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my summary
Message de sisterdrey posté le 27-04-2005 à 12:32:19 (S | E | F | I)

de m'aider à corriger mon résumé
ce serait super sympa de me donner un coup de pouce !!!
je suis très mauvaise en anglais et si je loupe la mention à mon master ca va être la galère!!!!!
Par contre je suis balèze en économie!
Edité par bridg le 27-04-2005 13:15
j'ai positionné votre sujet dessous

Réponse: my summary de sisterdrey, postée le 27-04-2005 à 12:49:55 (S | E)
de me le corriger

This is an article taken from The Economist and published on November 16th, 2002. It is a survey entitled “To Have and To Hold” and it concerns the French social system. The author begins by arguing that French people have an “extraordinary propensity to take to the streets”. The French social system is so particular and beneficial to the French therefore they go on strike to defend it.
The author’s point approaches the French social system which is one of the best in the world. However it needs to be reformed because it is unsustainable in the long run.
Firstly, the difficulties met by the French systems and their possible solutions will be dealt with. Secondary, social security system and its short comings will be focused on.

First, we are presented with the French social system, known as really efficient. The French pension system is called the system of “repartition”. It consists in linking generations i.e. today’s workers pay for today’s pensioners.

Nevertheless, demography harms this scheme. In fact very soon only one worker will contribute for one pensioner instead of two workers contributing for one pensioner as it is the case today. The contributions will be insufficient because there will not be enough social contributions deducted from salaries.

In addition, the social-security system has to cope with two main difficulties. The first is due to unemployment which leads to lower tax receipts. The second is growing health spending, which results mainly from the over precription of expensive drugs. The social-security deficit persists because, the taxes paid do not cover all the expenses.

Then the author introduces the differents reforms which have been suggested over the last five years.
As regard the “répartition” system, three solutions are presented in order to stop the deficit. French people have three alternatives: paying higher contributions, accepting lower pensions or letting the government raise the retirement age.
Concerning the social security system, several meausres have been taken to fight the deficit. The government has raised tobacco taxes and incites doctors to prescribe generic drugs because they are cheaper.

Finally, the real difficulty is reforming the French social system. The right to strike, social talks and the social rights added to the number of civil servants provide reforms difficult. The unions are powerfull in France. That is why ministers need courage to propose reforms.

To conclude, the author states that such reforms meet the reluctance of the workers who lose out in each case. As “France’s unions are politically and socially powerfull despite their numerical weakness”, it will be difficult to reform the schemes deeply.

Réponse: my summary de jardin62, postée le 27-04-2005 à 14:09:35 (S | E)
- The French social system is so particular to the French that they go on strike to defend it.
- [The author's point approaches the French social system] => sens?( je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire.
- First et non firstly
- (Si je vois où vous voulez en venir...)
First the author will develop the difficulties met by the French systems and the possible answers they will have to deal with.
Then, he will focus on the social security system and its shortcomings.

- prescription (faute de frappe sûrement)
- the different reformations /changes/ (pas de 's' aux adjectifs qui sont invariables)
- as regards
- presented ou given value to (mises en valeur)
- ...agreeing with the Government when they want to rise the age of retirement (to raise => éléver -des enfants- par exemple)
- the G. has increased tobacco taxes and ..
- the real difficulty dwells (réside) in reforming...
- If you add the right to go on strike to the number of social talks, all the social rights and the number of civil servants you understand how difficult it is to make changes. The French Unions are powerful that's why it requires courage to Ministers to undertake reformations.
- reformations
- ...workers who lose out each time in the end
- powerful (un seul l )

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