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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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a stranger or a foreigner
Message de lethidee posté le 29-03-2005 à 22:47:19 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody

Would you tell me the difference between a stranger and a foreigner,

When I travel to Vancouver this next summer for my vacation, I think I"ll be considered by the inhabitants of this area as a foreigner but maybe a stranger too.

Would you explain me the use of these two words ?

Thanks a lot

Edité par serena le 30-03-2005 00:43

Réponse: a stranger or a foreigner de serena, postée le 30-03-2005 à 00:43:26 (S | E)
Hi lethidee

There's a difference between "a foreigner" and "a stranger".

A foreigner is a person who comes from another country.

A stranger is an unknown person. Someone you know nothing about.

So, when you go to a country which is not yours, you'll be considered as a foreigner (as you come from another country) and also as a stranger (as nobody knows you there).
Suppose you stay there for a long time and people start knowing who you are, you'll be no more a stranger but still remain a foreigner.

Réponse: a stranger or a foreigner de lethidee, postée le 30-03-2005 à 12:51:42 (S | E)
Hello everybody
Thanks a lot Serena for your help
Is there everybody anybody who had visited Vancouver and could give me informations or impressions about this country ?
see you

Edité par serena le 30-03-2005 16:00
It's ok now ! Glad to have helped you.

Réponse: a stranger or a foreigner de lethidee, postée le 30-03-2005 à 12:53:00 (S | E)
sorry, I've made a fault.
Is there "anybody" and not "everybody"
My poor english!!!

Réponse: a stranger or a foreigner de thesmithtopher, postée le 07-04-2005 à 20:27:24 (S | E)
Hi Lethidee,

I've been to Vancouver (I live in Canada). It's a very nice city! Known in Canada for one of the only places that doesn't snow during the winter!

What sort of information were you looking for about Vancouver? It's the third largest city in Canada, it's a fairly 'bustling' city (it's busy, there is lots to do there). There is a smaller city called Victoria, located right beside Vancouver (on an island) which is a well-known tourist destination, you should visit it!


Réponse: a stranger or a foreigner de lethidee, postée le 08-04-2005 à 07:24:57 (S | E)
I'm preparing a trip to Vancouver for the next summer vacation in august and I'm very interested by the culture of Haidas Native that I discovered when I visited a great museum at Ottawa in 1990.
Can you tell me what you know about them ?
I'll visit the anthropological museum at Vancouver and after 3 or 4 days in the town I'll take a bus to go to Prince Rupert and then the Queen Charlotte Islands.
My time will be limited because I'll arrive from France the 2th of August and must to leave at the 24th.
I'll be alone and if people are interested by this trip, you're welcome.

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