in other words, someone that they should trust, or someone to whom they should submit. Anyone that a child would normally trust can be a person that could molest them. Please don't think that it couldn't happen in your family, because it can.