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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.

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coup d'oeil a mon devoir?
Message de tite0kim posté le 05-01-2005 à 22:44:06 (S | E | F | I)

svp,si vous voyez des fautes,dites le moi,merci
the following day of the war people just wanted to start all over again. That was not easy to have a normal life, and that was even worse to forget…Like her parents, many people moved in a foreign country in order to start another life. However, forget what you have lived before is not as easy as it seems to be. Actually, I think that is not really possible. Besides, we cannot overlook certain aspects of the subjects: her father grown up in Poland, he had a life there; he must have had a family, or some friends. His reaction is understandable. According to me, no matter what you do, you cannot break free from the things you have lived before.
On another hand, I cannot help thinking that he is in another world. He spends all his day in this bar, which reminds him of the past .He is not aware that his daughter is not a baby anymore. He worries a lot about her; nevertheless, he prefers staying in this silly bar instead of spending time with his beloved daughter. That is quite weird. He seems to miss the point. His dream was to make a life for himself, and not to live again and again the last one. He should learn to live with both of them, the life in Poland, and the life in England. However, I suppose that his attitude is quite normal. Leaving Poland was not really a choice, indeed he had to do it to put the war behind them so that he may often miss his country.

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