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Besoin d'un petit peu d'aide sv
Message de TOMAS posté le 28-09-2005 à 16:56:15 (S | E | F | I)

salut à tous je suis nouveau et j'ai petit problème de devoir
voilà j'ai un exposé à faire en anglais pour vendredi et je ss ne suis pas sur(e) que ce ke que j'ai fait soit complètement juste je ne suis pas encore bilingue donc j'aimerais pouvoir compter sur vous pour m'aider.

voilà mon exposé qui parle de l'histoire du rock depuis les années 50 j'espere ke que vous allez aimer et que vous aller réussir àcomprendre


At the begining of the XXe century in America evrybody liistened country, ( music form at 8 times) in particular the whites, Jimmie Rodger (1897 - 1933) was the best in this category. At even period the blacks listened Blues a music with a style to 12 times.
But nothing of revolutionnar...
To this day of 1954 where a young white boy name Elvis Aaron Presley alias Elvis Presley invented the ROCK; he just want to imite this Blacks idols.

All Right the rock 'n' roll found a name: Elvis and a capital: Memphis.
Somes Rhythm (entrainnant) and lyrics which speak essentially to Sex, le Rock found fast this public : principally youngs. But the rock 'n' roll isn't only a music, it's too a style, a style which consist for the boys to cap like Royal Cronw in "bananas", shirts at color sharp, trousers which stoped to knees. The look Jean's, Bascket, Tee-shirt, leather jacket lika John Travolta in Grease 'll come at the end to 50's and benging 60's .
In 1960 Elvis Presley leave at the army. During this lack the rock traversed until this arrived in England. (There low) this a group of boys (drôlement coiffé qui reprennent la relève) John Lennon, Paul Mc Cartney, George Harrison and Peter Best are th BEATLES. This "four boys in the wind" go to be in the top in 1961 with them new style: the pop-rock, until john lenon was muder the 8th december 1980...Nevertheless to day the beatles stay the faster seller in the story to music with 232 000 000 C.D. sold. to yours information Elvis is 27eme with 71 000 000 C.D. sold.
In 1967 the rock take a turn and become "Psychedelique" the Pink Floyd re-invent the rock; with the first album "The Piper At The Gates of Dawn" It'll be consider like the best psychedelique britsh album to 60's after the "Sgt Pepper's" from Beatles.
During 70's the rock'll go make baby's:
_The Hard Rock with groups like AC DC, The Doors, The Who etc ...
_The Glam Rock: is a rock very glamour and sequin, David Jones say David Bowie reprensent very well this style. Half man, half woman this (androgyme) 'll stay famous aurond the world with hits like ( let's dance, nature boy, china girl...)
_The Punk Rock (1976) with Sex Pistol, The punk rock is caracterise by a music faster and very bad playing moreover the lyrics are often censor
_The rock Electro (1978): with the arrival to computer and us discorver sounds like the famous "sweet dream".
After that the rock become Nil...It's in 1998, 10 years ago that it's re-become fashion grace group Nirvana and them famous Grungde, music which consist to cry strong in the micro... Nirvana die with his leader Kurt Cobain.
In 90's there is too the rock california with groups like SUN 41 or The Offspring...

To 1999 at 2002 NOTHING... and in 2003, it's the re-brigh; the styles are mix and the artists are younger like: Evanescence, Kyo or Avril Lavigne ...
The rock is a music wich express the (souffrance), we can remark that it's come essentially in period to crisis: In 50's with tensions enter Blacks and whites. To 1960 at 1975 with crisis economic of 11th september 2001

Edité par bridg le 28-09-2005 16:59
Bonjour Thomas. Sur le site merci d' écrire un français correct et non abrégé.

Réponse: besoin d'un petit peu d'aide sv de TOMAS, postée le 28-09-2005 à 17:15:53 (S | E)
ben écoute je vais essaillyer de faire des efforts....
au sinon pour mon exposé ????

