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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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Le passif
Message de DRagon9 posté le 21-10-2005 à 16:51:10 (S | E | F | I)

Je ne comprends pas tout à fait cet(te) exercice. J'ai essayé mais je ne crois pas que c'est ce soit bon. Pouvez- vous m'aider.

Re-write in the passive (any number between brackets gives you the number of forms to be transformed in the same sentence. "2 ways" implies 2 different sentences)

1. What did they pay you for doing the job?
-What for doing the job they are payed you?

2. People expect that the brewers will lower the price of beer in the near future (2 ways).
-It's expected that the brewers will lower the price of beer in the near future.
-The brewers are expected to have lower the price of beer in the near future.

3. They gave me to understand that they would call on my services if they needed them (3 ways).
-I was given to understand that they would call on my services if they needed them.
-Je ne sais pas les 2 Autres manières.

4. They ought to have pointed that out to me at the very beginning.
-Je comprends pas.

5. The army authorities needn't have caused him so much distress by telling him that his brother had died in action (2 ways).
- Je ne comprends pas.

6. People said that the old man lived on oil and potatoes (2 ways)
- It's said that the old man lived on oil and potatoes.
- Je ne trouve pas la 2ème manières.

7. People admitted that the information had been obtained from unreliable sources (2 ways).
- It was admitted that the information had been obtained from unreliable sources.
- The information had been obtained were admitted from unreliable sources by people.

Edité par joy813 le 21-10-2005 16:56

Réponse: Le passif de jardin62, postée le 21-10-2005 à 17:46:55 (S | E)
Oui, mais en attendant que j'ai eu le temps de faire cette correction, je vous propose de vous remettre en tête de petites choses sur la forme passive :

- Formule :
=> (sujet passif) =be au temps voulu (= le même que celui de la phrase à l'actif) + participe passé du verbe de la phrase active.

Exemple :
-> Actif : They have taken me to the doctor's.
-> Passif :
* Me devient le sujet passif = I
* La phrase active est au present perfect (je ne sais pas si vous reconnaissez vos temps ?) : le verbe de la phrase active est 'take' = 'have taken'
* 'be' sera donc au present perfect (si vous avez suivi mon raisonnement de départ...) = have been
* Le participe passé du verbe restera 'taken'

Conclusion : I have been taken to the doctor's.

A tout à l'heure.

Réponse: Le passif de ourimba, postée le 21-10-2005 à 18:29:10 (S | E)
Some of these are pretty tough. I'll give it a try...

1. What did they pay you for doing the job?
-How much were you paid by them for doing the job?

2. People expect that the brewers will lower the price of beer in the near future (2 ways).
-It's expected that the price of beer will be lowered in the near future.
- It's expected that in the near future, the price of beer will be reduced by the bewers

3. They gave me to understand reason to believe that they would call on my services if they needed them (3 ways).
- I was made to understan that my services would be called upon if needed.
- I was led to believe that my services would be requested as required
- I was given the impression that my services would be asked for if necessary

4. They ought to have pointed that out to me at the very beginning.
- I should have been told about that at the beginning

5. The army authorities needn't have caused him so much distress by telling him that his brother had died in action (2 ways).
- The amount of distress he was subjected to by the army was unnecessary
- It wasn't necesary for him to be so distressed by the army authorities

6. People said that the old man lived on oil and potatoes (2 ways)
- It was said that oil and potatoes kept the man alive
- It was said that oil and potatoes were the only things eaten by the old man

7. People admitted that the information had been obtained from unreliable sources (2 ways).
- The unreliable sources of the information were admitted to by the people.
- The fact that the information sources were unreliable was admitted to by the people

Edité par ourimba le 21-10-2005 18:34

Réponse: Le passif de jardin62, postée le 21-10-2005 à 18:43:09 (S | E)
D'abord...laissez-moi vous dire que je vous plains si vous n'avez pas une parfaite maîtrise des temps si vous avez du mal à repérer les deux objets du verbe actif...Bref ! Au travail !

1- objet = you / devient sujet passif
What were you paid for doing the job ? ( la phrase active est au prétérit, 'be' est au prétérit + participe passé de 'pay' => 'paid' )

2- objet (a) : the brewers / (b) the price
1ère façon :
- The brewers are expected to lower the price of beer in the near future (by the people => ceci ne me paraît pas nécessaire mais ...)
2ème façon :
- The price of the beer is expected to be lowered by the brewers in the near future ( là je laisse tomber 'the people', je n'ajoute pas en plus 'by the people' : la phrase pèserait des tonnes !)

3- objet (a) me (b) my services (c) them qui deviendra 'they' au passif puisqu'il sera sujet.
1ère façon :
- La vôtre : I was given ...
2ème façon :
- They gave me to understand that my services would be called on if they needed them.
3ème façon :
- They gave me to understand that they would call on my services if they were needed.

4- a) that b) me qui deviendra 'I' au passif (sujet)
1ère façon :
- That ought to have been pointed out to me at the very beginning
2ème façon :
- I ought to have been pointed that out at the very beginning

5- a) him b) so much distress
1ère façon :
- He needn't have been caused so much distress by the authorities telling him that his brother had died in action.
2ème façon :
- So much distress needn't have been caused to him by the authorities telling him that his brother had died in action.
Ou :
- He needn't have been told by the authorities that his brother had died in action ...mais il manque un morceau important de la phrase, alors...

6- a) the old man b) on
1ère façon :
- The old man is said to have lived on oil and potatoes
2ème façon :
- la vôtre

7- a) the information b) on
1ère façon :
- That the information had been obtained from unreliable source was admitted (by the people).
2ème façon
- la vôtre

J'espère que vous réussirez à comprendre que dans ces phrases - complexes - on peut prendre un objet ou un autre et en faire le sujet de la forme passive : tout dépend de l'éclairage que l'on veut donner.
Je prends un exemple et je vous laisse :

Phrase 3 :
a) I was given ...= C'est moi (I) qui suis désigné/ On m'a fait comprendre ...
b) my services = on ne s'intéresse pas à moi en tant que personne mais à 'mes services' => services would be called on...
c) them => they = si on avait besoin d'eux (they = sujet) (= de ces services-là)

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