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Oral/Espaces et échanges

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Oral/Espaces et échanges
Message de mama25 posté le 21-05-2015 à 15:05:16 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je passe mon oral d'anglais bientôt et je voudrais vérifier que mes préparations sont bonnes, voici celle de la notion "Espace et Echanges".
Merci de votre aide.
ANGLAIS : Spaces and exchanges – Freedom of speech
Intro :

An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms : work exchanges, exchange of ideas, immigration, gap years… The space in this concept is the place where these discussions are proceeding as on the internet, on the televison or in public spaces. In this expression we specifically talk about the exchanging ideas with freedom of speech. It is defined as the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc. Pour le sujet à traité nous commencerons par présenter un exemple de cette liberté d'expression puis nous réfléchirons aux points positifs et négatifs de celle-ci.

I. Exemple
The Hyde Park was created in 1637. This park was the original site for the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the July, 20, 1982, two bombs were put and caused the death of 8 members of the Cavalry Reserve and 7 horses. In this park there is Speaker's Corner, a place of free expression, is situated at the north-east tip of Hyde Park, in London. Thanks to its particular history that includes many execution gallows, this place "Speaker's Corner" founded in 1872 is a place of free expression where everyone can speak freely in front of the audience of the moment so in front walkers. In an open space, it's easier to speak, especially in this park that many people are walking around and we will not necessarily recross another time in our lives, so wa can open up many subjects. It's a place of free expression where we can carry our voice to express what we think ; this is freedom of speech.

II. Positives
Freedom of expression is a fundamental freedom, one of the pillars of democracy, as such, it is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789. In the first place, we can say having a voice is necessary because it's necessary to say what we feel, no matter the subject. The importance is how we do it.
Consider the speech of Charlie Chaplin in the film "The Dictator". The didactic intention of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator seem obvious. Just review the speech that closes the film: it's clear that isn't only for soldiers represented by the film, but it speaks directly to all humanity, which is to then the public of Charlie Chaplin.Excluding situation or on the margins of the latter, the speech managed to suspend the film, to make us forget the anecdote.It seems that this speech goes far beyond the simple desire to give a lesson, it exceeds the same frame of the film to register as an exemplary gesture of the character of Charlot.Looking more closely at this sequence, wa can see Chaplin uses the same weapons as the propaganda of the dictatorships, it seeks at the same time to reveal adverse effects, he goes through the speech to show its limits and dangers.
So speak sometimes allows people to understand what is happening.

III. Negatives
However, freedom of expression doesn't always have positive impact. This freedom of speech nevertheless has limits because some words may hurt a person. Let's take the example of Cyberbullying, online harassment, sexting. The main risk faced by young social media users is cyberbullying phenomenon of using digital media to disseminate false, embarrassing or hostile on others. This phenomenon is destructive to those involved. People attack, insult other people and this can even lead to suicide, which is why freedom of expression isn't only positive.
It has limitations, and you must know them; at some point, be aware that the words I use or the ideas I expressed are violent.

Conclusion :
Freedom of expression has as roommate freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression but also respect for others. Freedom of speech can people to freely express their ideas with any means appropriate (ex ; book, film). However, this freedom also implies respect for others. Thus, about defamatory, racist, inciting racial hatred or murder are punishable by law. It includes limits to protect the rights of others (respect for private life, the right to the image, copyright).
Personally, I have miwed feeling about that because I think to express have one's voice is necessary but we must know the limits of this expression in order not to hurt the people who are listening.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-05-2015 15:23

Réponse: Oral/Espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 22-05-2015 à 11:39:34 (S | E)
-In today’s modern-day world:?
-The space: enlever THE.
- the exchanging ideas: the exchange of ideas.
- Pour le sujet à traité nous commencerons par présenter un exemple de cette liberté d'expression puis nous réfléchirons aux points positifs et négatifs de celle-ci: propose une traduction.

