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Bangkok cover letter=>correction)
Message de babysarah1981 posté le 21-03-2006 à 21:10:01 (S | E | F | I)

Je postule à un stage à Bangkok dans une organisation internationale, c'est une opportunité très importante pour moi, du coup je n'ai pas arrêté de retourner dans tous les sens ma cover letter, au point que j'ai peut-être voulu en faire trop dans la formulation, et sans doute fait pas mal de fautes de grammaires (surtout sur les prépositions, et autres...).

Je serais vraiment très reconnaissante à la personne qui accepterait d'y jeter un coup d'oeil histoire de corriger les erreurs d'anglais que j'ai pu faire, je suis ouverte aussi à toute proposition pour son amélioration. Mais c'est surtout d'une correction dont j'ai besoin car je sais que je n'obtiendrai jamais de stage si je n'envoie pas une lettre impeccable.

Merci d'avance
I write to you in order to postulate for an internship for the summer to come. I would sincerely like to have the possibility of working during several weeks within (nom de l’organisation) in particular in the fields of (domaines d'activités de l'organisation) *** or ***. I am indeed very interested by the international stakes which these fields represent, and I would like to benefit from the challenge and the undeniable experiment which would be granted to me while working in your organization.

As you can see it on my herewith enclosed resume, I am a French woman who graduate the University of the *** in Paris, with a DEA (Master) in international law, and I am currently enrolled in a Master of public international law at the University of Montreal, where I follow courses such as Law of minorities or Sovereignty and globalization, in which I lean more particularly on cultural diversity. I control the aspects as well private as public of the international law, but my competences do not limit to that. Indeed, during my various professional experiences, I acquired a great capacity of organization, work and implementation practical as of my knowledge: I had the chance to have been able to work as well in France, as in Turkey, in the USA and Peru, very often in team, which enabled me to acquire a great capacity of adaptation, initiative and opening.

I am ready to invest fully, I am not afraid to confront me with problems or new stakes, I will gain there on the contrary even more experiment and knowledge. I am certain to bring to you in return much of good mood and enthusiasm, but especially a true contribution to ***. If that is possible for you, I would like to make my internship for 8 weeks duration, from June 5 to July 28, but I remain opened to the possibility of other dates if those are not appropriate to you.

Do not hesitate to contact me for any other information that would be necessary for you,

Thank you in advance for the attention you will have agreed to give to me.

Sarah ***
Modifié par bridg le 22-03-2006 05:46

Réponse: I need help: lettre en anglais... de smonin, postée le 21-03-2006 à 22:10:21 (S | E)
Voici quelques changements et corrections que je te propose :

Dear X:

I am writing in order to apply for an internship for the coming summer. I would sincerely enjoy the possibility of working for several weeks with (nom de l’organisation) in particular in the fields of (domaines d'activités de l'organisation) *** or ***. I am indeed very interested in the international stakes which these fields represent, and I would like to benefit from the challenge and the undeniable experience I would gain while working in your organization.

As you can see on the enclosed resume, I am a graduate of the University of the *** in Paris, with a DEA (Masters) in international law. I am currently enrolled in a Masters program of public international law at the University of Montreal, where I take courses such as law and minorities and sovereignty and globalization, which has provided me with a broader view of cultural diversity. I have a full understanding of both private and public international law, though my skills are not limited to that field. Indeed, through my various professional experiences, I have acquired organizational skills that are just as necessary in my profession. I have also had the opportunity to work outside of France, particularly in Turkey, the United States, and Peru, very often as part of a team. These experiences have made me more adaptable and borad-minded and have provided me with a sense of initiative.

I am ready to invest fully and I am not afraid to confront problems or to take on new challenges. I see both as opportunities to gain even more experience and skills. I know that I will offer you, in addition to my abilities, my enthusiasm and my positive thinking, and that I will be able to make a meaningful contribution to ***.

If possible, I would like to work during the 8 weeks from June 5 to July 28. However, I remain open to the possibility of other dates if these dates are not convenient.

Please contact me for any other information that you might need regarding my application,


Réponse: I need help: lettre en anglais... de babysarah1981, postée le 22-03-2006 à 04:51:43 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, j'ai changé quelques phrases, le résultat est-il bon?

Dear ***:

I am writing in order to apply for an internship for the coming summer. I would sincerely enjoy the possibility of working for several weeks with (nom de l’organisation) in particular in the fields of (domaines d'activités de l'organisation) *** or ***. I am indeed very interested in the international stakes which these fields represent, and I would like to benefit from the challenge and the undeniable experience I would gain while working in your organization.

As you can see on the enclosed resume, I am a graduate of the University of the *** in Paris, with a DEA (Master) in international law. I am currently enrolled in a Master program of public international law at the University of Montreal, where I take courses such as law and minorities and sovereignty and globalization, in which I work more precisely on the cultural diversity. I have a full understanding of both private and public international law, though my skills are not limited to that field. Indeed, through my various professional experiences, I have acquired a great capacity of involvement and organization , and also a lot of adaptability. I have also had the opportunity to work outside of France, particularly in Turkey, the United States, and Peru, very often as part of a team. These experiences have made me more flexible and board-minded, and have provided me with a very good sense of initiative.

I am ready to invest fully and I am not afraid to confront problems or to take on new challenges. I see both as opportunities to gain even more experience and skills. I know that I will offer you, in addition to my abilities, my enthusiasm and my positive thinking, and that I will be able to make a meaningful contribution to ***.

If possible, I would like to work during the 8 weeks from June 5 to July 28. However, I remain open to the possibility of other dates if these dates are not convenient.

Please contact me for any other information that you might need regarding my application,

Thanking you for your attention,


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