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Sentence too tough?
Message de dezpfab posté le 30-01-2005 à 15:08:42 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour, je prépare un sujet qui est :
"React to what the three youths did. Where are the limits? Was the sentence too tough?"
Voilà ce que j'ai fait,enfin commencé, pouvez vous me corriger?

First of all, i think that under the effect of alcohol and the excitation, the three teenagers really didn't think has what they did.
Indeed, they stole a bunch of highway signs to decorate the trailer they shared. However, they didn't think of the ramification that could cause.
Indirectly, the three youths are guilty of the death of the three man who were riding in the car.
What they did can be described like "Unconscious".

Ce n'est que la première partie...

Edité par emy64 le 30-01-2005 15:50
je ne vois aucun "s'il vous plaît" ni "merci"...

Réponse: re:Aide,ou plutot correctio de willy, postée le 30-01-2005 à 15:46:12 (S | E)
"Was the sentence too tough (dure, sévère)? " sinon, la phrase n'a pas de sens !

....think about what they were doing.

They did not think about the consequences of their act.

...are responsible for the death of the three men who ...

They must have been mad when they decided to do that !

PS : "c'est que" ? Ce n'est que ....

Réponse: re:Sentence too tough? de dezpfab, postée le 30-01-2005 à 15:59:17 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse rapide.. Je continue de travailler sur cette question.
Je repasserai sûrement bientôt.

Edité par emy64 le 30-01-2005 16:06

Réponse: re:Sentence too tough? de dezpfab, postée le 30-01-2005 à 16:42:29 (S | E)
Alors, voilà mon expression finie. Pouvez vous me dire ce que vous en pensez et m'aider à corriger les fautes..

First of all, I think that under the effect of alcohol and the excitation, , the three teenagers didn't really think about what they were doing. Indeed, they stole a bunch of highway signs to decorate the trailer they shared, but however there were not aware about the consequences of their act. Indirectly, the three vandals are responsible for the death of the three teenagers who were riding in the car. What they did can be described as "unconscious". They made a serious error, but they didn't pulled highway signs up with the intent of causing death.
In my opinion, the laws must be respected, and every time whe must think about the consequences that our acts may have. There are the limits not to be exceeded.
I don't think, the sentence was too though. The "pranksters" must be jailed because three people died in the accident caused by their "prank".
Moreover, the victims of the crash were young and for the families, the justice must be made.


Edité par emy64 le 30-01-2005 16:43

Réponse: re:Sentence too tough? de willy, postée le 30-01-2005 à 17:54:20 (S | E)
Voici quelques changements : tu les prends s'ils t'agréent !

- aware OF
- they did not pull (infinitif) ...
- there are limits and these can't be overstepped in any way
- though ?
- the delinquents had to be jailed ....caused by their mischief/thoughtlessness
- justice was to be made

Réponse: re:Sentence too tough? de jardin62, postée le 30-01-2005 à 18:37:40 (S | E)
didn't really think to
what they had done
It's true that they stole
they didn't think about the consequences
the three youths are indirectly responsible for the three men who were in the car.
What they did can be described as "unconsciousness"
didn't really think to
what they had done
It's true that they stole
they didn't think about the consequences
the three youths are indirectly responsible for the death of the three men who were in the car.
What they did can be described as "unconsciousness"

Edité par jardin62 le 2005-01-30 18:42:56

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