Edité par traviskidd le 28-09-2005 19:24
ni un français trop long non plus!

Réponse: besion d'un petit peu d'aide sv de babyscot59, postée le 28-09-2005 à 17:27:12 (S | E)
At the begining of the XXe century in America evrybody liistened country, ( music form at 8 times) in particular the whites, Jimmie Rodger (1897 - 1933) was the best in this category. At the time the blacks listened toBlues a music with a style to 12 times.

But nothing of revolutionnary. On this day of 1954 when
a young white boy name Elvis Aaron Presley alias Elvis Presley invented Rock music he just wanted to imitate his black idols.
All Right the rock 'n' roll found a name: Elvis and a capital: Memphis.Some swinging Rhythm and lyrics which essentially spoke of SexRock quicklyfound its public
principally youngs. But the rock 'n' roll isn't only a music, it's too a style, a style which consists for the boys to cap like Royal Crown in "bananas", shirts at color sharp, trousers which stopped to knees. The look Jean's, Basket, Tee-shirt, leather jacket like John Travolta in Grease would come at the end to 50's and beginning of the 60's .In 1960 Elvis Presley left to join the army. During this lack the rock crossed the Atlantic and arrived in England. (There low) There a group of boys with a weird hair-dress resumed the development of Rock musicThis "four boys in the wind" went at the top in 1961 with them new style: the pop-rock, until john lenon was murdered on the 8th of december 1980...Nevertheless today the beatles remain the fastest seller in the story of music with 232 000 000 C.Ds. sold. According to the latest information Elvis is the 27th with 71 000 000 C.Ds. sold.In 1967 the rock take a turn and become "Psychedelique" the Pink Floyd re-invented Rock music; with the first album "The Piper At The Gates of Dawn" It'll be consider like the best psychedelique british album of the 60's after the "Sgt Pepper's" from THE Beatles.

In the 70's new bands appeared
Hard Rock with groups like AC DC, The Doors, The Who etc ...
_The Glam Rock: is a rock very glamour and sequin, David Jones says David Bowie represents very well this style. Half man, half woman this (androgynous) will stay famous aruond the world with hits like ( let's dance, nature boy, china girl...).

_The Punk Rock (1976) with Sex Pistol, The punk rock is caracterised by a faster music and very bad playing moreover the lyrics are often censored

The rock Electro (1978): with the arrival of computers and we discovered sounds like the famous "sweet dream".
After that Rock become Nil...It's in 1998, 10 years ago that it's re-becAme fashionable grace group Nirvana and them famous Grungde, music which consists in crying strongly in the micro... Nirvana die with his leader Kurt Cobain.
In 90's there is also the californian rock music with bands like SUN 41 or The Offspring...

To 1999 at 2002 NOTHING... and in 2003, it's the re-brigh; the styles are mixed and the artists are younger like: Evanescence, Kyo or Avril Lavigne ...

Rock music is a music wHich expressES sufferings, we can remark that it comes essentially in period to crisis: In 50's with tensions between Blacks and whites. To 1960 at 1975 with crisis economic of 11th september 2001

Attention à vos S à la troisième personne

Je pense qu'il n'y a plus de fautes, quoique.

Bon courage

Réponse: besoin d'un petit peu d'aide sv de TOMAS, postée le 28-09-2005 à 17:52:05 (S | E)
ah! super merçi énormément, au et sinon j'ai fait beaucoup de fautes ? si oui des fautes de quoi ?

Edité par bridg le 01-10-2005 22:27

Réponse: besoin d'un petit peu d'aide sv de babyscot59, postée le 29-09-2005 à 10:26:12 (S | E)
Les fautes de temps essentiellement. Il ne faut pas oublier que pour le récit, on utilise TOUJOURS prétérit. Deuxièmement, quand on parle de Musique, on ne met jamais d'article.

Réponse: besoin d'un petit peu d'aide sv de TOMAS, postée le 29-09-2005 à 13:06:42 (S | E)
ok beaucoup

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