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vérification de rapport
Message de deglingo37 posté le 07-06-2006 à 18:49:34 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous,
Je souhaiterais de l'aide, j'ai réalisé un rapport de stage en anglais et j'aimerais savoir quelles sont les améliorations à y apporter.

This present work is carried out with the aim of obtain my degree at the XXX of xxx. It presents the work placement which I realised in the XXX Company, a subsidiary of XXX Group.
This report will be divided into three sections:
In the first part, I will present an overview of the XXX Group (creation, branch of industry, direction etc.). Then I will describe the XXX Company, to finish with the XXX agency of xxx.
In the second part, I will speak of my mission witch is to conceive a software allowing the administrative service and the sales department to carry out current operations.
In the last part, I will give my impressions and explain what I learnt.

Part 1: Positioning of the XXX agency of Tours in the XXX Group
A- Presentation of the XXX Group
XXX was created in 1996, following the merger of XXX (country) and XXX (country), two leading personnel service firms with complementary geographical profiles.
Today, XXX is the world leader in human resource solutions, with a service offering that includes temporary and contract staffing, outsourcing, permanent recruitment, outplacement and career services, training and consulting.
The chairman and executive director, XXX, was appointed on November xxx.
With 6600 offices in 70 countries and 33,000 worldwide employees, the company is well positioned to serve its customers, whether it is for large global clients or small local business partners.
In 2005, XXX Group reaches a turnover of 18.3 billions euros with a net income of 453 million.

B- Presentation of the XXX Company
1 – Creation and development
The XXX Group was founded in xxx in Paris in the shape of a private limited company. It is purchased in xxx and becomes one of the subsidiaries of the XXX Group.
Since, it developed through France and nowadays the XXX Group is made up of 12 agency established through France. Each agency functions in an autonomous way.
2 – Branch of industry
The XXX Group is specialized in the vocational training; it organizes training courses covering various fields:
Communication, management
languages and translation
office automation and data processing
prevention of the occupational hazards, safety

C- Presentation of the XXX Agency of xxx
Created in xxx, the agency has 660 square meters of office and forming shop; and approximately 2,000 square meters of warehouse. The agency is composed of eleven full-time people, but also of many free-lance trainers. (when the number of formation is too much important)
At the top of the organization chart, we find Mister XXX witch is the director of establishment (and my placement tutor). He has to develop the activities of the Novitec group in his area and to manage his team.
The assistants of the agency, XXX and XXX, are charged to carry out the administrative management of the establishment. (Print of convocations, conventions, etc.)
Mr. XXX is responsible teaching, he need to control the formations and the trainers.
Mr. XXX brings to the customers councils and information on the formations.
Mrs XXX is responsible for the development, she is charged to find new customers and to maintain the relations with the existing customers.

Part 2: design of software of administrative and commercial management

My mission for this training course is to conceive an Access application witch allows to replace the current tools and to carry out the whole of the administrative and commercial tasks.
In order to carry out this mission, I must follow several objectives:
Currently, the data are recorded up to four times, my main goal is thus to rationalize the recording of the data so that this one is done only once.
Then, it is necessary to classify the data according to their natures. (Data concerning client, formation, kind of formation, trainer etc.)
After having recorded the data, they must be used to print the necessary documents to each formation. (To print an estimate, a convention etc.)
Finally, the database must allow the print of statistics. (Sales turnover of the year, table of gross margin etc.)

It is also necessary to take account of some constraints in the creation of this tool:
Each agency must give an account of its work to the general direction, it is thus necessary to allow the export of the database under Excel; the software witch is currently used.
Then, each recorded operation must be able to be removed or modified.
Lastly, it is necessary to try to carry out a coherent data base so that it can evolve.

Part 3: conclusions and assessment of the training course
The realization of this training course brings much satisfaction to me.
At the human level:
The creation of this software obliges me to discuss with the future users (to know their waitings, their needs). That enables me to improve on the level of the communication.

At the technical level:
I must carry out complete software. Moreover, it is a consequent project which must be considered at the national level. That enables me to have a global vision of programming.
It is a difficult project to realize on the technical level because I must manage a great number of particular cases: I am obliged to use the whole of my knowledge in computer science.
The absence of a data processing specialist in the company also allowed me to develop my autonomy.
Finally, the realization of this project leaves the strictly teaching context of the various software I already made. Indeed, a professional dimension comes to be grafted and it is necessary to take care of particular to ergonomics, the presentation and the accessibility of the program.

Modifié par bridg le 07-06-2006 18:54
Retrait des noms des sociétés et de certaines dates.
Retrait des identités !!! Pensez-vous que ces personnes seraient contentes de trouver leurs noms et fonctions sur Internet?



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