-I. Exemple: orthographe.
- The Hyde Park: pas de YHE
- and the July, 20, 1982: the 20th of July or on July 20th.
- a place of free expression, is situated: mettre un pronom relatif ou enlever IS.
- in this park that many people are walking around: pas le bon relatif.

- II. Positives
- Consider the speech: Let's consider.
-The didactic intention of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator seem obvious: conjugaison.
- it's clear that isn't only:où est le sujet de ISN'T.
- which is to then: ?
- Excluding situation or on the margins of the latter: ?
- wa can see Chaplin uses: using.
- So speak sometimes allows people to understand what is happening: speaking.

- III. Negatives
-sexting: ?
- It has limitations: limits.

-Conclusion :
any means appropriate: inverser l'ordre des mots.
-miwed: ?
- feeling: à mettre au pluriel.
- to express have one's voice: ?

Réponse: Oral/Espaces et échanges de mama25, postée le 22-05-2015 à 21:46:14 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, voici le résultat :

ANGLAIS : Spaces and exchanges – Freedom of speech
Intro :

An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In the modern day world these exchanges can take several forms : work exchanges, exchange of ideas, immigration, gap years… Space in this concept is the place where these discussions are proceeding as on the internet, on the televison or in public spaces. In this expression we specifically talk about the exchange of ideas with freedom of speech. It is defined as the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc. For the subject treated us begin by presenting an example of this freedom of expression then we reflect on the positives and negatives of it.

I. Example

Hyde Park was created in 1637. This park was the original site for the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the 20th of July, two bombs were put and caused the death of 8 members of the Cavalry Reserve and 7 horses. In this park there is Speaker's Corner, a place of free expression, situated at the north-east tip of Hyde Park, in London. Thanks to its particular history that includes many execution gallows, this place "Speaker's Corner" founded in 1872 is a place of free expression where everyone can speak freely in front of the audience of the moment so in front walkers. In an open space, it's easier to speak, especially in this park where many people are walking around and we will not necessarily recross another time in our lives, so we can open up many subjects. It's a place of free expression where we can carry our voice to express what we think ; this is freedom of speech.

II. Positives

Freedom of expression is a fundamental freedom, one of the pillars of democracy, as such, it is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789. In the first place, we can say having a voice is necessary because it's necessary to say what we feel, no matter the subject. The importance is how we do it.
Let's consider the speech of Charlie Chaplin in the film "The Dictator". The didactic intention of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator seems obvious. Just review the speech that closes the film: it's clear that addresses the troops represented in the film, but it speaks directly to all humanity. It seems that this speech goes far beyond the simple desire to give a lesson, it exceeds the same frame of the film to register as an exemplary gesture of the character of Charlot. Looking more closely at this sequence, we can see Chaplin using the same weapons as the propaganda of the dictatorships, it seeks at the same time to reveal adverse effects, he goes through the speech to show its limits and dangers.
So speaking sometimes allows people to understand what is happening.

III. Negatives

However, freedom of expression doesn't always have positive impact. This freedom of speech nevertheless has limits because some words may hurt a person. Let's take the example of Cyberbullying, or online harassment. The main risk faced by young social media users is cyberbullying phenomenon of using digital media to disseminate false, embarrassing or hostile on others. This phenomenon is destructive to those involved. People attack, insult other people and this can even lead to suicide, which is why freedom of expression isn't only positive.

It has limits, and you must know them; at some point, be aware that the words I use or the ideas I expressed are violent.

Conclusion :

Freedom of expression has as roommate freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression but also respect for others. Freedom of speech can people to freely express their ideas with any appropriate means (ex ; book, film). However, this freedom also implies respect for others. Thus, about defamatory, racist, inciting racial hatred or murder are punishable by law. It includes limits to protect the rights of others (respect for private life, the right to the image, copyright).
Personally, I have mixed feelings about that because I think to express his or her voice is necessary but we must know the limits of this expression in order not to hurt the people who are listening.


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