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Vocabulary quiz 'P words 2'.
Message de marit64 posté le 22-03-2006 à 22:14:10 (S | E | F | I)

Hi everybody!

Find the words beginning with the letter "P".

1- What "P word" means a bird or animal that is hunted by other birds or animals for food? ..............
2- It's a small lake or pool. ...............
3- What do you call a drug which lessens or removes pain? ...............
4- This word means a doll that can be moved by wires, or by putting the hand inside the body. ................
5- Which word could you use instead of promise? ...............
6- If you make someone worried or anxious, you ............... him.
7- This "P word" means a large belly. ..............
8- A word meaning a talk intended to arouse enthusiasm, or to make people work harder, better etc. ................
9- What do you call the state of being a parent? ................
10- It's a room for storing food. ................

Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
Have a nice week!
So long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'P words 2'. de good_doggy, postée le 23-03-2006 à 10:31:15 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1 Prey.
2 Paddling pool.
3 Painkiller.
4 Puppet.
5 Pledge.
6 Plague.
7 Paunch.
8 Press.
9 Paternity.
10 Pantry.

Thank you very much Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'P words 2'. de mp27, postée le 23-03-2006 à 11:12:49 (S | E)
Hello marit64!

1. a prey.
2. a pond.
3. a pain killer.
4. a puppet.
5. a pledge.
6. to panic?
7. a paunch.
8. a pep talk
9. parenthood.
10. the pantry.
Thanks a lot!

Modifié par mp27 le 25-03-2006 10:53 I think that the answer to 6) might be to perturb

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'P words 2'. de marrina, postée le 25-03-2006 à 20:50:23 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

2. wading pool
3. painkiller
4. puppet
5. pledge
6. plague
7. paunch
8. pepe uo
9. parentage
10. pantry

thank Marit for the exercises.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'P words 2'. de sandrineg, postée le 26-03-2006 à 16:37:04 (S | E)
1- What "P word" means a bird or animal that is hunted by other birds or animals for food? ..............
2- It's a small lake or pool. ...............
3- What do you call a drug which lessens or removes pain? ...............
4- This word means a doll that can be moved by wires, or by putting the hand inside the body. ................
5- Which word could you use instead of promise? ...............
6- If you make someone worried or anxious, you ............... him.
7- This "P word" means a large belly. ..............
8- A word meaning a talk intended to arouse enthusiasm, or to make people work harder, better etc. ................
Prompt (to)
9- What do you call the state of being a parent? ................
Pregnant ?
10- It's a room for storing food. ................

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'P words 2'. de marit64, postée le 29-03-2006 à 23:04:25 (S | E)
Hi everyone!

for your hard work! You're my

Here are the answers:

1- prey (proie) 2- pond (mare, étang) 3- painkiller (calmant)
4- puppet (marionnette) 5- pledge (promesse, parole)
6- perturb (inquiéter, perturber) 7- paunch (bedaine)
8- pep-talk (discours d'encouragement) 9- parenthood (paternité, maternité)
10- pantry (garde-manger).

for your participation!
So long,

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